Survivor Fanon Wiki
"Welcome to the Jungle"
Season Survivor: Kenya
Author User:Wafflefreak
Episode Number 1
Episode Chronology
Previous none
Next Girl Power

This is the first episode of Survivor: The Jungles of Kenya


Reward/Immunity Challenge: Pass The Bucket
Castaway must retrieve lake water with a bucket and throw to a tribemate. The final tribe member must catch the water itself in another bucket, and use it to fill a jar. The tribes must repeat this until they have enough weight in their jar to lower it to the ground, sending a lit flame up to a fire tower.


Day 1[]

It's a humid morning deep within the dense Kenyan wilderness, with the new days dew sparkling all over the vegetation. The sound of birds, gorillas, and flying beetles can all be heard near and far. However this morning a new sound is filling the air, the small hum of an engine. Four beat up 4x4 jeeps come barreling down a small, overgrown dirt road. These jeeps carrying 16 Americans about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

We are literally flying down these roads. They're small, they're bumpy as hell, everyone in the jeep is just bouncing all around, clunking heads, and I absolutely love it. I'm so excited, game on baby!


The jeeps quickly come to an opening in the trees, revealing a huge field. Each vehicle skids to a stop side by side, and the castaways all pile out and into a straight line. Everyone is quick to look up and down at everyone else now that they've been given their first real chance to size up their competition. In front of them stands Jeff Probst. He welcomes them to Survivor: The Jungles of Kenya, and they all erupt into applause.

Y'know, this is where it gets real. We're here giving each other the once over, immediately some people stick out like sore thumbs. This one guy, tall, dark hair, crooked nose (Brock), he carries himself with a lot of confidence. He could be very dangerous moving forward.


Jeff informs them that they're about to stay in one of the harshest terrains on the planet, and suggests they all mentally prepare for the hardships ahead. Jeff then announces he needs 3 volunteers.

I'm all about controlling my own fate, so that's why when Jeff asked for 3 volunteers I knew I had to be one of them. I left 2 beautiful kids and a wonderful husband back home to be here, I'm not about to put myself into a position where I'm not in control.


Corinne's hand quickly shoots up, followed by a sea of others. Jeff calls ahead Corinne, Rachael, and Dan as the three who had raised their hands the quickest. The three leave the line and join Jeff standing in front of everyone else. Jeff places his hand on Rachael's shoulder as she is the one standing closest to him, and says that these are the castaways in charge of picking the game's tribes. Excitement quickly lights up the twelve people who are still standing in line. However Jeff reveals that they'll have the night to think about who they'll pick, and that everyone will be spending the night in the field, with the jeeps to raid for supplies. Jeff leaves and the castaways quickly get to work, no doubt trying to prove their worth for tribe selection.

Game on. This is no doubt where the subtle things you do have the chance to highly impact you for the rest of the game. First impressions are so important.


While gathering supplies from the vehicles, Brock suggests that they just spend the night in the jeeps themselves, as the field wont be their permanent camp. Everyone quickly agrees and they get started on a fire nearby. Lynsie struggles with the flint, and Brock comes to her assistance to quickly get it going.

This Brock guy seems to be leading the charge at this point. He's definitely going to be an asset to whichever tribe he's chosen for, so I'm really hoping I can pick him for mine. Being designated as a picker might not have been the best idea on my behalf, I'm worried I could be seen as a leader and sent home because of it. Therefore if I can nab Brock, he could take the leader role from me.


Lynsie, Nessa, and Rachael cook up some rice and beans for everyone's first supper, and they all enjoy laughing and getting to know one another. All knowing it'll probably be the last time to have an easy going night enjoying each others company.

We're all just having a genuinely good time. I think we'd all be lying if we said there wasn't a little bit of strategy involved in the socialization and what we're revealing, but it just feels like a bunch of friends out camping.


Both Daryl and Dan share with the group the fact that they're gay. While Corinne, Dong, Esther, and Dana all talk about the fact that they have kids. Perhaps the highlight of it all was Shaun, as he revealed to the group that he has Alopecia Areata.

Alopecia is a condition where hair is lost from parts, or as in my case, my entire body. I can't grow hair, I don't even have eyelashes. Kids are mean, of course I was bullied for it. In fact that's a huge reason as to why I'm here today. Who on earth is in the public eye with this condition? Nobody. It makes me feel good that I have come so far with my own self worth that I am comfortable putting myself out there like this, so all the kids at home can see someone just like themselves, and see that we're not actually freaks.


