Survivor Fanon Wiki
"Beep Boop Bop Bitch"
Survivor Sazan Logo
Season Survivor: Sazan
Author Kween PvZ
Episode Number 2/14
Date Uploaded March 19, 2020
Episode Chronology
Previous I'm a Gay, Vote Me Off
Next Non-Edible People

Beep Boop Bop Bitch is the second episode of Survivor: Sazan.


Immunity Challenge: Serpent Turf
Contestants must race out into the water and swim over to their respective tribe's bamboo cage. Once the entire tribe has arrived, each person must climb up and over the cage wall into the water. They will then retrieve a 30-foot long, 400-pound snake and bring it back to shore after crossing a balance beam before setting the snake on a table. Three remaining castaways will then retrieve six number tiles from the snake, and the tiles will be used to solve a number combination. Solving the combination frees 8 rings that one of the three castaways must throw at a series of targets that became progressively further from the contestants. The rings, when hit, will eventually spell out "IMMUNITY". The first tribe to spell out "IMMUNITY" wins.
Reward: A choice of fishing gear or comfort items.

Night 3[]

Magji Tribe[]

The episode opens with a shot of the night sky, panning down to show the rushing waves of the ocean. The camera then cuts to the pink tribe flag, where the eight remaining Magji tribe members return from their hectic first Tribal Council, having unanimously voted out Phoenix. The camera shows Jackson as he leads them in, following him as he sets his torch aside and puts his stuff down next to the shelter. He turns to Leah, who has a bright smile on her face, clearly happy to have finally gotten rid of Phoenix. They high five each other and the camera lingers on a not-as-enthusiastic Jackson afterwards.

SazanJackson Bro, Tribal was a f***ing mess. I decided prematurely that Ian was going home when I didn’t even have Leah and Jake's votes down, and I hadn't even talked to Robyn at all. (Sighs) Phoenix went home, which is a relief because honestly, nobody liked him, I personally thought the dude was annoying as hell, and we discovered on day 3 that he was a terrible person. (Laughs) So, at least there was one good thing coming out of that stressful tribal.

Jackson sits down in the shelter, taking a long, deep breath as the other tribe members start to settle down as well. Robyn plops down comfortably on the shelter next to him, a smile on his face.

Jackson: You happy to finally have him gone?

Robyn (Smiling): Yep! I don't like to be mean, but if we kept him any longer I probably would've accidentally caused him to be medically evacuated. (Giggles)

Jackson laughs, knowing that he is unaware of the things Phoenix had said about him. Keeping it that way, Jackson lies down, yawning. 'I think I might just go straight to sleep,' he says, turning to the Queens native with a smile.

Jackson: Join me?

Robyn: I'm down. All that smoke from the fire made me dizzy.

Jackson: Speaking of fire, I have the flint. Should I go make fire?

He sits up, only to be pulled back down with a startled laugh.

Robyn: No, you're my pillow. Make the fire tomorrow.

Jackson chuckles. 'Alright then,' he says smiling as he closes his eyes to sleep. Robyn adjusts himself, laying his head on Jackson's chest before his confessional plays on the screen.

SazanRobyn So, I still have no clue what the hell all the whispering was about at tribal. The plan was super simple, a unanimous vote to take out Phoenix. Even a dumb bitch like me understood, but everyone seemed to be in a panic during Tribal. I don't know what that's about, but I'm trusting in my allies right now. I'll have to ask some questions later, but right now I'm just thankful to still be here. (Pauses) Well, I'll also have to learn how to spell people's names because I'm very sure Phoenix is nowhere as hot as Finnick Odair. Just saying. (Giggles)

Following his confessional, Ian is shown walking by the shelter, glancing sideways at the two snuggling in the shelter before walking over to where Leah is taking a drink out of her water canteen.

Ian: So what happened tonight? To our plan and everything, and with all the whispering going around.

Not wanting to reveal Jackson's original plan to vote him out, Leah thinks for a moment before answering the question.

Leah: Well, the entire tribe wanted Phoenix out, and it just didn't make sense for us to keep him. I mean, not many people know about the crap he said about Robyn, but once I heard that, I was one hundred percent voting him out.

