Survivor Fanon Wiki
"I Got off onto the Wrong Foot... Again! Part 2"
Season Survivor: Jamaica - Second Chances
Author Turtle
Episode Number 1/15
Episode Chronology
Previous I Got Off Onto The Wrong Foot... Again! Part 1
Next If You Make It One More Day, I'll Be Amazed

This is the 1st episode of Survivor: Jamaica - Second Chances


Reward/Immunity Challenge: Smash and Grab
Three tribe-members must swim out to a platform and climb up to a high platform. They take a club and jump out over the water, attempting to smash a tile which holds a key. Upon retrieving the key, they return to shore and the next contestant begins the circuit. Once all keys have been retrieved, the remaining tribemates use the keys to unlock a box and complete the final phase of the challenge: a puzzle. First place gets tarps and hammocks. Second place gets tarp or hammocks and third place gets whatever second place doesn't take. The tribe who loses gets a letter in a bottle to take with them to tribal council.
Winners: Yallahs, Siloah, Porus


Previously On Survivor[]

20 Americans, voted in by the wikia, started a new adventure, full of twists and turns. On Day One, each tribe chose a leader who in turn chose who they thought was weak. Yallahs chose Maemi as the weakest who cost her tribe the challenge, but surprised people when she found the idol all on her own with no clues. Seaforth, thinking it was a trick, chose Cole, their strongest member, who helped them win reward, however that was the only challenge they won as they lost the immunity challenge. With only five members, it seemed like Natalie was the clear choice to go until Anne, seeing this as a prime opportunity, decided to trick Christa into blindsiding her closest ally Cole in a 3-2 vote. 19 remain, who will also be voted out tonight?

Day 4[]


Anne is sitting watching Natalie lay in the shelter as the sun rises.

Last night I got Cole out instead of Natalie as was planned. I don't regret it because that was the only time I could possibly get him out, and be able to maybe stay a little longer.


Giancarlo is watching Anne.

Anne is playing dirty this time I see. Breaking me and Cole up? Bad bad move. Now my need for revenge is great. And she's my first target.


Anne and Giancarlo are talking.
Giancarlo: That was a great move.
Anne: Thank you.
Giancarlo: Just one question, why?
Anne: I thought that us four would have a better chance in the long run.
Giancarlo rolls his eyes at Anne.

Anne can say whatever she wants, I just want to know that she'll be the next one gone.


Giancarlo approaches Christa.
Giancarlo: Listen, what I say, I know how we can get Natalie out.
Christa: I'd be listening.
Giancarlo: We vote out Anne.
Christa: What! Are you stupid, that's not Natalie, Giancarlo!
Giancarlo: Just think about it.
Christa: No!

So Giancarlo comes up to saying, if we lose again, vote off Anne. Like I'm sorry Giancarlo but does Anne look like Natalie? No. Does she act like Natalie? No. So I'm not voting her.



Everyone is sitting around in their shelter.
Denzel: I'm soaked. I wished we built a better shelter.
Britney: Are you f&$#ing kidding me Denzel?
Everyone is shocked.
Denzel: What?
Britney: If you wanted a better shelter you should've got off you ass on day one!
Denzel: Calm down Britney.
Britney: Calm down? Me, Peggy, Ty, and Jerry have been trying to build a shelter but you just sit around saying we should, and you don't do anything at all!
Denzel: Well... Come on guys! Is anyone going to be on my side here?
No one responds at all.

I can't believe her! I mean, seriously? I work hard. Everyone here sees that and notices that. She's living in crazy land.


It felt so good to let Denzel know what was bothering me about him. I won't go at him again but I think everyone agrees with me.


In all honesty, I feel Britney was in the right that argument. I mean Denzel has done nothing since we've been out here! And it's not like he knows if you don't work you go, because he does know that. He's played before but he's treating this really really badly.