I think it's great what he stands for, but this is Survivor not a charity. So I'll have absolutely no mercy for him just because he's bald.


As the sun begins to go down Corinne, Dan, and Rachael decide it would be in their best interests to sit down and talk about who's picking who. They wander off to the edge of the field, and sit in the tall, brown grass with their legs crossed.

Corinne (fidgeting to get comfortable): Okay so obviously with 15 of us, and 3 tribe leaders, each of us is going to have the chance to pick 4 different people.

Rachael (cutting into Corinne's sentence): Yeah, and honestly I know we're competing for the strongest team, but I really don't think this has to get ugly.

Back home I've competed in sports my whole entire life, I'm in college right now on a basketball scholarship. I know when it comes to the game I can compete and I can hang in there with the toughest of the guys. However I am a nice girl, and I know nice doesn't always cut it in a situation like this. I really just hope that people like me, and that they don't try to use my kindness and trust to their advantage.


Dan: I have my eye on Brock, I like his work ethic and I'd really appreciate it if you two ladies would let me have him.

Rachael: That's fine, I mean what we could even do is just all claim at least one person as our own right now. Putting it out there now, I'd really like both Nessa and Daryl.

These two are treating this as if it's elementary school gym class and we're making sure the teams are fair and equal. That's not how this works! I didn't leave home for nothing, I want a strong team and if I have to make someone a little mad in the process, then so be it!


The golden sky quickly turns black as the sun drops below the horizon. Along with the sun, the temperatures soon drop too. The castaways huddle into their jeeps in attempts to sleep and stay warm. In the furthest jeep right, Johnathan stares out the window in awe of the night sky. Growing up in New York city his entire life, he has never had the opportunity to see so many bright stars.

Neglecting the prize money, it truly is a gift to be here. Something like that sky isn't something just anyone can admire on the regular, y'know? I know I'm not the most athletic guy in the game, I've been the bigger guy my entire life. It's always held me back. Gym class, dating, even from having friends. I am so thankful to be here and I really hope I can prove to these people that I'm more than just a belly. I want to be here so badly, and that sky is just one of the many reasons as to why.


Day 2[]

Night quickly turns to dusk, which turns to dawn, as sun rises high and mighty into the sky. Everyone is up early as the temperatures rise quickly, making it unbearable to stay in the locked up stuffy jeeps to sleep. The castaways stretch and yawn, they are finally starting to feel as though they're on Survivor. Their teeth feel fuzzy, their faces oily, they're starting to feel like true castaways.

I feel effing disgusting.


I don't think I slept at all last night.


Jeff shows up at camp, and everyone gathers together back into a line. Corinne, Rachael, and Dan are called forward once again. Jeff tells everyone to prepare as he is about to drop the first twist on them. A mutual, "Oooh", is shared among the crowd as some worried looks sweep across their faces. He explains that as the first two, to raise their hands, Corinne and Rachael will be the designated tribe pickers. As the third to raise his hand, Dan will decide which girl will be able to pick first. Dan's head drops as he hears the news. "One more thing", says Jeff, and he explains that Corinne will be picking Rachael's tribe, and Rachael will be picking Corinne's. Jeff breaks the news that with 15 people, the castaway who doesn't get chosen for a tribe will be leaving the game for good. Lynsie drops her head into her hands, she knows that with little to go on, something like her poor performance with the flint yesterday could cost her. Johnathan too also looks visibly worried.

It's tricky, but since we all talked about who we wanted yesterday I don't think this'll throw too big of a wrench into things.


Jeff instructs Corinne to stand on the orange mat, and tells her she'll be the first member of the Luhya tribe. While Rachael is told to go to the red mat, and that she'll be the first member of the Elgon tribe. He then throws both ladies a bag full of their respective tribal colored buffs. Dan is then asked who he'd like to let choose first, and he selects Rachael. "Alright", she says as she puts her hands together and picks Brock from the crowd and sends him to Corinne's mat. Corinne then chooses Dong and sends him to Rachael. Corinne then receives Stephen, while Rachael gets Johnathan.

It quickly became apparent to me what she was doing, she was disregarding everything I had told her yesterday, and she was trying to load me up with the weaker competitors. I can play that game too!


