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"I See You... 'Cause You Won't Get Out of My Way"
Survivor Montserrat Logo
Season Survivor: Montserrat
Author MightyUke416
Episode Number 5/15
Date Uploaded July 19, 2015
Episode Chronology
Previous I Hope You Get Sued
Next Hi Pot; My Name Is Kettle!

This is the 5th episode of Survivor: Montserrat

Previously On Survivor...[]

On Garibaldi, Braiden, feeling sick to his stomach went to do his business in the bushes. To his surprise, he also found Alex and Leila making love and he quickly decided to inform his closest ally, Ryan.

After Soufrière won their first reward challenge, they decided to send Ryan to Exile Island. Ryan decided to bring Doug with him and the two formed an Exile Island Alliance, which will also include Ella from Soufrière and Braiden from Garibaldi. In addition, Ryan informed Doug about Alex and Leila’s relationship.

Once again, Garibaldi won the immunity challenge, sending Soufrière back to tribal council. Doug informed his alliance of the possibility that either Derek or Deanne could have the Hidden Immunity Idol, prompting them to split the vote and send Deanne home in the revote. Derek however decided that Jason was a more dangerous player and tried to recruit Carson, Kelly-Ann, and Deanne to vote him out and abandon the split vote plan. Carson promised to switch his vote regardless so that Deanne would go home without a tie vote. Kelly-Ann however, voiced to Carson her concerns with voting out their ally, Jason.

At tribal council, Deanne called Derek out on his numerous deceptions, and his targeting of Jason, making Jason nervous. In the end, Derek was the only one to vote for Jason, and even though Carson did change his vote to Deanne, Deanne’s last minute scrambling worked as Jason changed his vote from Deanne to Derek; blindsiding Derek.

16 are left; who will be voted out tonight?


Reward Challenge: Sacrificial Lamb
Two players are harnessed to a rope winding through several obstacles. The rest of their tribe helps them move along it – up and over an A-frame, under a thick log on the sand, around a long hitching post, and around a giant boxlike structure – to the end of the rope. Then, one player swims to a buoy and dives down to retrieve a decoder wheel before coming back, where the entire tribe uses it to work out a six-word phrase.
Reward: Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate
Winners: Garibaldi

Immunity Challenge: A Crate Idea
In pairs, the castaways would race across a field to retrieve six large crates painted in their tribe's colors. Once all six crates were retrieved, the tribes would have to stack the crates into a staircase with the name of their tribe in alignment along the sides. The first tribe to complete the staircase and get all of their members up the staircase to the top of a platform would win..
Winners: Soufrière


Night 12[]


The Soufrière tribe returns from tribal council. The majority of the tribe is still stunned that Derek was sent home. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Deanne.

I can’t believe it! I’m still here! I know for a fact that I got really lucky at the last tribal council. Right now though, I need to lay low a little bit and hope that the cracks in that alliance are big enough to allow me to squeeze in somewhere. It’s my only hope to stay in the game for very long.

Deanne Arbuthnot


Kelly-Ann: I just want to know, what the f*** happened tonight? I’m just saying, I seriously don’t think Derek would have voted for Jason to send himself home.

Carson: Maybe Derek just thought we would all be on board, and we just fooled him big time.

There is a slight pause among the remaining members of the Soufrière tribe. Jason then speaks up.

Jason: Look guys, I’m going to be honest with you. I did change my vote, but I was assigned to vote for Deanne, and I voted for Derek. I did it because he was coming after me. You all saw that since he wrote my name down.

I voted for Derek because he was coming after me, plain and simple. I knew he would try to send me home the first chance he got if I didn’t vote him out. I wanted to be up front and honest with my tribe about it because I don’t want them to buy into what Derek was saying about me being a liar and all of that other stuff.

Jason Drysdale


Kelly-Ann: Ok, I understand that. But if you voted for Derek, Jason… then who cast the third vote for Deanne?

Pamela: It wasn’t me. I was just as shocked as the rest of you.

Deanne: I didn’t vote for myself.

Kelly-Ann: Well, it wasn’t me.

The entire tribe now looks at Carson.

Carson: What y’all looking at me like that for? It wasn’t me!

Ella: Well then, somebody is lying. Otherwise, Jeff would have read only two votes for Deanne.

Carson: I think Pammy over here is the one that’s lying.

Pamela and Jason are both shocked at the accusation.

Pamela: First of all, don’t call me Pammy. Second of all, Derek tried to throw both Jason and I under the bus! Why on earth would I change my vote to try and keep him in?

Kelly-Ann: Well somebody is lying here, and it’s not me.

When Carson accused me of switching my vote from Derek to Deanne last night, I knew right away the type of game that Carson is playing. He just wants to cause as much drama as he possibly can around here. I have no doubt that it was actually him that changed his vote; if for no other reason but to send the entire tribe running around like chickens with their heads cut off. For that, I want him out of here as soon as humanly possible.

Pamela Roslyn


When Derek was voted out, we were all absolutely stunned. I understand why Jason changed his vote. In all honesty, I was half expecting that to happen given the s*** Derek was saying. The thing that confuses me most though is who was that third vote for Deanne? It’s either Carson or Pamela. One of them is lying, but we can’t be sure who. If I had to guess, I would think Carson is the one lying, just based on the type of game I think he’s playing. But Carson’s my closest ally, so I seriously hope that’s not the case.

Kelly-Ann Vnuk


Yeah I changed my vote. I was hoping that Jason would keep his word and vote for Deanne so that I could pretend I was Natalie Anderson in San Juan del Sur and say that I messed up. I wanted to align with Derek on the side and use him as a back-up plan if my current alliance fails. But since Deanne is still here, my tribe’s response wouldn’t be “Okay, no big deal” like it would be if she went home. I like the drama here, but I just need to keep the heat on Pammy, Jason, and Deanne and off of me. If I do that, I’ll be in a good position for a long time.

Carson Dupuis



Survivor Montserrat Intro-2

Day 13[]

GARIBALDI: After the intro plays, the camera shows Alyssa, Braiden, Joan, Ryan, and Vanessa of the Garibaldi tribe sitting on the beach. Jackson is fishing. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Vanessa.

As much as I would like to think that I am okay right now because Krystle is likely to be the next one to go home, I can’t take that chance. I need to find a way to sprinkle some of my fairy dust on people like Braiden that I am not currently aligned with to help me gain some leverage in this game. If I have to flirt with some of the guys, so be it.