Ian nods. 'I get that,' he says.

Ian: I wasn't too keen on keeping him either, I just went into Tribal thinking that was going to be the plan because nobody told me anything different.

Leah: Yeah, I wasn't told exactly which way we were going either until right before we left. That's why Jake, Jackson, and I took so long to get ready for Tribal Council earlier today.

Ian: That makes more sense...I trust you guys, especially you. I was just paranoid that something else was going on because of all that whispering.

He pauses, before suddenly seeming to think of something.

Ian: I don't understand why Jackson and Elaina were whispering though. Elaina wasn't supposed to be in on the plan, so she should've thought the vote was going to be an easy one against Phoenix, right?

Without missing a beat, Leah replies,

Leah (Smoothly): Elaina was just getting really nervous about Tribal Council, and she was thinking that the vote might be too easy, so she was just trying to make sure that everything was still going according to plan. (Shrugs) Caused a bit of chaos, but at least we were able to fill you in on our decision during the whole whispering mess.

This seems to make sense to Ian, who seems much less tense than before. He nods, smiling.

Ian: Alright, thanks for telling me. I know I can always trust you.

'You're welcome,' Leah replies, returning the smile, and the camera returns to Ian's now-relieved face as his confessional begins to play.

SazanIan I came into tribal council thinking that our plan to take out Robyn was in action, but it turns out we were all going after Phoenix all along. I guess we just weren't communicating well, which caused everything to be blown way out of proportion during Tribal. I'm just glad I was eventually told who to vote for because it would've been really embarrassing and pretty catastrophic for me if I had voted the wrong way. (Chuckles nervously) I'm still a little paranoid right now, least I didn't vote for Robyn and piss him off, so that's a plus.

Once Ian's confessional is over, the scene transitions to where Leah and Jake are taking a short walk in the woods. They are talking about Tribal as we see the scene begin.

Leah: I'm so glad that's over with.

'Me too,' Jake says, taking a deep breath. 'That was stressful.'

Leah: I had to calm Ian down after Tribal Council and make sure he didn't have any suspicions about Jackson's crazy plan to take him out.

As she mentions the plan, she makes a face, prompting Jake to question her.

Jake (Concerned): How are you feeling after tonight's Tribal? About the whole Phoenix situation and how Ian and Jackson handled it.

Leah: I...I'm still angry at Phoenix, but he's off the island now. Ian and Jackson are still here, and while I still love them as people and I'd still like to work with them...

She trails off, thinking for a second before speaking again.

Leah: I mean, yeah, I'm glad that they see that what Phoenix said wasn't right and that they were upset about it, but it just was off-putting that they seemed so nonchalant about it. To me, saying discriminatory things about someone else is a big deal, but to them it didn't seem like it really mattered all that much.

She pauses, the camera honing in on her conflicted expression for a moment before we hear her explain her thoughts in her confessional.

SazanLeah The levels of disorganization at Tribal Council tonight were, like, off-the-charts. It drove me crazy, everything that happened today. Not only was I sick and tired of Phoenix and hurt by the things that he said, but it really frustrated me that Jackson and Ian pretty much ignored the issue. They were just like, 'aw, that's sad' and that's it. I'm still gonna work with them, but I just feel like they need to learn to be more sensitive about this stuff. If this becomes a pattern it might be hard for me to work with them, but for now, if it benefits me and gets me closer to the win, I'm open to doing business. (Shrugs)

As Leah's confessional plays, she and Jake continue speaking, and after the confessional has concluded, they turn to return back to camp. The camera follows them as they walk back in silence, showing one last shot of Leah's face before the screen fades into the season's intro.

Day 4[]

Lumi Tribe[]

Following the intro, the camera shows a shot of the morning sky, the sun beginning to rise as peaceful music plays in the background. We see the green Lumi tribe flag for a short moment before the camera cuts to the shelter, where Brynn is lying awake by herself. The other tribe members are up and about, Joslyn and Zachary getting out of the shelter to go take a walk, Meagan tending to the fire, Teresa, Kevin, Linda, and Jerome somewhere out of sight of the viewers, and Rose, returning from a trip to the water well, having picked up a coconut on her way back. Upon spotting Brynn still lying lazily in the shelter, she rolls her eyes.