Luhya Tribe: Corinne, Brock, Stephen, Esther, Dana, Dan
Elgon Tribe: Rachael, Dong, Johnathan, Lynsie, Nessa, Natally

Jedediah, Daryl, Libby, and Shaun are left. Two will be chosen while two will be eliminated. Rachael sends Daryl to Luhya tribe. Corinne sizes the three up, and clicks her mouth as she thinks. She sighs and apologizes for what she's about to do to two of them, then instructs Shaun to join the Elgon tribe. Jedediah and Libby are left standing alone, it's clear by their body language they're uncomfortable and disappointed. Everyone leaves their tribal mats and rush to give both of them hugs, and to say their goodbyes. Afterwords Jeff dismisses them, and Jedediah and Libby leave inside one of the jeeps as it drives away.

Jeff gives both tribes maps to their camps, and they are instructed to leave through opposing sides of the field. As the two groups split and walk away, Corinne looks over to Rachael. Rachael points to her and says, "not cool", Corinne looks down and continues to walk away.


The sun is dead in the center of the sky, and the heat is scorching. Bugs buzz through the air, and the birds are chasing one another throughout the trees. The Luhya tribe emerges from the thick jungle brush into their designated camp space. A quick scope of the area reveals a clearing, perfect for their shelter, and a vague trail leading down to a small swampy lake.

I honestly cannot complain about our camp. We have an over abundance of wood, a natural clearing which is perfect for our common area, and even a source of water to cool our body temperatures in. Granted it's disgusting, but give it a few days I'm sure we'll be so desperate for a dip we wont care.


Standing with her hands on her hips, Corinne scopes out the area.

Unfortunately, Jedediah was just a victim of circumstance. He wouldn't have been a great asset to any team, but he wouldn't have been the weakest either. Ultimately he just fell in the middle of myself and Rachael trying to weaken each other.


There are no surprises as Brock quickly takes on the leadership role. He calls the tribe together as they come up with their game plan. Dana voices her opinion that they put the shelter off to the side of the clearing, to maintain most of the space for themselves. Brock suggests that Corinne, Dan, and Daryl gather wood while himself, and Stephen build the actual shelter. Brock then appoints Dana and Esther to start a fire, boil water, and prepare some food for everyone. Corinne, Dan, and Daryl disappear into the woods, while Brock and Stephen begin to hack down some of the trees and bushes in their way. Esther and Dana quickly begin work on the fire.

Esther (as she looks up from striking the flint to make eye contact with Dana): I find this very telling. Brock decides that himself and Stephen should make the shelter, he obviously sees them as the strongest here. Corinne, Dan, and Daryl are getting wood so they must fall in the middle. I just think it's funny that of everyone Brock decides the two older women should make fire, and food.

Dana: Oh yeah divisions like that, to me, just make it oh so clear who'll be on the outs when it comes time for the vote.

I knew coming into this that being older would hinder me right away. First impressions are always based on appearances, and just because I'm the second oldest on my team all I'm deemed good for is cooking and boiling their water. I've spent probably half my life in the woods, I love to camp and I know more than anyone what I'm doing. I could've created a shelter ten times better than what Brock will be able to put together. But if I'm appointed as their servant than you know what? I think I'll just keep my knowledge to myself.


Esther: We'd be stupid to not try and get something going ourselves. We could easily pull in Corinne, I think if they tried to pick us off they'd go for her afterwords.

Dana: Oh without a doubt, I just don't know if we could pull in one of the guys.

Esther: We could get Dan, Daryl's a question mark, but for sure Dan would fall into the older and weaker category too. These young buck think we're just here as tokens, but I say the first time we go to tribal, we'll show 'em who they're against.

Meanwhile in the woods, Dan, Daryl, and Corinne are chopping down small trees to use for the structure of the shelter. As they walk along, Dan continues to pick up some smaller twigs that had fallen on the ground for their fire.

(He says with a laugh) I'm terrified that I'm going to pick up something and reveal a big scary bug! This is not my enviroment at all! I'm a gay city boy who's never been camping in his life. My partner encouraged me to apply for the show and said I needed the adventure. I'm a very uptight, clean person and that's the way I like it. I guess this experience will be good for me to break out of my shell and deal with my anxiety. That is if it doesn't kill me!



The Elgon tribe arrives to their camp and are quick to drop everything to the ground.

Most of my team was drenched in their own sweat and exhausted from hiking and carry the small amount of supplies to our camp. We're going to struggle. Corinne screwed us, and it's completely unfair. I know what she was trying to do, but if anything I think she just hurt herself by being way too agressive, way too early.