Vanessa Saluk


Vanessa then sits down next to Braiden and starts flirting with him.

Vanessa: Hey Braiden. (winks)

Braiden: Hey Vanessa. Nice day today isn’t it?

Vanessa: Yeah, the weather is much better than it has been the past little while, hasn’t it?

Braiden: I would say so.

Vanessa: You know, I think you’re a better fisherman than Jackson.

Braiden: Really? What makes you say that?

Vanessa flips her hair.

Vanessa: Well, I just think you are so much stronger than he is.

Braiden: Really?

Vanessa: Yeah. I mean, this tribe would definitely survive if you were the only one fishing. Jackson can stay in the kitchen for all I care.

Braiden (chuckling): Well, I don’t know about that.

Vanessa: Well I do.

Vanessa then gets up and goes behind Braiden. She then starts picking the dirt out of Braiden’s hair while humming quietly. Braiden is clearly enjoying the attention Vanessa is giving him. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Braiden.

I have to admit, I enjoy it when Vanessa flirts with me. I mean, it’s absolutely strategic on her part since she wants to get further in the game, so I’m not sure if I can fully trust her. But if Krystle does become a liability to me in this game, Vanessa might not be a bad person to keep around.

Braiden McAdam


The camera then shows Alyssa walking by and staring at Braiden and Vanessa, it then cuts to a confessional from her.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I really like Vanessa and I want to keep her in this game as long as I can. However, when I saw her flirting with Braiden on the beach, I knew that this girl was more strategic than she wants to come off. I hate to say it, but I think if it came down to it, she would vote me off if she thought it would benefit her. That scares me to death because even though I think we will succeed in getting rid of Krystle if we go to tribal council next, I can’t be sure that I am secure in this game.

Alyssa Watson


The camera now shows Alex and Leila together in the woods.

Leila: Do you think we’ve done enough to hide our relationship from the tribe?

Alex: I think we have. Don’t worry about it, baby. We’ll get through this.

Leila: I don’t know I’m just worried; what if somebody caught us kissing or something?

Alex puts his hands on Leila’s shoulders.

Alex: Leila, look at me.

Leila looks into Alex’s eyes.

Alex: Nobody caught us doing anything. We’re fine; they think I’m in a relationship with some girl named Jessica anyway.

Leila is still looking at Alex, but she has a worried look on her face.

Alex: Do you trust me.

Leila: (sighs) I trust you.

Alex: One-hundred-million percent?

Leila: One-hundred-million percent.

Alex and Leila hug for a bit, and then Alex gives Leila a kiss on her forehead. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Leila.

I’m worried that Alex and I are not doing enough to hide our relationship from the tribe. I mean, what if someone was spying on us while we were kissing in the woods or something? I don’t know though, maybe I’m just paranoid. But you know what? I trust Alex more than anyone else out here, so I’m just going to have to trust his judgement right now.

Leila Mostyn


The footage now shows scenes of the reward challenge. The camera then turns to Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst: Come on in guys!

The camera then shows Garibaldi entering the challenge area with Ryan carrying the tribe flag. The camera then turns to Soufrière entering the challenge area with Kelly-Ann carrying the tribe flag.

Jeff Probst: Garibaldi, get your first look at the new Soufrière tribe. Derek voted out at the last tribal council.

The camera then shows the reactions of the Garibaldi tribe members. Most of them are not too shocked to see that Derek was voted out. The camera then turns back to Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst: Alright… drop your buffs. We are switching tribes.

All sixteen of the remaining castaways are in shock that they are switching tribes.

Krystle: Oh my God.

Alex: S***!

Kelly-Ann: Oh dear.

Deanne (quietly): Hell yeah.

Once all of their buffs hit the ground, the camera then turns back to Jeff Probst. Jeff Picks up a basket full of eggs.

Jeff Probst: Alright, I want each of you to take an egg. Some of these eggs have orange paint in them; the others have green paint in them. Orange paint means you are on the Soufrière tribe and green paint means you are on the Garibaldi tribe. Here I come.

Jeff Probst proceeds to hand an egg out to each of the castaways who are all clearly nervous about what is about to happen. The camera then turns back to Jeff Probst standing in front of the two tribes.

Jeff Probst: When I tell you to, I want all of you to smash your eggs.





All of the castaways smash their eggs.

Jeff Probst: If you are orange, step on the orange mat; if you are green, step on the green mat.

The castaways switch mats and say hello to their new tribe mates. The camera then turns back to Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst points out that the new tribes are as follows:

Alyssa Watson
Carson Dupuis
Deanne Arbuthnot
Ella Sing
Jackson Yuskow
Kelly-Ann Vnuk
Leila Mostyn
Ryan Kulikowski
Alex Gregoire
Braiden McAdam
Doug Johnson
Jason Drysdale
Joan Zdrill
Krystle Jennings
Pamela Roslyn
Vanessa Saluk

The castaways continue to look around at their new tribe mates. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Leila.

When I saw that Alex was now on the Soufrière tribe, I was like a little toddler standing in the check-out line with her parents in the supermarket and she was just told she can’t have that lollipop she wants. You know? Inside, I was like (reaching towards the camera, doing her best toddler in distress impersonation) Nooooooo! Nooooooooooooo! I waaaaant iiiiiiiiiiiit! I waaaaaaaaant iiiiiiiiiiit! (Speaking normally) Grrr; the torture this show puts me through (chuckling).

Leila Mostyn


Jeff Probst: Alright, well it’s time to see how your new tribes match up right now. It’s time to get to the reward challenge.

Jeff Probst then explains the reward challenge dubbed Sacrificial Lamb. He then reveals that the reward is a “caffeine lover’s paradise”. The reward is a basket containing a coffee maker, various assortments of coffee and tea, including green tea, as well as a full cooler of chocolate. There is also sugar in the basket as well as cream in the cooler for those that like cream/sugar in their coffee. Jeff Probst then gives the two new tribes a minute to strategize before they get started.

Jeff Probst: Survivors ready… GO!

Both tribes are pretty even along the obstacle course phase of the challenge. The new Soufrière tribe takes a slight lead over the new Garibaldi tribe towards the end allowing Braiden to jump in the water to retrieve the decoder wheel for Soufrière with a bit of a head start over Jackson for Garibaldi. Soufrière starts trying to decode their phrase first while Jackson returns with the decoder wheel for Garibaldi trailing slightly. However, the new Soufrière struggles with trying to decode their phrase while the new Garibaldi works well together. This allows the new Garibaldi to complete their phrase first for the win.