Rose (Muttering to herself): Wakey wakey, bitch.

SazanRose Miss Brynn is no longer hiding out in the woods at night and has been sleeping in the shelter and living in the camp she had no part in building. (Crosses arms) I'll admit, I didn't do much work in camp myself, but even I pitch in somehow. Brynn, however, is just a helpless sack of insecurities and oily skin, and it's really unflattering to have to even have to look at her.

Unbeknownst to her, Brynn can hear everything she is muttering and makes a show of rolling her eyes, though nobody is even paying attention to her. 'Ugh,' she says after realizing this, 'whatever, I don't even care.' The camera then cuts to where Meagan is tending to the fire, with Rose having sat down next to her, warming herself up.

Rose: Good morning, Meagan.

Meagan: Morning, Rose.

Glancing over to the shelter, where Brynn is still lazing around, Rose rolls her eyes. 'Do you see her?' Rose asks, to which Meagan responds without looking,

Meagan: You mean Brynn? If so, I'm trying not to.

Rose laughs, not expecting such snark out of Meagan. 'Same,' she says.

Rose: If we lose an immunity challenge, which honestly won't be so hard given how she's absolute dead weight, I can't wait to see her leave.

Meagan: If we end up losing and she doesn’t get voted off, I might cry, to be honest.

Rose giggles, nodding in agreement.

Rose: I never pegged you as the type to be so brutally honest. I left that up to Joslyn.

Meagan: Yeah, well, people like Brynn bring out the worst of all of us.

Rose (Nodding): I know from experience.

Meagan snickers, clearly enjoying the memory of Rose's argument with Brynn.

Meagan: That was hilarious, by the way. I know Linda acts like it was super immature of you, but let's be honest, I think anyone would react the same way.

Rose: Speaking of which, do you think Linda would target me over her? I mean, I don't see why, but she and Jerome seem to hate me just as much as they hate her.

Meagan rolls her eyes. 'Yeah, well,' she says, smacking her lips.

Meagan (Irritated): We hate her right back, so her opinion doesn't quite matter.

'I didn't know you could be petty,' Rose observes, amused.

Rose: I think I like it.

Simply making an 'mm-hm' noise, it's clear that Meagan has no trouble talking about her frustrations about her tribemates. The scene transitions into her confessional, where she has the same irritated tone in her voice.

SazanMeagan The more the days go by, the more I realize that I hate my tribe. And it's only day four, so who knows how I'll feel on day five? Six? Nine? Thirteen? Let's hope there's a tribe swap before then though. (Laughs) I'm not the type to be, you know, rude and negative all the time, but I've found that being with people like Brynn, Jerome, and Linda all the time really takes a toll on you. Thankfully, I have Zachary and Joslyn as allies, Kevin is relatively tame, and I've found that while I'm not the best of friends with Rose, I can always gossip with her about how much I hate our tribe. So in the case that we go to Tribal, those are the people I am for sure not writing down on that parchment paper, at least for then next Tribal, because they're the only ones I care about.

As Meagan lists various tribe members in her confessional, we see them appear on the screen, and after the confessional, the scene transitions to where Jerome and Linda were shown taking a walk in the woods. They walk in complete silence, looking dead serious even in their leisure time. Finally, after a few more seconds of silence, Linda speaks.

Linda: We need to make sure everyone is putting in work when we get back. I doubt that anybody is doing anything when we aren't present.

Jerome nods in agreement, keeping an icy glare on his face as he stares in front of him at absolutely nothing.

Jerome: Especially the bitchy princesses. All number one wants to do is sit in the shelter and do absolutely nothing, and all the second one wants to do is complain about number one. Both piss me off.

Linda: Remind me, which is one, which is two? I don't know if I willingly forgot or if I genuinely can't remember them because I never see them putting in work.

Jerome: One is the pimple girl, two is the stripper girl.