Johnathan is especially having trouble. Terrified of being looked at as the weak link, he tries to control his breathing to avoid the huge gasps of air he so desperately wants to take in. Johnathan looks over to Dong, the oldest guy in the competition, to see that even he is holding up better than himself.

I want to be here so badly, and it already feels like an uphill battle. I'm going to try so hard, because I want this more than anything! More than anyone else here! If I have to suffer through the discomfort of saying I'm fine when in reality I feel like I'm dying on the inside, so be it.


Johnathan is quick to show off his smile and sense of humor to his tribe mates in attempts to lighten the mood, and let everyone enjoy themselves.

Lets face it, I'm no Brad Pitt. My strategy is to use my personality and my humor to hopefully buy me some time in this game.


Elgon gets to work on their camp construction, but they are no where near as organized as their opponents, Luhya. Natally is quick to complain. First about the heat, and then about her hunger.

Nessa: Where the f^@! is Natally?

In the midst of all their hard work, Natally had wandered off without any notice.

I think that the fact she left and nobody noticed, just goes to show how much she was contributing.

–Nessa (on Natally's disappearance)

I'm not the most outdoorsy girl, I proved that yesterday with the flint. So Natally pulling this stunt definitely helps to make me feel more secure with my place within the tribe.

–Lynsie (On Natally)

Nessa: Natally!?

After a second, Natally responds to her name being called, and then reappears from the direction of the river.

Natally: I'm sorry guys, It's just really hot so I decided to just dip my feet into the water for a second or two.

Nessa: Okay well.. just next time let us know. Everyone's really hot, we just need to get this done.

Nessa then instructs Natally to join Dong with patching the roof of the half completed shelter.

I wanted to be like, 'what the f^@! are you thinking?!', but I'm not about to be that girl. The team already sees the faults in her, and so I'm not going to paint myself in a bad light just because she provokes frusteration in me.


She's a pretty girl, you can just tell she's lived the luxurious life. I don't necessarily think she's cut out for this game.

–Rachael (on Natally)

Johnathan can do nothing but grin as he knows this could be his salvation.

Day 3[]

Reward/Immunity Challenge[]

Jeff Probst: Welcome to your first Immunity Challenge! It's called Pass The Bucket, in which you must retrieve lake water with a bucket and throw to a tribemate. The final tribe member must catch the water itself in another bucket, and use it to fill a jar. The tribes must repeat this until they have enough weight in their jar to lower it to the ground, sending a lit flame up to a fire tower. If you're the first tribe to do so you'll win immunity, be safe from tribal council, and take home reward. Want to know what you're playing for?

Castaways: Yeah!

Jeff Probst (as he unvails the reward beneath a cover): Canned foods! Beans, corn, and tomato sauce. No doubt it'll make your lives out here a little easier. Lets draw for spots.

-After the challenge-

Jeff Probst: Elgon wins Immunity! Luhya you have a date with me tonight at tribal council, where one of the seven of you will be going home. You have the afternoon to think about it, head on out.

It's total pay back for Corinne's little stunt. We got a challenge that didn't rely on physical strength and kicked ass. I think it's poetic justice.


As much as it sucks, I think we do have some dead weight that we can afford to get rid of. It'll be interesting to see how tonight pans out.



Returning to camp, the tribe's moral is low. After being teased with the canned foods, the castaways can really feel the emptiness in the pits of their stomachs.

I'm trying not to think about it, it's truly a game of mind over matter out here.


Losing out here, especially the very first challenge, is an awful feeling. However I know that we do have a physically stronger tribe, therefore we'll win eventually. They can't run from losing forever.


Brock pulls Stephen off to the side, just beyond some brush, out of sight from those at camp.

Brock: So for tonight, what were you thinking?

Stephen: I'd hate to say it man, she's a really nice lady but Esther is the obvious choice.

Don't get me wrong, I do like Esther, but she's not exactly in here prime. I don't think that she'll have much to contribute moving forward.


Stephen: If I had to blame anyone I'd say that Dan did lose us the challenge, but that Esther would be more of a liability moving forward.

Brock: Yeah man I totally agree. I'd hate to do it, but it's the name of the game.

The two bump their fists to solidify their decision, and make a quick return to camp before anyone notices that they had gone missing.

Tonight is a straight forward vote, I don't think there'll be any surprises. I don't even think Esther will be surprised by the outcome.


Dana and Esther excuse themselves to go to fetch some water in order to boil some rice before heading to tribal council. After walking a little ways down the overgrown path, Esther looks back to ensure they're out of sight, then proceeds to talk to Dana about the upcoming vote.