Jeff Probst: Garibaldi wins reward!

The camera shows the new Garibaldi tribe celebrating their win followed by a disappointed Soufrière tribe. The camera then turns to Jeff Probst standing in front of the two tribes.

Jeff Probst: Garibaldi, nicely done. Even though you’re a new tribe, you seem to be continuing your winning ways. You guys win coffee, tea, and chocolate for your tribe. One more order of business though, who from the new Soufrière tribe do you guys want to send to Exile Island?

Ella: We’re going to send Braiden to Exile.

Jeff Probst: Alright Braiden, grab your stuff and come on over.

Braiden grabs his bag and heads over to Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst: Braiden, you now have some power here. You get to decide which member of your now former tribe you want to go to Exile Island with you.

Braiden: Well, Ryan was just there last time, so I think I want him to give me a tour.

Ryan starts chuckling as he grabs his bag.

Jeff Probst: Alright Ryan, come on over.

Ryan heads over to join Jeff Probst and Braiden.

Jeff Probst: Alright guys, grab your stuff, here’s a map. You can head on out.

Ryan takes the map from Jeff and both guys start heading towards Exile Island.

Jeff Probst: Braiden and Ryan will return to the game in time for your first immunity challenge as new tribes. Alright, Garibaldi, come grab your reward. You guys can head on out.

An excited Garibaldi tribe runs towards Jeff Probst and grabs the basket and the cooler. They then start to head back to camp.

Jeff Probst: Soufrière, I got nothing for you. Grab your stuff and head on back to camp.

The camera shows the new Soufrière tribe grabbing their bags and heading back to camp. It then cuts to a confessional from Deanne.

I am so excited about this tribe switch! I was definitely the next one to go on the Soufrière tribe. Now I can start over. It’s like day 1 for me all over again. I am so so so so so so happy!!

Deanne Arbuthnot



The camera shows the new Soufrière tribe returning from the reward challenge. It then cuts to a confessional from Pamela.

I have mixed feelings about the way the new tribes are divided up. I mean, on one hand, it’s great that I am still with Jason and Doug and away from Carson. I have comfort knowing that I can trust the people here from my original tribe. On the other hand though, this may be Soufrière; but, there are only three original Soufrière members and five original Garibaldi members. This is a numbers game, so I am definitely at a disadvantage right now. But people have overcome numerical disadvantages before in this game; so, I’m optimistic about my chances.

Pamela Roslyn


The footage now shows Pamela and Jason talking with Joan and Vanessa in the woods.

Pamela: I just want to know where you guys stand right now and if you would even consider working with us down the line.

Joan: Absolutely, and I mean, I don’t want to say for certain; but, I think it’s something we will consider. I mean, I don’t feel all that comfortable around Krystle. I don’t know what that girl is thinking half the time, and to be honest, I think she is a little crazy.

Vanessa: Yeah, Krystle is definitely a wild card here. I also like you guys a lot, you know? I feel comfortable around you guys and I think you would be trustworthy.

Joan: But I think that’s the issue right there though. I mean, we wouldn’t want to flip on our tribe only for you guys to go right back to your own tribe mates after the merge, you know?

Jason: Absolutely, but the thing is, Carson is a real drama queen in this game. He’s also a liar and he’s not afraid to spread rumors.

Pamela: Yeah, I mean, just at our last tribal council, he changed his vote I think just to start drama. I mean, Derek was targeting Jason and I’m 99% sure that it was Carson changed his vote from Derek to Deanne. Derek went home because Jason flipped his vote from Deanne to Derek. When we get back to camp, Carson accuses me of flipping my vote to try and keep the person targeting my closest ally. It doesn’t make sense that I would do that, but I think he accomplished his goal of starting drama when there was all this confusion about who that extra vote for Deanne was from.

Joan: Interesting, but you said that you were 99% sure it was Carson. Who would the other 1% be?

Pamela: Kelly-Ann. She’s really tight with Carson, but she seemed genuinely confused about the vote herself. But I guess there’s a slight possibility it could have been her.

Vanessa: I guess that makes sense. Jason: But yeah, if you guys would consider teaming up with us, that would be great. I mean, we’ll be up to doing pretty much anything right now since we were in a weird spot with our old tribe. Besides, I love talking to you guys. Having you around here is like a breath of fresh air.

Vanessa takes a big breath in as she slides her hands up her torso and tilts her head towards the sky. When her hands reach just below her neck, she then puts them above her head and smiles while opening her mouth to exhale.

Jason starts chuckling.

Jason: Who do you think you are, Vanessa? WWE’s Goldust?

Vanessa (smiling): I don’t know, maybe.

Vanessa then repeats the motion that she did earlier. This time however, she exhales into a bite in Jason’s direction in a similar fashion to WWE’s Goldust.

All four of them start laughing. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Joan.

I’m definitely wary about where Vanessa’s head is at right now in this game. When we voted out Zachary, she was one of the people that wrote my name down. Not only that, but she spent some time with Jason on Exile Island a few days ago and she appears to be tight with him. But she seems like a really sweet girl, and on the way here she promised to stick with me all the way. The thing is I felt comfortable on the old Garibaldi tribe whereas I’m not sure if she did. So, it’ll definitely be interesting to see where things go from here in regards to Vanessa.

Joan Zdrill


Joan is definitely someone I admire around here and someone I want to go far in the game with. It wasn’t my choice to write her name down at our tribal council on the Garibaldi tribe and I hope she understands that. As much as I like Jason, and as much as I think he’s a great guy to be around, If sticking with the Garibaldi tribe will get me further in this game and if I need to send him home, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Vanessa Saluk


The footage now shows Alex sitting alone on the beach staring at the water.

It sucks to be here, away from Leila. She was the only person that I trusted wholeheartedly and she’s not around. I guess it’s true what they say though, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I’m developing feelings that I’ve never had before and I really think I’m starting to fall in love with that girl. But you know what man? Leila’s a fighter and I know that she wants to be on the same tribe as me again. So now I have to fight as hard as I can to get to the merge so that we can be with each other once again.

Alex Gregoire



The footage shows the new Garibaldi tribe entering their camp with their reward basket filled with coffee, tea, and sugar, and their cooler filled with chocolate and cream.

Alyssa: Welcome to our humble home guys!