On Siloah, Jamie and Beatrice are talking as everyone else sleeps.
Beatrice: I want to work with you, I'm just nervous about working with you.
Jamie: Why Bea?
Beatrice: Last time you voted me out, what's to say you won't do it again?
Jamie: Last time was different. I was with Cassandra. This time I'll be loyal to only you.
Beatrice: Ok, thanks. That makes me a lot more comfortable.

I don't trust Jamie as far as I can throw him, which isn't that far. He's a snake and I don't think I could go further in this game with him.


Jamie and Mario are talking.
Jamie: It's just. I don't really trust her.
Mario: Same bro.
Jamie: Maybe if we...
Lisa comes up.
Lisa: Hey you two.
Jamie: Hey Lisa. Hey, can we ask you a question?
Lisa: Sure.
Jamie: How do you feel about Beatrice?
Lisa: I don't know really. She's nice but I don't know if I can trust her.
Jamie: That's what I was thinking.

The alliance of me, Mario, and Lisa are all in sync. We think the same about everything. We're going to be an unbeatable force.


I think Jamie mistakes me tolerating him for an alliance because right now he's all, we're in the best alliance! No. *laughs* I'm not in an alliance with you.


Everyone is sitting bored.
Beatrice: Oh I know! Let's sing a song.
Jamie: Sure. Who wants to start?
Beatrice: I will!
Life was so unkind, you're the key to the piece of my mind!
Beatrice & Tim: Because you make me feel,
you make me feel,
you make me feel,
like a natural woman.
Jamie, Mario, and Lisa have no idea what song is being sung and are badly trying to sing along to it.

I mean like, of course the gay guy would know that song. I think it was like Patti LaBelle or something like that? I don't know, I don't care. So then it was my turn to sing.


Mario: And can you feel the love, tonight? It is where we are.
As he sings he looks at Lisa who does her best not to look at him.

Mario's crush on Lisa is cute and creepy as hell both at the same time. On one hand you're like, dude back off, on the other hand it's like, at least he tries!



On Yallahs, Coco and Maemi are all alone on the beach while the other three are talking in the shelter.
Coco: Dear God, this is almost as bad as Sri.

Like, I can't seem to catch a break! Last time my entire tribe was plotting against me, and it looks like that again this time! Like come on, why me? Why am I doomed to live a tragic play of circles?


Maemi: Don't worry.

If we lose, we go to tribal and I play the idol on myself or Coco and we have two to their would be two then. It's great! Unless I misplay it then, it's not so great!


Coco: I know, it's just hard not to! I mean, seriously!
The camera cuts to Patrick, Miranda, and Billie.
Patrick: I want you to play those two into thinking you're voting with them.
Miranda: Evil... I like it.
Billie laughs.
Billie: Welcome to Yallahs, the evil tribe.

I want Coco and Maemi to think they have a chance at staying, then I want to rip the rug out right from underneath them. I want to see the tears in their eyes as they get voted out. It would just make my day. I couldn't stand either of them in Sri Lanka, so... I want them gone.


Patrick's comments about Maemi and Coco make me hesitant. Like why do you hate those two, that much? Did they like, kill your father or something?


Miranda and Coco are talking.
Coco: I'm just nervous, you talk to those two a lot.
Miranda: It's just because I don't want them to get nervous and flip.
Coco: I guess that makes sense.

Which side am I with? I don't even know! All I know is that I am the person with the most power on Yallahs right now.


Day 5[]


The Porus tribe is up and Peggy is sitting around talking to herself.
Peggy: I've made it so far this time! I'm so proud.

Last time I was the first person out and this time. I'm going to be at least second! I couldn't be happier! I improved and I'm all set. Of course I'm going to play this game, I just can play feeling much better.


Denzel is eyeing Peggy as she talks to herself.

I don't know what her problem is, maybe she's crazy? There had to be a reason she was first boot right? Personally I would never hang around someone like that. I keep my thoughts to myself, I'm reserved unlike everyone here who just flaps their jaws!


Britney, Peggy, Ty, and Jerry are out in the woods talking.
Ty: I don't know about you guys, but if we lose...
Britney: Same. He's just, so negative and unproductive!