Linda: I wish I hadn't asked. Now I can't stop thinking about how utterly useless and lazy they are at camp. If they don't put in work, they shouldn't be allowed to sleep in our shelter.

Jerome: Sadly, we can't force anyone out, can we?

Linda (Looking genuinely upset): No, we can't.

They walk in cold silence for another moment, before Jerome speaks up.

Jerome: I'm fine with either of them leaving as soon as we lose an immunity challenge. It'll ultimately come down to who we can make more use of, both strategically and around camp.

Rolling her eyes, Linda remarks,

Linda (Sourly): I believe our only criteria will be strategic use then, because we both know neither will help at camp.

SazanLinda Life at camp is utterly miserable on a day to day basis. Jerome is the only person with sense and therefore we are an inseparable duo. Meanwhile, everyone else seems too busy fantasizing about their million dollars that they don't do anything around camp. Jerome and I limit ourselves to one walk a day, unless it's for strategic purposes, to gather materials and food, to fill up water bottles, or something else necessary, like to use the restroom. The others seem to be going on walks all the time, and at this point I'm not sure if they're off looking for idols or simply slacking off, but at this point I'm not sure I care. (Crosses arms)

Jerome: We should have the numbers to vote either out. I think Kevin and Teresa are both old enough and sensible enough to make rational decisions, though who knows? With our luck, we very well may be wrong.

Linda: And we'd need one more.

Jerome: I'm sure whichever princess we keep would like to get rid of the other, so that's an automatic number, and I doubt the other three on our tribe would argue against taking one of them out.

Linda nods. 'Then all we have to do for now is wait until we lose a challenge,' she says, crossing her arms. She opens her mouth to say something else, but stops upon spotting something, instead opting to roll her eyes. The camera follows her gaze to show Joslyn and Zachary, returning from their walk. They are talking and smiling, not paying attention or noticing the other two until Linda speaks up, her voice cold and commanding.

Linda (Accusingly): What exactly are you two doing? Slacking off again?

'We're just taking a walk,' Zachary answers. Linda simply raises an eyebrow, giving them a cold look and shaking her head dismissively, which causes Joslyn to also shake her head.

Linda (Condescendingly): Don't shake your head at me, young miss. You should know better than to act immature with me.

Joslyn (Firing back quickly): Don't shake your head at me then, middle-aged missus.

Linda (Clicking her tongue): I will not tolerate your disrespect and immaturity. Go back to camp and do some work.

Joslyn (Bewildered): Disrespect? But you just--

Zachary grabs her wrist, signaling her to calm down and let him take over the conversation. Joslyn rolls her eyes, not wanting to listen to his directions, but takes a breath and closes her mouth.

Zachary (Calmly): What do you want us to work on?

Linda: Anything. The two of you haven't raised a finger since we built the shelter.

Zachary makes a face, clearly not in agreement with that statement, but he keeps his voice calm.

Zachary: Alright, will do.

There's a tense silence as the two groups pass by each other, the camera following Joslyn and Zachary as they walk back to camp. Joslyn glances behind her back, and once she is sure they are gone, she lets out a groan and rolls her eyes.

Joslyn: You have no clue how badly I wanted to punch her in her face.

Zachary: I think I might have a pretty close idea. You're not the best at hiding your anger.

Joslyn: Yeah, well, not when it's with someone as blatantly disrespectful as Linda. We should check if she's even human, she acts like she's a robot, hell, she even talks like it.

Zachary laughs as Joslyn continues to vent her frustrations, the camera focusing on her as she finally releases her anger.

SazanJoslyn (Holding up her fingers to indicate how close) I was this f***ing close to getting myself ejected from the game earlier. Linda is literally a robot, all she does is go beep boop bop bitch about our supposed lack of work ethic. All. Day. Long. And she must be malfunctioning because she seems to forget all the work that anyone else does. All she does is complain about how other people are 'so useless' when in fact she's not even all that useful herself. And all she does is follow whatever Jerome says, which is great for Jerome, sure, but bad for the rest of us. (Groans) The worst thing is she's not even the worst one on the tribe. (Sighs) I'm going to have to learn to suck it up and wait if I want to win this game, but it's not an easy task.