The members of the Garibaldi tribe start cheering. They then set down the basket and the cooler. Deanne takes out the coffee maker and proceeds to make coffee for the tribe.

Kelly-Ann: I must say that this is like the greatest reward ever! The one thing that I have been craving since the first night is chocolate! I also miss my morning pot of coffee every day.

Deanne: Oh, for sure! I’m just glad that we’re finally on a tribe that doesn’t suck!

The tribe sits down and starts to eat the chocolate from the reward. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Kelly-Ann.

This new tribe is like my worst nightmare. There are four members from each original tribe here right now. The one person that I am terrified of is Deanne. She was on the outside of Soufrière, and she knew it. I know for a fact that she will not be willing to draw rocks for me or anybody else from Soufrière for that matter. I need to talk to Deanne, see where her head is at and do everything I can to keep her on my side.

Kelly-Ann Vnuk


The camera now shows the members of the original Soufrière tribe being Kelly-Ann, Carson, Ella, and Deanne, meeting in the woods.

Kelly-Ann: I just want everyone here to know that as of right now, we need to stick together so that we can be the final four. As far as I’m concerned right now, it’s a new game. Doug, Pamela, and Jason are outnumbered on the other tribe so we can’t expect them to even be around come the merge. If they are, they probably joined forces with somebody from the original Garibaldi.

Carson: I agree; unifying as the original Soufrière members is the best move for all of us at this point. There must be some cracks between the original Garibaldi members, so we should be able to get one of them to flip.

Deanne (sighs): Yeah, I mean, unless we want to go home, we need to unify and convince one of them to flip.

Ella: I’m thinking Ryan will be our best bet. He’s on Exile right now and so if they’re talking strategy, he’s probably left out.

Carson: Yeah, I think we should talk to each of them and see where their heads are at.

Kelly-Ann: For sure, nobody wants to draw rocks at this stage of the game. If we can convince just one member of the original Garibaldi tribe that the four of us are so unified to the point of drawing rocks, they should be willing to flip and join us.

Deanne: I agree.

I am so excited for this tribe switch, because I finally can have a new start in this game. That being said, Kelly-Ann, Carson, and Ella all wanted me gone next and Carson tried his best to throw me under the bus as much as he could on Soufrière. I know for a fact that if I stick with these guys, I’m on the bottom of this foursome. I don’t want to play this game to be number four; I want to be number one. Not only that, but for all I know, these guys may not be willing to take me to the end! What I need to do right now is assess the members of both original tribes here and cast my vote with whichever side is better for me.

Deanne Arbuthnot


I don’t trust Deanne at all. I have this sinking feeling that she might flip on us. That makes this a good time for me to try and exploit this secret Exile Island Alliance that Doug says I am apart of with Ryan and Braiden from the original Garibaldi tribe. Once Ryan comes back from Exile Island, I need to talk to him about the situation we have here so that I can determine what my next move has to be. There’s no way I’m going to let a potential flipper decide my fate in this game.

Ella Sing


The footage now shows Alyssa, Leila, and Jackson talking in the water.

Alyssa: The best move for all of us members of the original Garibaldi at this point is to stick together until the end; the three of us, and Ryan.

Leila: Yeah, I’m just worried about him though. I mean, if we were to go to tribal council before this switch, Krystle would be gone and Ryan would not have been a part of that decision. I’m just worried that he might be able to sense that and not be willing to draw rocks.

Jackson: You make a good point Leila, but I’m not so sure about that. Ryan’s a smart guy. I think he saw the effect that Krystle had on us before the switch and that she was scaring us a little bit. I think he would have written her name down as well if we went to tribal.

Alyssa: Exactly, besides I think we have a good enough relationship with Ryan that he will probably be willing to stick with us if we lose the immunity challenge.

Leila: Are you sure about that?

Alyssa: I'm absolutely positive. We just need to find someone from their tribe that might be willing to flip. I’m thinking Deanne.

Jackson: Why Deanne?

Alyssa: Just look at that group, if you ask 100 people who doesn’t fit, 99 of them will pick Deanne. Kelly-Ann, Carson, and Ella are so much younger than her and around the same age group themselves. I also think that Carson and Kelly-Ann in particular are very tight.

Leila: I see what you’re saying. We just need to make sure that Ryan feels comfortable sticking with us and then try and get Deanne to join us should we lose the immunity challenge.

Jackson: I don’t think we should wait that long though. We should start trying to convince Deanne to flip as soon as possible.

Leila: Well yeah, it only makes sense. I mean, if we don’t start building a solid relationship with her ASAP, she will think we just want her for a vote.

Alyssa: Which we do.

Jackson: Well yeah, we just can’t let her think that.

I’m feeling good about the swap right now, actually. I trust Alyssa even more now than I did before the switch and I am starting to really trust Leila. Deanne is the obvious outsider from the Soufrière tribe just looking at that group, so we think that she is probably the least likely person here willing to draw rocks to save someone from their original tribe. All we have to do now is convince her to flip. That’s it.

Jackson Yuskow


When Alex and I had to leave to go to separate camps, I was like a baby with separation anxiety being left with a baby-sitter while her parents left to go on a date or something. Inside, I was just like (reaches for the camera and does her best baby impersonation) Whaaaaaaa!! Whaaaaaaa!! Aaaaalleeeeeexxxx! Aaaaalleeeeeexx! Whaaaaaaaaa!! (speaking normally) In all seriousness though, if I want to see Alex again, I need to step up my game strategically. I also don’t completely trust Alyssa and Jackson to keep me around in case they sniffed out my relationship with Alex; I just have this feeling. Ryan though, is not exactly with them so I need to see what he is thinking when he comes back from Exile. If I want to see Alex again, I can’t take another step in this game until I know exactly where Ryan stands.

Leila Mostyn



The footage shows Ryan and Braiden entering Exile Island. They see the box with the Hidden Immunity Idol clues and read them. They then start talking strategy.

Braiden: So I just want to know; whatever happens between now and the merge, are you with me until the end of this game?

Ryan: Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?

Braiden: Just checking.

Ryan: Fair enough.

Braiden: So, what do you think about the tribe switch thus far?

Ryan: I’m okay with it. I’m just glad that Garibaldi has the majority on your new tribe. We also have two members of our Exile Island Alliance on each tribe as well.

Braiden: Yeah, we’d be fools not to exploit that as much as we could at this stage.