Esther (counting her fingers): Okay so.. we need 4 votes for the majority. If we can pull in Dan and Corinne, which I think we can, we should be able to save our own hinies.

Dana: And vote for who, Brock? Prince seems to think he's running the show.

Esther: Stephen! We need Brock, his little friend however is a bit more expendable.

Dana: Oh geez. He's going to be so mad!

Esther: Let him puff out his chest a little, it'll be good for him.

I can't win this game on my strength alone (holds arms up into camera view). I need to play smart and carry myself well if I want to stand any chance.


Meanwhile back at camp, Brock takes this chance to approach Corinne, Dan, and Daryl, who are all sitting on a log put laid out on the ground near the fire, about the idea of voting out Esther. Stephen hangs back to avoid creating a duo persona between himself and Brock. The group agree's to go along with Brock's plan to oust the oldest woman from the tribe as it'll help them keep their strength.

It's not even much of a debate, really. She's nice, but all she really does around camp is cook, anyone can do that. She managed to get an experience out of this, but now I think it's time for her to return home to her family.

–Daryl (on Esther)

The sun continues to move through the sky as the shadows dance around the ground and stretch. A golden shimmer paints over the top of the still lake water, and over the tree tops. Tribal council is growing near, and Esther and Dana need to make their move if they want any hope in successfully forming the Elders Alliance they are collaborating on. As Dana stirs the boiling rice, she manages to nab Corinne's attention as she is sitting in the mouth of the shelter. Corinne's face perks as if to say, "what?", and Dana motions over toward Esther. Corinne, with a smile, then asks Esther if she wants to take a walk and Esther exclaims that she'd love to. The two head toward the lake, and then turn off the path to have some privacy in the woods. It's here Esther makes her plea while Corinne stands with her hands on hips, doing her best not to give too much away in her facial expressions.

Esther: Please, please.. hear me out before you even say or think about anything. I'm not stupid, I know I'm on the chopping block for tonight. After that, chances are it'll probably be Dana. Brock seems to want to take control of things around here, and I know he's going to go after the older people. Unless you two have something going on I don't know about, I'd bet money on the fact that he'd go for you afterwords. My pitch to you is that if you join myself, Dana, and hopefully Dan, that we could turn the tides and maybe run these grounds. Otherwise the four of us will be gone like (Esther snaps her fingers) that!

Corinne: ... So.. you want to get rid of.. Brock?

Esther: Stephen!

Corinne: Stephen.

She spits so much out at me at once that I'm still trying to process it all. That alone is hard enough to do fast enough, forget the fact she wanted me to read between the lines that she wanted to vote for Stephen.


Esther: Look, I know this could potentially be a long shot but..

Corinne (cutting Esther off): No, not a long shot at all, actually. And I definitely think if I agree that Dan would join too.

I had this elaborate plan, but I was highly skeptical that she'd actually go for it. Then she spits out the crucial information that she'd have influence over Dan. She could be incredibly stupid, but I think more likely that the fact is I have her hooked on myline, and I just need to keep drawing her in.


I'm safe. But I know that once Dana and Esther are gone I could be in trouble. The thing is, if I get rid of Esther and Dana we could remain strong enough that I wouldn't have to worry. It also scares me how intelligent she seems to be, she clearly has a better understanding of this game than I initially gave her credit for. I just... it's a toss up. Someone who's got my back versus tribe strength.


Corinne: Can I be one hundred percent honest with you?

Esther: Please.

Corinne: You're right, we need Brock. He's too strong to get rid of. However I don't think that Stephen is as expendable as you might think. He's a big asset to our tribe, and if we oust him we suffer a potential wrath from Brock. I think you'd have more success with your plan if you targeted someone like Daryl. He's weak, he has no ties to anybody. Ultimately I think that would create the least amount of waves within the group.

I'm iffy about this idea of Corinne's. It seems to me that maybe she just doesn't want to upset Brock so that way she can continue to ride in the middle, and have options on both sides. But if my fate lies in her hands, who am I to say anything? As far as she's concerned, yes master, okay master!


Tribal Council[]

Luhya walks one by one into tribal council. As they do, Jeff instructs them to grab a torch from behind them, approach the flame and get fire.

Jeff Probst: Fire represents life your life in this game. Once your fire's gone, so are you.

After lighting their torches, everyone places them back in their stands behind their seats, and sits down.