Zachary: She really pissed you off earlier, huh?

Joslyn: Yeah. (Sighs) I should calm down. Ugh, I really can't handle being constantly disrespected by her, she's so condescending. But coming into this game I promised myself I wouldn't let other people get to me.

Zachary: To be fair, our tribe is crazy, and you couldn't have expected to be surrounded by the likes of Brynn and Middle-Aged Missus. I'm proud of you for coming up with that name on the spot though.

Joslyn: I don't like to target people's age, but I'm sick of being called immature because of my age. (Frowns) I have enough of that from my family.

Zachary raises an eyebrow, intrigued. 'They don't take you seriously?' he guesses, receiving a sad nod in return.

Joslyn: Yeah, I mean, I love my family. We're all really close, I'm really connected with my extended family, but that also means they all are constantly giving their input on my life.

Zachary nods, lending her a listening ear as she spills her feelings to him.

Joslyn: I've always caught flack from my family because I'm not ladylike enough or I'm immature to them. They wanted me to quickly marry and produce children for them so the family could go on, but I wanted to, you know, follow my dreams. I'm a dance instructor now, but becoming one was hard when no one supported me. They'd come to my cheerleading and dance team events, sure, but once I started pursuing that career path, their support was nowhere to be found.

Once she's finished, Zachary walks in silence for a second before speaking.

Zachary: Damn, that sucks. I'm really sorry to hear that. My family was never like that, I mean, they always expected me to do something big with my life and that's what I'm doing, but they put crazy amounts of pressure on me to perform. I'm not saying I went through the same thing as you and hell, I know that I'm privileged to have a family so supportive, but I can relate with having family put pressure on you.

Joslyn: The thing is that they've always been supportive of me and I know they love me. But sometimes when they pressure me to live life just the way they want me to, that love doesn't quite show. I just have to remind myself that they do in fact love me and are just trying to care for me.

Zachary (Smiling): Sounds like you guys are really close even through all of that.

Joslyn smiles warmly. 'Yep,' she says.

Joslyn: I know pretty much all of my cousins, all my tías y tíos, my nieces and nephews, pretty much everyone. (Laughs) It was a little tiring remembering everyone's names at first, but I love them all.

'That's good,' Zachary says, smiling back at her, as they finally arrive back at the center of camp. 'Well,' he says.

Zachary: Might as well get back to work.

'On what?' Joslyn asks, raising an eyebrow.

Zachary: Make something up, hell, I don't know, I just don't want the bitch to come bitching at us.

Joslyn giggles, agreeing as she joins Meagan in making rice for the tribe, while Zachary goes to collect coconuts.

Joslyn: Let's hope Linda doesn't get pissed off that you're going on a walk again.

Zachary rolls his eyes. 'Since when do I care?' he asks with a shrug, the camera honing in on his mischievous smile before his confessional begins to play on the screen.

SazanZachary Right now the tribe is under this dictatorship where Linda and Jerome tell us what to do and we have to do it. To be honest, I don't mind right now, I'm more focused on thinking about my game. To me, it'd be great to have an idol in my hands, I mean, who doesn't want to own a hidden immunity idol? I have a great connection with Joslyn and Meagan, but I'd feel more secure about my position in this tribe if I had some type of protection. So when I got the chance, I went idol hunting.

Checking back over his shoulder to see if anyone is following, he begins looking around the woods for anything suspicious. Intense music plays as he looks behind every rock, in every crevice, hoping to find something. To his disappointment, he can't seem to find anything, but he continues searching, picking up a few coconuts along the way to decrease suspicion.

Zachary: Damn, this is hard. Where is this freakin' idol?

He reaches his hand in a hole in the ground, immediately pulling it out afterwards. 'Gross, definitely nothing in there,' he says. Turning to his right, he jumps, seeing Rose only a short distance away looking for an idol as well. Hoping to sneak away without her noticing, he goes the opposite direction, only to step on a very loud twig. Jumping, Rose turns around, seeing him.

Rose (Startled): Oh, hey, what are you doing here?