Ryan: No doubt; especially since there are four members from each original tribe on the new Garibaldi.

Braiden: Yeah; you need to do everything you can to get Ella to flip man. Sticking with Garibaldi as much as we can would be our best move. I’m just worried that the people from our tribe now on Soufrière will push for me to get rid of Doug first.

Ryan: I guess your only real choice then is to win challenges. But I would also check in with Joan and Krystle to make sure they are still up for going with us to the end.

Braiden: Yeah, I agree with you there. If we do lose, I hope that I would be able to convince them to vote out either Pamela or Jason.

Ryan: Yeah, I don’t want to lose these challenges either because with the numbers the way they are though, I’m in a bit of a tight spot. I don’t want to turn on Garibaldi just yet either. I’m just scared that Ella wouldn’t be willing to budge if we lose.

Braiden: I guess we both just have to fight as hard as we can in the challenges. (Motions for a handshake) may the best man win.

Ryan (shakes Braiden’s hand): Same to you. I hope to see you at the merge.

Braiden: I’m sure you will. Alright then, shall we look for this Hidden Immunity Idol?

Ryan: It’s probably already been found; but, it doesn’t hurt to look.

I am feeling really good right now about my place in the game. The former Garibaldi members have the majority on the new Soufrière and I also seem to have this Exile Island Alliance thing with Ryan, Doug, and Ella. The thing is though, if I play my cards wrong, I will be in serious trouble. So I definitely have to make my next move very carefully.

Braiden McAdam


Day 14[]


Footage now shows Krystle and Vanessa retrieving the Soufrière tribe’s tree mail. The camera cuts to a confessional from Krystle.

Right now, I think I’m okay with where I stand on this new tribe. The original Soufrière tribe members clearly appreciate how hard I work around here as do my original tribemates. Not only that, but the original Garibaldi have the majority, so I think I am in a good spot right now.

Krystle Jennings


Vanessa: Krystle, I just want to make sure you know that I’m with Garibaldi all the way. I am bleeding green right now and I plan to keep us together until the end.

Krystle: That’s good to know. I’m sorry if I did anything to freak you guys out on the other tribe, this whole thing is just so new to me.

Vanessa: Don’t worry about it girl, it’s a new game now. You, me, Braiden, Joan, and Alex will be the final five if I have anything to say about it.

Krystle: Okay, thank you.

Vanessa and Krystle then examine the tree mail before going back to camp and announcing that they have it. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Vanessa.

Krystle still freaks me out a little bit; but, I definitely have to be careful right now. I can’t get too cocky and assume that the five of us are going to all stick together to the end. So, I will pretend that I like her as long as I need to. I’m just going to sprinkle some more of my fairy dust on her and utilize my power of positivity to get me past this stage of the game and towards the end.

Vanessa Saluk


Footage now shows scenes of the immunity challenge. It then turns to Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst: Come on in guys!

The camera turns to the two tribes entering the challenge arena. Alex and Carson are carrying the flags for their new respective tribes. Once the two tribes reach their mats, the camera turns back to Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst: We will now bring in Ryan and Braiden returning from Exile Island. Ryan and Braiden enter the challenge arena and are welcomed by their respective tribes. The camera then turns back to Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst: Are you guys ready for today’s immunity challenge?

All 16 Castaways: Yeah!

Jeff Probst: Alright, first things first Alyssa, I need to take it back. Jeff then goes over to the Garibaldi tribe to retrieve the Immunity Idol from Alyssa. He then goes back in front of the two tribes and puts the Immunity Idol on its perch.

Jeff Probst: Once again, immunity is back up for grabs.

Jeff Probst then explains the challenge dubbed A Crate Idea. Jeff then gives the two tribes a minute to strategize before they get started.

Jeff Probst: Survivors ready… GO!

Doug and Vanessa start off retrieving the crates for the new Soufrière while Ryan and Deanne started off retrieving the crates for the new Garibaldi. Deanne and Ryan get their crate back to their tribe with a slight lead on Doug and Vanessa. This lead stays pretty consistent until the fifth crates are being retrieved for both tribes when Braiden and Alex pass Kelly-Ann and Jackson. When retrieving the final crates, the two tribes are pretty even at the finish and start building their staircases at the same time. The new Garibaldi works really well together when maneuvering their crates and takes a sizable lead on the new Soufrière. The new Garibaldi though realizes that they have made one crucial mistake when they are placing their fifth piece. Kelly-Ann points out that they have the “G” in Garibaldi on the top level. They then rearrange their pieces while the new Soufrière is placing their third piece. Upon placing their fourth piece though, the new Soufrière realizes that they have placed a piece incorrectly when Doug points out that the accent in Soufrière is on the bottom level. Both tribes scramble to rearrange their staircases and the race is now pretty even. The members of Soufrière complete their staircase correctly and start to scramble up the steps. Garibaldi then completes their staircase correctly slightly behind Soufrière. It is now a race to see which entire tribe can make it up their staircase first.

Jeff Probst: Soufrière wins immunity!

The camera shows the Soufrière tribe celebrating their win followed by a disappointed Garibaldi tribe. Carson bangs his fist against his tribe’s staircase in frustration. The camera then shows Jeff Probst standing in front of the two tribes.

Jeff Probst: Soufrière, congratulations. It’s been a while since the immunity idol was at your camp.

Jeff Probst hands the idol to Doug and the tribe starts cheering again.

Jeff Probst: Alright Soufrière. Grab your stuff and head back to camp, enjoy the night off.

Once the Soufrière tribe leaves, the camera turns back to Jeff Probst:

Jeff Probst: Garibaldi, unfortunately for you guys, I can’t say the same thing. Somebody from your tribe will become the fifth person voted out of Survivor: Montserrat. I’ll give you the afternoon to figure out who it’s going to be. Grab your stuff and head back to camp; I’ll see you guys at tribal.

The camera then shows the Garibaldi tribe leaving the challenge arena. It then cuts to a confessional from Jackson.

The numbers from each original tribe right now are 4-4. That means that if we don’t want to draw rocks, somebody has to flip. We need to talk to Ryan to make sure that he is still with the Garibaldi tribe all the way to the end. However, we also need to get someone like Deanne to flip from Soufrière to Garibaldi if we want to avoid a rock draw. It should definitely be an interesting evening.

Jackson Yuskow



The footage shows scenes of the Soufrière tribe. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Doug.