So it's pretty clear that if we lose today it's Denzel going and we're all fine with that. It makes it easy on us.



The sun rises as Tim sits on a big rock.

Today was the day the first time that I played, that I got evacuated. It's great knowing that I'm still in here and that I have a chance to improve. I can show everyone exactly what I am made of!


The day started off normal enough, then... the guys went out to get some food from the trees...


Jamie is climbing up a tree as Tim holds a branch back for him.
Jamie: Ok, I'm high enough up now I think.
Tim lets go but the tree branch swings back from momentum and hits him in the head, a huge crack can be heard.
Mario (under his breath): Are you freakin' kidding me?
Tim: Not again!
Jamie: We need a medic, his head is bleeding.
Tim is crying as he sits up as medical comes out to check.

*wipes tear* It just sucks. I get injured and I might have to leave now! Fate is doomed to repeat but I didn't want it to repeat like this!


Mario: You sure do like hitting your head.
Tim (glaring at Mario): Not funny dude.

Then Mario mocks me! Like please, can you not add insult to injury?


Medic: We're just going to bandage this up, you're fine for right now, but we'll check it and if's worse, we're going to have no choice but to evacuate you.

I kind of wish he'd get evacuated, that'd mean one less person for me to deal with out here. That might sound insensitive but hey, this is a game and I need to win it, and right now, I'm doing a good job at that.



Christa, Anne, and Giancarlo are sitting on the beach talking and laughing.

I still don't trust Anne, but she's bearable, unlike... her. I might put my grudge against Anne away for this round to get out the girl I can't stand.


Natalie sees the three are sitting and joins them.
Natalie: Hey guys.
No one talks to her as they continue talking to each other.

They're ignoring me? BIG mistake. I get crazy when you ignore me!


Natalie drags Anne into the woods talking.
Natalie: Christa is stirring up so much sh$t Anne! She came up to me and said I was in an alliance with her, then acted like a psycho and disbanded it!
Anne: Really?
Natalie: Would I lie to you?

Hell yeah I would.


Anne: Well that gives me a lot to think about.

This changes everything! Who do I believe? Whose a bigger threat? It's a huge toss up at this point, all I know is, the target is not on me or Giancarlo right now.


Natalie and Christa are arguing later that day.
Christa: No! You came up to me. I don't know why you're lying to Anne and Giancarlo!
Natalie: I'm not! Stop arguing Christa, I thought you were "changed".
Christa: I am!
Natalie: Obviously not!
Christa is sobbing at this point.
Christa: I thought we were aligned!
Natalie: I was never aligned with you. You came up to me, and you took words out of my mouth, then you blew up! You're all over the place girl!
Giancarlo: Girls, let's break this up. We need to win immunity.
Christa: I don't want to win when she's on my team!
Natalie: Ditto.
Christa: Ugh, I hate you!
Natalie: I hate you too!

Natalie crossed a line today. *sniffle* She's just so mean and rude and I want her gone right this second! I can't take it! She's driving me insane.


Anne and Giancarlo are talking.
Anne: Natalie is mean, she deserves to go to that, but Christa is blowing up herself. She's been crying for 30 minutes straight now, she needs to toughen up if she wants to stay.
Giancarlo: So it's one of those two if we lose?
Anne: It will be for me.

If we lose, no matter who we vote, our tribe will get a tiny bit more peaceful.



Yallahs is sitting around not doing much.
Maemi: Well... I sure do enjoy this.
Miranda: Not often we get to do this.

So we're just laying around, not doing much which is a really nice change for once.


Coco is eyeing everyone.

We're resting which, normally, I'd be fine with however, I would like if we did something to help prepare us for the challenge! I mean, if I don't stretch, I won't do well.


Maemi and Coco are talking.
Maemi: We just have to win.

It's critical that we win! If we do not win then that means they're going to vote me or Coco and I do not want them to vote Coco or me! I mainly just don't want them to vote me but, shh. That's our secret.