Playing it off like he had just been on a walk to find coconuts, Zachary puts on his best suspicious face. ;Well,; he says,

Zachary: I was looking for coconuts. What are you doing here?

Rose (Clearly lying): Wow, same. These coconuts are hard to find. How did you already find some? I swear, I can never find them.

Zachary raises an eyebrow.

Zachary (Suspiciously): It's really not that hard. I mean, you've brought back plenty of them before.

Rose: I guess I was just having a good day then.

The camera focuses on her face as she says this, crossing her arms, the emotions on her face a mixture of stubbornness, defensiveness, and nervousness. We hear her start her confessional as the camera continues showing her face for a short while before cutting to where she is giving her confessional.

SazanRose Oh my God. The second Zachary caught me, I wanted to just yell at the top of my lungs, 'f*** you, go away' because being caught looking for an idol is not fun. (Buries face in her hands) I hope this doesn't make me a target, I mean, I already am one, but my goal right now is to make sure Brynn goes home over me. I wanted to look for an idol because I felt unsafe in this tribe, like I could go home any second, but now I'm wondering if I only made it worse for myself. (Sighs) God, I really hope he believed me or he doesn't run his mouth to the tribe. If he doesn't tell, he'll be my new best friend. (Laughs nervously)

Rose: Well, I don't think I'll have any more luck out here. I should go back.

Zachary nods. 'Alright,' he says, 'I'll come back with you.' Rose doesn't seem to like this idea, already intimidated by him as the person who caught her idol searching, but she can't find a way to tell him off and simply shrugs.

Rose: The more the merrier, I guess.

Knowing that she is simply trying to play it cool, Zachary smirks as the two of them walk silently together back to camp.

SazanZachary Well, I didn't find the idol because my eyesight seriously sucks and these glasses can only help so much, (chuckles) but at least I found Rose trying to look for one too. She has no clue that I was also idol searching and thinks that I'm going to tell the tribe or something from the way she's acting. I'm not going to, but it's a good way to make her feel indebted to me. I'm not sure if I'll ever really use her as a number, but if I do, I already have a way into doing so, I guess.

Once Zachary's confessional is finished, the scene transitions to the center of camp, where Jerome and Linda have returned from their walk. Linda glares at Meagan and Joslyn as they finish cooking the rice with an unfriendly and disapproving expression, before she realizes that they are indeed doing work and nods her head in approval, a gesture that makes them both roll their eyes in private.

Meagan (Mocking): Yes, you have my permission to cook the rice.

Joslyn giggles, and Linda, unaware of this, sits down in the shelter, satisfied. Jerome sits down next to her, both watching the two now uncomfortable women as they cook the rice. After a moment, Linda turns behind her and spots Brynn, still lying down in the shelter even through all of this time. Eyes wide, Linda taps Jerome's shoulder.

Linda: Look at this young lady...not doing any work around camp.

Grunting, Jerome turns around to see Brynn's depressingly ragged form lying in the shelter. 'I'll handle this,' he mutters, crawling over to where she is. Bringing his lips close to her ear, he inhales, then:

Jerome (Shouting): WAKE THE F*** UP, YOU BRAT.

Jumping, Brynn immediately sits up, blushing. She quickly fixes a strand of her hair, putting it behind her ear and flutters her eyelashes at him, trying her best to entice him.

Brynn (Purposefully high-pitched): I'm sorry, Mr. Porter. Will you please forgive me?

Jerome (Emotionless): No. Get up.

Brynn lets out a groan, then stops in the middle, remembering her mission to flirt with him. She changes the groan into a moan, which only serves to make him recoil in disgust.

Brynn: Wow, Mr. Porter, you look so hot in the morning.

Jerome (Seeming genuinely disgusted): You are absolutely disgusting.

From the firepit, Meagan and Joslyn burst into a fit of giggles, earning a pointed glare from Brynn, who rolls her eyes. Linda, seeming very disturbed by Brynn's so-called flirting, stands up and excuses herself.

Linda: Anybody need water bottles filled?

Nobody answers.