Winning the immunity challenge gave me, Pamela, and Jason one thing. That one thing is time. Time to try and secure something with at least one member of the original Garibaldi so that we may all survive our next tribal council. Right now, I'm really glad that I created that Exile Island Alliance with Ryan the other day and that he chose Braiden to join us. That gives me the chance to utilize that to my advantage and hopefully buy myself a few more days in this game.

Doug Johnson


The camera now turns to Doug talking with Braiden in the woods.

Doug: So how much exactly did Ryan tell you about the little deal we made on Exile?

Braiden: To my knowledge, he told me everything. It's supposed to be me, you, Ryan, and Ella to the end of this game.

Doug: That's the plan for right now, yeah. I'm just wondering now, exactly where you would stand if we ever had to go to tribal council?

Braiden: Obviously, I think the best move for me right now, would be to stick with my original tribe as much as I can. I don't want to be seen as a flipper this early in the game.

Doug: I understand where you're coming from; but, listen, Pam, Jason, and myself really have nowhere to go come the merge. We would have to side with whoever is on this tribe. Kelly-Ann, Carson, and Deanne especially are very sneaky players and I don't trust any of them.

Braiden: Just curious, if push came to shove, would you be willing to vote Jason or Pamela out?

Doug: I guess I would have to. I mean I think I can trust Jason and Pamela to a certain degree in this game, but you also seem like someone who is trustworthy. Especially since Ryan had nothing but positive stuff to say about you. I feel really good about doing this Exile Island Alliance thing with you, him, and Ella.

Braiden: That's good to hear. I'm excited about this alliance myself. But you just need to know where I stand in this game. If you decide not to flip on Pam and Jason, I understand and I will do whatever I can to protect you; but your best option would be to vote one of them out.

Doug: Okay, that's something to consider, for sure. Regardless though, would our alliance still be on post-merge?

Braiden: Yeah. I can't expect you to put your faith in me even though I am unwilling to betray my old tribe at the moment if I don't do the same with you.

Doug: Awesome. Thanks.

Doug and I had a really good conversation today. He seems like a very nice, honest man. Regardless of the result of this game, I feel very glad to have been able to have met Doug. That being said, I feel good about his commitment to our Exile Island Alliance with Ryan and Ella. He wants to get as far as he can in this game, just as I do, and I respect that. As a result, I'm going to have to protect him I think if we go to tribal since he doesn't seem like he wants to flip on Jason and Pam, which if fair. I'm just glad that none of us here are going home tonight, otherwise I'd very likely have a very tough decision to make regarding my vote.

Braiden McAdam



The camera shows scenes of the Garibaldi tribe, it then shows Deanne talking with Jackson and Alyssa in the woods.

Deanne: So if I flip, what do I get from you guys in return? I mean, if I draw rocks and an original Garibaldi goes home, I can get fourth place. If I flip, how can I guarantee that I won't be thrown in the trash in fifth place?

Alyssa: I see what you're saying, and you make a very good point. But I think the risk of going home due to a rock draw is too much compared to just joining us. Here's the thing though, if Alex makes the merge, Leila will certainly be more loyal to him. Before the switch, it was clear that the two of them were in a romantic relationship. I also think that Ryan was close with Braiden. If you flip to join us, I'm sure we would have the majority come the merge and given who Leila and Ryan are likely to be more loyal to, I would have no problems taking you all the way to the final three.

Deanne: Okay.

Jackson: I mean, if you don't trust Kelly-Ann, Carson, and Ella to keep you until the end. You are better off coming with us. Alyssa and I will protect you. Remember, we don't think that Leila and Ryan will be loyal to us all the way to the end, so we will just take them out and you can come with us to the final three.

Deanne: Sounds good.

Alyssa: Who from Soufrière would you like us to cast our votes for?

Deanne: Kelly-Ann. She was the Queen Bee on Soufrière. She was running this game and if she gets the majority tonight, she will continue to run this game.

Jackson: Okay then, Kelly-Ann it is.

Alyssa and Jackson both shake hands with Deanne. The camera then cuts to a confessional from Deanne.

I'm really not sure what I want to do tonight. I mean, I don't know how secure I feel if I stick with Kelly-Ann, Ella, and Carson. But then again, I really don't know if I can trust Alyssa and Jackson to stick to their word and take me to the final three. But I also think that drawing rocks would be a foolish way to play the game. Tonight, I'm the swing vote and I have a very difficult decision to make, I just hope I make the right one.

Deanne Arbuthnot


I think Jackson and I did a good job of laying it all out there for Deanne in terms of the pros and cons of her flipping to join Garibaldi. What I said to her was true in that I'm not sure if Ryan and Leila would be more loyal to us or to Braiden and Alex respectively. As far as Kelly-Ann goes, I had this feeling that she was probably calling the shots on Soufrière, and after hearing what Deanne said about her being the Queen Bee, I want to take her out. My message for Kelly-Ann right now is: I see you... 'cause you won't get out of my way. But tonight, with one giant shove, you will not only get out of my way, but your torch will be snuffed and I will be running this game, bitch.

Alyssa Watson


The camera now shows Ryan talking with Ella in the water.

Ella: Based solely on the conversations I had with Doug about this, I feel really good about joining up with you, him, and Braiden to do this Exile Island Alliance thing.

Ryan: Yeah, I would say I feel good about it too.

Ella: The thing is though, as far as tonight, where do you think you stand? I mean, I understand that you might be reluctant to flip on your tribe as I am to flip on mine, but we wouldn't want either of us going home because we drew the purple rock.

Ryan: I know. I think drawing rocks is a stupid way to play the game.

Ella: I agree 100%.

Ryan: Where do you think Deanne stands right now?

Ella: To my knowledge, she is still with Soufrière; but, with that being said, I think she may very well flip to join Garibaldi.

Ryan: Yeah, I wasn't sure. I think Deanne is probably playing both sides. Alyssa told me earlier that Deanne wanted to take out Kelly-Ann because she was running the show on Soufrière.

Ella: So she probably is flipping then. She has written down Kelly-Ann's name before, I don't see why she'd have a problem doing it again. Especially if the alternative is drawing a rock. (sighs) I'm now officially worried.

Ryan: Why don't we just take Deanne out then?

Ella: I don't know if Kelly-Ann would be up for doing that. I think in Kelly-Ann and Carson's heads, they think Deanne will stick with them. They want Alyssa gone.