Everyone is exiting to the immunity challenge.
Patrick: Let's win!

I hope we win. I want to go as far as possible without getting a vote. Heck, I want to play a perfect game this time around and the less tribal I go to, the better.


Immunity Challenge[]

Reward/Immunity Challenge: Smash and Grab
Outcome Tribe Swimmers Puzzle Solvers Sit-Outs
1st Yallahs Jamaica PatrickJamaica Billie
Patrick & Billie
Jamaica MirandaJamaica Maemi
Miranda & Maemi
Jamaica Coco
2nd Siloah Jamaica JamieJamaica Mario
Jamie & Mario
Jamaica BeatriceJamaica Tim
Beatrice & Tim
Jamaica Lisa
3rd Porus Jamaica JerryJamaica Ty
Jerry & Ty
Jamaica DenzelJamaica Peggy
Denzel & Peggy
Jamaica Britney
4th Seaforth Jamaica AnneJamaica Giancarlo
Anne & Giancarlo
Jamaica ChristaJamaica Natalie
Christa & Natalie


Seaforth comes back from the challenge, disappointed by their second straight lost.

So we lost again today, which sucks because that means we're down to three people only five days in. We can't afford to lose another challenge. We have to take out a cancer to our tribe. Natalie or Christa. Either one, the other will improve tenfold.


Anne is talking with Natalie.
Anne: There's no way you'll vote Giancarlo?
Natalie: None. I'm voting Christa, and she's voting me, done deal.
Anne nods her head in understanding.

There's no talking Natalie or Christa out of their vote, so we either have to work with them, or I have to try and make a big move all on my own.


Natalie is rambling to Anne about why she should stay.
Natalie: I will be a 100% honest with you. As soon as she leaves, I will become sane, I swear, if not, vote me off next time we lose.

I'm telling Anne what she wants to hear, it's how I know that I will possibly stay in this game. It's going to be a long battle but here I come!


The Seaforth tribe leaves for tribal as Natalie gives a voice over.

This is my second chance and I want to win. I want to play a game that looking back, I'll say wow. I'm going out in a blaze of fury if I am going.


Tribal Council[]

Jeff: If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.
No one stands as Jeff reads the votes.

First Vote: Christa

Second Vote: Natalie

Third Vote: Christa

Fourth Vote:

Second Person voted out of Survivor: Jamaica

Jeff: Christa, that's three, that's enough I need you to bring me your torch.
Christa gets her torch snuffed as she leaves.
Jeff: You can open up the bottle now.
Anne: Tomorrow morning the four tribes will be jumbled into three tribes, since you lost this challenge, your tribe will be disbanded. May your new tribe bring you better luck.
Jeff: Head on out, tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

Tribal Council 2:
Jamaica Christa
Christa (3 votes)
Jamaica AnneJamaica GiancarloJamaica Natalie
Anne, Giancarlo, & Natalie
Jamaica Natalie
Natalie (1 vote)
Jamaica Christa
Jamaica Christa

Voting Confessionals[]

I'm sorry Christa, but, never thought I'd be saying this, Natalie is more stable.


I'm just tired.


You look terrible. Go take a shower and eat, you deserve better then this.


What's good enough for you, is good enough for me!


Final Words[]

Well my tribe decided me over Natalie. I'm surprised. I thought that I would win and prove that I changed. I guess not.


Still in the Running[]

Yallahs Siloah
Jamaica Billie
Jamaica Coco
Jamaica Maemi
Jamaica Miranda
Jamaica Patrick
Jamaica Beatrice
Jamaica Jamie
Jamaica Lisa
Jamaica Mario
Jamaica Tim
Porus Seaforth
Jamaica Britney
Jamaica Denzel
Jamaica Jerry
Jamaica Peggy
Jamaica Ty
Jamaica Anne
Jamaica Christa
Jamaica Cole
Jamaica Giancarlo
Jamaica Natalie

Next Time on Survivor...[]

Author's Notes[]