Linda: I, fill my own water bottle, yes, I am feeling a bit...thirsty.

Meagan leans in to whisper to Joslyn, giggling,

Meagan: Brynn's feeling a bit thirsty too, don't ya think?

Joslyn giggles, smacking her arm. 'Shhh,' she says.

Joslyn: Let's just watch the show.

Back at the shelter, Brynn continues, now twirling her hair around her finger, still trying to play coy with the clearly uninterested, married 39 year-old.

Brynn: You know, I think I slept in because I just didn't get good sleep last night.

Jerome (Offended): Are you insulting the shelter that you didn't spend any time building?

Brynn giggles and waves her hand, as if tossing away the thought.

Brynn: No, no. I know I wasn't there, but you probably looked so hot building it. And you probably brooded that way you always do, oh my God it turns me on.

Jerome (Deadpan): Wow. Thanks. Means a lot.

Brynn lets out another high-pitched giggle, causing Meagan and Joslyn to cover their ears. 'It sounds like an ambulance,' Joslyn whispers.

Meagan (Snickering): Yeah, and the ambulance is coming to pick her up and bring her to Dr. Pimple Popper.

Joslyn cracks up, once again receiving a glare from Brynn. 'What are you even laughing at?' she asks, hostile, before realizing that they either can't hear her or more likely are ignoring her.

Brynn: Whatever, ignore them, Mr. Blue-Haired Babe.

Jerome pantomimes puking, which Brynn doesn't seem to get.

Brynn: Wow. That was so hot.

'Boys at the club be like,' Joslyn whispers to Meagan, both still laughing over Brynn's horrid flirting. Shooting them another irritated glance, Brynn tries to spit at them, the spit landing on her own leg instead. Deciding to improv,

Brynn (Fluttering her eyelashes at Jerome): Do you mind wiping that off for me?

Jerome: Yes, I do mind.

Brynn (Ignoring him): Anyway, as I was saying, I slept in because I didn't get good sleep. Maybe you could help me sleep next time? I'd love to have some comfort while we sleep in the shelter.

'So you're saying the shelter isn’t comfortable,' Jerome says, a threat in his voice. Rolling her eyes, Brynn laughs it off, using another very high-pitched laugh that causes even Jerome to wince. The camera focuses on his pained expression as his confessional begins to play.

SazanJerome Bitchy princess number one may very well be the most disgusting woman I have ever met in my life. Not only does her face, her voice, and her entire presence disgust me, but she openly flirts with an uninterested married 39 year-old who clearly is ready to kick her blubbering, lazy ass off the island. (Rolls eyes) The worst part of it is, I could use her for strategic gain, given that she's so f***ing fond of me. As much as I'd rather get rid of her, I'm stuck with her for longer, and if I keep her around, which would gain me a loyal number, I have to deal with her for even longer. (Scowls)

The camera cuts to where Meagan and Joslyn are still laughing, trying to focus on getting the rice they just cooked split into portions for the tribe, accidentally spilling one of the tribe members' rice onto the floor in the midst of their laughter. They look at each other, panicked, before a mutual agreement seems to come over them as they shovel the rice onto an empty coconut shell. Standing up with a devilish smirk on her face, Meagan approaches where Brynn and Jerome are in the shelter.

Meagan (Keeping a straight face): Brynn, here's your rice.

Without thanking her, Brynn eagerly snatches the rice from her, the camera focusing on her as she eats the rice that had just fallen onto the dirty ground of the campsite.

SazanBrynn Score! Mr. Blue-Haired Babe is mine for keeping! (Giggles) I'm so, like, happy right now. I have a hot boyfriend now and it's, like, the best. I know the other girls are just so jealous that I have Jerome as my new boyfriend, but whatever. It's not like their opinion even matters. I'm, like, the queen of this game. You already know. (Fails to snap with her fingers) Ugh. Whatever. I don't even, like, need to snap to show that I'm the queen of the game. Cause I'm, like, pretty much already kinda married to the king of the game, so...

The camera lingers on Brynn's self-satisfied smirk, somehow managing to eat rice smugly, before showing Meagan and Joslyn, snickering as they watch her eat the fallen rice. The camera zooms in on Brynn one last time before the screen fades to black.