Ryan: But if they think Deanne is going to flip, we would have the numbers to take her out. We can just convince Garibaldi that Deanne is playing both sides.

Ella: I'll talk to Kelly-Ann and Carson about it, but I can't make any promises.

Ryan: What if I flip to neutralize Deanne? I haven't trusted Alyssa and Jackson since this game started. I'm not 100% sure I want to do that; but, I might be able to convince Leila to join me.

Ella: That might work. If Alyssa and Jackson are tight and can't be trusted to begin with, the smart thing to do would be to take them out.

Ryan: Absolutely, but I'll talk to Leila and see what she wants to do.

Ella: And I will talk to Deanne again and see where her head is at. Hopefully we can come to some sort of consensus.

Given what Ella has said about Deanne, Deanne probably thinks that she is the swing vote tonight. That's not something I feel comfortable with. I mean, if she does flip and Kelly-Ann goes home, I am in a semi-decent position in this game, and will be for a while. However, if we go to tribal council again before the merge, that might put my Exile Island Alliance with Ella in jeopardy since she would be the next likely target. But, Alyssa is somebody that I haven't trusted since day one. If I can convince Leila to flip with me so that we can both neutralize any of Deanne's power and take Alyssa out at the same time, that would put me in an amazing position in this game.

Ryan Kulikowski


The camera shows Ryan and Leila talking in the woods.

Leila: Are you down with voting Kelly-Ann out tonight? Alyssa is pretty confident that she convinced Deanne to flip.

Ryan: That's the thing, I don't know. I don't trust Alyssa as far as I can throw her. I also think Deanne is playing both sides, so we need to be careful.

Leila: What are you saying exactly?

Ryan: Ella came to me saying that Deanne is playing both sides and that she has written down Kelly-Ann's name before. She wanted to see if maybe I would flip to join Soufrière. The offer is tempting because I don't trust Alyssa.

Leila: So you want me to flip my vote as well?

Ryan: Do you trust Alyssa?

Leila: No, but I don't trust anybody from that other tribe. Flipping I think would be a really risky move.

Ryan: I think not flipping would be a really risky move. Alyssa seems so confident that Deanne is going to flip tonight. I wonder what kinds of deal Alyssa has proposed to her.

Leila: But where do you think that will get us?

Ryan: I think if we both flip, it will get us in a better spot. Ella came up and talked to me earlier. She doesn't trust Carson and Kelly-Ann, but she trusts Alyssa and Deanne less. I was thinking that at the merge, it can be me, you, Braiden, Alex, and Ella in an alliance.

Leila: That sounds great and all, but how can you be sure that you can trust Ella? What if she's playing us and just trying to convince you to vote out Alyssa so that we don't have to draw rocks and that Deanne doesn't have to flip?

Ryan: Honestly, there's no way to know for sure. I just have this gut feeling. I don't trust Alyssa and Jackson at all, we need to find some sort of middle ground here.

Deanne walks by and hears that Leila and Ryan are talking.

Deanne: What's up guys?

Leila: We were just discussing who to vote out tonight. We were thinking Kelly-Ann needs to go.

Deanne: Yeah, she was the Queen Bee on the Soufrière tribe. I don't trust her. Not only that, but Carson is a liar and a cheat.

Ryan: That's what we were thinking.Taking out Kelly-Ann as soon as possible would be the best thing for us right now.

Tonight it appears that I am the swing vote. I could either send Kelly-Ann home, or force a rock draw. I don't trust Kelly-Ann at all; but, drawing rocks would show that I am willing to stay loyal. The thing is, I would also have a 16.67% chance of going home, and an 83.33% chance of staying. If the 83.33% holds true, I am still in a great position to determine the direction of this game. If the 16.67% turns out to be true; however, my torch will get snuffed and I lose my chance at a million dollars. So I really don't know what I want to do tonight. Tonight's tribal council should be very very interesting.

Deanne Arbuthnot


When Ryan and I were talking and discussing who to vote out, Deanne joined in and she seemed very willing to join us and vote Kelly-Ann out. That worries me because I'm starting to think that maybe Alyssa and Jackson did make some sort of deal to her, and if that's the case, where does that leave Ryan and I? With that being said though, it feels good now knowing that with Ryan and I making the final decision tonight, we are officially neutralizing any power that Deanne thinks she has in this game. Other than Alex, and maybe Ryan right now, I don't trust anybody in this game at all. It is either Alyssa or Kelly-Ann going home tonight. It is probably one the toughest decisions that I will make this entire game. Both sides have massive pros and massive cons. It really could be a million dollar decision for me. I don't know what to do.

Leila Mostyn



The members of the new Garibaldi tribe enter the tribal council area carrying their torches. Jeff Probst is standing in the hut waiting for them. The tribe members each put their torches in their holders and take a seat on one of the stools. Jeff Probst then sits down himself.

Jeff Probst: Alright, before the reward challenge, everyone was divided into two new tribes. Kelly-Ann, how do you feel about this new tribe you're on?

Kelly-Ann: It's definitely not what I was hoping for in terms of a tribe switch. I mean, there are four original Garibaldi members and four original Soufrière. That leaves the threat of a rock draw looming, which is not something anyone wants to go through.

Jeff Probst: Alyssa, Kelly-Ann just made a great point. If everyone were to stick true to their original tribe, the vote would be split 4-4 and we would be drawing rocks. How does that make you feel?

Alyssa: The threat of drawing rocks definitely sent us all into game mode as soon as we got back from the reward challenge. I mean, we all enjoyed the coffee, tea, and especially the chocolate we won; but, right away, as soon as we got back, our thoughts have to go to "Who's going to flip? Will anybody flip? Will we draw rocks?" Etc., etc.

Jeff Probst: Leila, with the threat of drawing rocks looming, what does that do to levels of paranoia around camp?

Leila: There has certainly been a significant spike in the level of paranoia around camp. At the end of the day, you really don't know who truly has your back and who doesn't. That's what makes this kind of situation really really scary.

Jeff Probst: Carson, would you agree with that?

Carson: 150% Jeff. I mean, after the first ever rock draw Survivor: Marquesas, there has always been a fear of being that person that draws the purple rock and goes home. We've seen the effect it has on people in this game. I mean, that fear caused Cochran to make the dumbest move of Survivor: South Pacific by turning on his tribe at the merge.

Jeff Probst: Deanne, where's your head at?