Jeff Probst: Welcome to tribal council. The place you inevitably don't want to be, yet here you are. What happened, Corinne?

Corinne: They were just faster, that's all that's to it. We're not too proud, we can admit when we struggle. Doesn't mean that we wont still beat them in the future, though.

Jeff Probst: So in that case, do you think it's fair to say you gave Rachael a better tribe?

Corinne: On the contrary. I think we made out extremely well, and once we have more of a physical challenge, we'll prove it. This was just a case of you win some, you lose some.

Jeff Probst: Dan, Corinne pointed out that physically you are the dominant tribe. It's no secret that the challenge wasn't your shining moment, does that mean you're the weak link?

Dan: I don't think it means I'm the weak link, I think it just means I'm not as experienced as I should be when it comes to catching water with a bucket (laughs).

Jeff Probst: So you feel safe then?

Dan: Wouldn't necessarily say safe, but I feel good considering I did as poorly as I did.

Jeff Probst: Does anyone not feel safe?

Both Dana and Esther raise their hands, while nobody else speaks up.

Jeff Probst: Uh huh. So Dana, what makes you think you're in danger?

Dana: Tonight? I'm not. However I know that if a certain two boys (she says as she glares at Brock and Stephen) get their way and vote off who they'd like, then I'd be out at our next tribal.

Jeff Probst: Dana if looks could kill..

Brock: Jeff if I may. This is a game about strength and loyalties. It's no secret that Dana and Esther are at the bottom, but at the same time neither have approached me personally to keep them. Why should I even think at that point keeping them would benefit me? Clearly I'm not in their game plan moving forward.

Jeff Probst: Dana you have to admit, Brock does provide some good points. Alright, so I assume that since only Dana and Esther raised their hands, and Dana says she knows she's safe this vote, then that leaves us with Esther.

Esther: Correct. I know I'm in the hot seat, but it doesn't mean I'm ready to go home. I think I can bring a lot to this tribe. Physicality is only half this game, what do they plan to do when they encounter a puzzle?

Jeff Probst: Alright, well with the way things sit right now either there will be no surprises, or someone's about to get the wool pulled over their eyes. It's time to vote, Esther you're up!


Jeff Probst: I'll go tally the votes..


Jeff Probst: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

Jeff Probst: First vote, Daryl.

Jeff Probst: Second vote, Daryl.

Jeff Probst: Third vote, Esther. That's two votes Daryl, one vote Esther.

Jeff Probst: Esther. We're tied, that's two votes Esther, and two votes Daryl.

Jeff Probst: Esther. Now that's three votes Esther, two votes Daryl, two votes left.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Jeff Probst: Daryl. Once again we're tied, three votes Daryl, three votes Esther, one vote left.

Jeff Probst: First person voted out of Survivor: The Jungles of Kenya... DARYL. Daryl, that's four, that's enough. You need to bring me your torch.

Stunned, Daryl's head looks from one side to the other, trying to read faces to see who flipped. Brock too has a look of question on his face, while Stephen just looks stunned. Esther breathes a sigh of relief as Dana lips the words, "thank you", to Corinne, who's sitting with the most satisfied look on her face.

Daryl carries his torch over to Jeff.

Jeff Probst: Daryl, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff snuffs Daryl's torch.

Jeff Probst: It's time for you to go.

As Daryl leaves he turns around and waves goodbye to his former tribe.

Jeff Probst: Well it appears things definitely aren't as they seem, and based on some of your expressions it's no doubt going to be an interesting night. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Tribal Council #:
Daryl (4 votes)
Corinne, Dan, Dana, Esther
Esther (3 votes)
Brock, Daryl, Stephen

Voting Confessionals[]

It's nothing personal, we just need to keep a strong tribe.


It's either you or me tonight, kiddo. Nothing personal, just business.


I'm doing what I view as the best move for my game. It might not take our team the furthest, but it sure as hell will take me the furthest.


Final Words[]

I don't know what to say, I'm stunned. I think it was a stupid move to keep Esther over me, but I guess they must've offered someone something in order to stay around. I'm shocked, I'm totally shocked. It was fun while it lasted, and I wish my tribe the best of luck, they'll need it.


Still in the Running[]


Next Time on Survivor: The Jungles of Kenya...[]

  • Dan gets put on the spot for going back on his word
  • Natally's antics continue, at the expense of the patients of her tribemates

Author's Notes>[]

  • Hey guys! Please, please, please leave your comments/critiques. Fairly new to this, and I'd love some feed back. Thanks! :)