Deanne: I don't know what to think at this point, Jeff. I mean, trust is a huge factor in this game, and I think that you need to trust your gut instinct in terms of what to do. But so many things have been racing through my mind lately and I'm trying to determine exactly which way to go is better for me in this game.

Jeff Probst: Kelly-Ann, where's your head at?

Kelly-Ann: I'm definitely worried about the possibility of me going home tonight, Jeff. But I guess I have to trust the people I gave my word to, and vice versa, and hope it works out for me in the end.

Jeff Probst: Alright, it has been a very interesting tribal council. Let's see how it all plays out. It is time to vote; Carson, you're up.

Carson stands up and makes his way to the voting podium, his vote is not revealed. Ella is the next person to vote. Her vote for Alyssa is revealed to the public.

I really don't know what's going to happen tonight. I'm just crossing my fingers that I put my trust in the right people and that this vote goes my way.

Ella Sing


Jackson, Ryan, Kelly-Ann, and Deanne cast their votes in that order, none of them are revealed.

Alyssa is the next person to cast a vote. Her vote for Kelly-Ann is revealed to the public.

Here's hoping that Deanne sticks to her word and that you, the current Queen Bee of Survivor: Montserrat, get sent home, making way for a new Queen Bee to take her throne and the million dollar check.

Alyssa Watson


Leila is the last person to cast a vote. Her vote is not revealed. Once Leila sits back down with the rest of the tribe, the camera turns back to Jeff Probst.

Jeff Probst: I'll go tally the votes.

Jeff Probst leaves to go and grab the urn containing the votes. He then comes back and stands in front of the tribe.

Jeff Probst: If anybody has a Hidden Immunity Idol and you want to play it, now would be the time to do so.

The members of the new Garibaldi tribe look around at each other. Seeing that nobody is playing an idol, Jeff Probst continues.

Jeff Probst: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

Jeff Probst opens the urn and takes out the first vote.

Jeff Probst: First vote... Kelly-Ann.

Alyssa. One vote Kelly-Ann, one vote Alyssa.


Kelly-Ann. We're tied, two votes Alyssa, two votes Kelly-Ann.


Kelly-Ann. We're tied again, three votes Alyssa, three votes Kelly-Ann.

Alyssa. We're at four votes Alyssa, three votes Kelly-Ann, one vote left.

Jeff Probst pulls out the last vote.

Fifth person voted out of Survivor: Montserrat... Alyssa. You need to bring me your torch.

Alyssa is shocked at the outcome of the vote. Her, Jackson, and Deanne look at each other with jaws wide open. Kelly-Ann breathes a sigh of relief. Alyssa then stands up, grabs her bag and her torch and heads over to Jeff Probst and places her torch in the holder in front of Jeff.

Jeff Probst: Alyssa, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff Probst places the snuffer on Alyssa's torch. As he takes it off, smoke can be seen coming out of Alyssa's torch where the flame once was.

Jeff Probst: It's time for you to go.

Alyssa looks over at her former tribe mates.

Alyssa: Good game guys. Good luck, have fun.

Alyssa then walks out of the tribal council area, and heads off into the night.

Jeff Probst: Well, if there was one thing that was made clear tonight, it's that paranoia makes people do wild and crazy things. Given the look on everyone's faces, especially Alyssa's, I think the next few days will certainly be very interesting at the new Garibaldi camp. Garb your torches, head back to camp. Good night.

The outro music plays as the seven remaining members of the Garibaldi tribe grab their bags and their torches and head back towards their camp.

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 5:
Alyssa Watson
Alyssa (5 votes)
Carson DupuisElla SingKelly-Ann VnukLeila MostynRyan Kulikowski
Carson, Ella, Kelly-Ann, Leila, & Ryan
Kelly-Ann Vnuk
Kelly-Ann (3 votes)
Alyssa WatsonDeanne ArbuthnotJackson Yuskow
Alyssa, Deanne, & Jackson
Alyssa WatsonGS
Alyssa Watson

Voting Confessionals[]

Alyssa, this vote is nothing personal. You're just the biggest threat of the original Garibaldi members. Hoping for a miracle tonight.


I really don't know what's going to happen tonight. I'm just crossing my fingers that I put my trust in the right people and that this vote goes my way.


Kelly-Ann, with the stuff that Deanne is saying about you, being that you're calling the shots on Soufrière and everything; that just makes me think that voting you out would be the best strategic move for me and my alliance right now. Sorry.


Alyssa, I haven't trusted you from day one. You're sneaky and you're manipulative. Besides, given the position that I am in in this game right now, voting you out would be my best move strategically.


Alyssa, I'm hoping for a miracle tonight. If we draw rocks, you won't be going home. But I just have to put my trust in the people that gave me their word.


Kelly-Ann, you never gave me a chance on the original Soufrière when you were the Queen Bee. I'm going to enjoy seeing you get your torch snuffed so that I can have my sweet sweet vengeance.


Here's hoping that Deanne sticks to her word and that you, the current Queen Bee of Survivor: Montserrat, get sent home, making way for a new Queen Bee to take her throne and the million dollar check. If that doesn't happen, who knows, I might be eating good food and sleeping in a nice warm bed tonight.


Alyssa, this was a very tough decision for me. But based on what Deanne has been saying, I don't trust you, and I won't feel at all secure if I stick with you and Jackson in this game. I'm really sorry, but I have to do what's best for me right now.


Final Words[]

I'm in shock right now, I really don't know what just happened. I guess Deanne didn't keep her word and maybe Ryan flipped. Wow. They really got me good. But I guess that's what makes this game so interesting

Alyssa Watson

Still in the Running[]

Alex Gregoire
Alyssa WatsonGS
Braiden McAdam
Jackson Yuskow
Joan Zdrill
Krystle Jennings
Leila Mostyn
Ryan Kulikowski
Vanessa Saluk
Zachary FriesenGS
Carson Dupuis
Deanne Arbuthnot
Derek McLeodGS
Doug Johnson
Ella Sing
Isabel MayGS
Jason Drysdale
Kelly-Ann Vnuk
Lloyd PoulinGS
Pamela Roslyn

Next Time on Survivor...[]

At Garibaldi, nobody knows who to trust, and Deanne starts to feel the pressure.

At Soufrière, the minority original Soufrière members continue to fight to overcome their numerical disadvantage.

Author's Notes[]

The episode title was said by Alyssa Watson as part of a message to Kelly-Ann Vnuk who she perceived to be the Queen Bee in the game.