Magji Tribe[]

The scene opens with a shot of the pink Magji tribe flag, signifying that we have now switched focus to the pink tribe. A scratching noise is heard for a while before the camera finally shows a tired and weary Gracie scratching a tally mark onto a nearby tree, marking the fourth day of the game. 'Day four,' she says, stretching, having just woken up. The camera then pans to the empty firepit, where Leah, Jackson, Elaina, and Robyn are huddled. Jackson is trying to use the flint they got from Tribal the night before to start the fire, his face full of frustration as he tries to get something started.

Jackson: Even now that we have flint, this s*** is impossible.

Giving up, he offers the others a chance to try and start the fire.

Robyn: Honey, you should know not to offer me the flint. I'll probably drop it in the fire or like, poke the fire or something.

Jackson (Laughing): Yep, I'm well aware. Elaina, Leah? Either one of you wanna give it a shot?

Elaina: I don't think I'd be much use. Leah, you've been working on the fire for the past three days, do you want to try?

Shrugging, Leah takes the flint and begins striking it, trying to get something going. The camera focuses on Jake's agitated facial expression as he stands nearby, watching them try to start a fire.

SazanJake We lost Phoenix yesterday because of Tribal Council, which nobody was sad about, really (chuckles), but we got flint out of it. So when we woke up this morning we decided to try and get something started, but that flint was just not doing much for us. I just want to get a fire started already, I mean, we could cook rice and other things on there, not to mention fire brings heat, and when it's cold at night I'd like to have a fire nearby. It was hard staying positive, but seeing that my tribemates weren't giving up was encouraging.

Leah focuses as she strikes the flint, muttering, 'this shouldn't be this hard.'

Leah: I've been working on this thing for three days, and if flint doesn't do it, I don't know what will.

As she continues trying, the others watch on, looking just as desperate as her to start something. 'I can try again,' Jackson offers. Shaking her head, she grits her teeth in determination.

Leah: I'm not giving up. I can do this.

Sitting back, Jackson tells the others to give her some space to focus and work as she just tries striking the flint. The viewers can see her determined expression as she keeps on trying, the repetitive clang of the flint audible as she strikes and strikes it again.

Leah (Whispering to herself): You have flint now, you can do this.

SazanLeah I told myself over and over again, you can do this, you can do this, you can do this. I've been trying to start a fire for three days without flint, and now that I do have flint, it still doesn't start. I'm frustrated, I'm tired, I'm ready to give up, but I'm a stubborn girl. I've gone through some tough stuff, but I always tell myself never to give up, so I keep on going...

Her confessional pauses for a moment as we see her start to get a spark going. The others, watching her, start to get excited, but Leah keeps the same determined expression on her face and keeps going at it as her confessional continues.

SazanLeah ...I start to get a spark and everyone's getting excited, but I'm just thinking in my head, don't screw this up, just keep on going. The spark is getting bigger...
LEAH (Pt. 2)

Overflowing triumphant music starts to play in the background as the spark develops into a flame and the flame develops into a fire. Nurturing it, Leah continues working on getting it bigger and making it stable, her face not showing any emotion or feeling other than determination. 'Come on, come on,' she whispers to herself. Finally, the fire develops into a full-fledged one, and Leah finally stops, satisfied with her work. Around her, her tribemates cheer, congratulating her.

SazanLeah ...And before I know it, I've made fire. I really can't believe it, I mean, me of all people, I made fire. (Starting to tear up) I'm sorry, I'm just overwhelmed right now. I don't usually cry over, you know, making fire, and making fire with flint isn't that impressive, (laughs) but I've worked so hard on trying to get it started and to see it finally come true is just such a relief. It's like a dream come true, and I think it only happened because I kept going and trusted in God and trusted in myself that it would happen. (Grins, wiping away her tears) I'm just so happy right now. If I can do this, I can do anything.
LEAH (Pt. 3)

Grinning with pure joy as she looks at the fire she just made, she wipes away a stray tear, dropping the flint onto the ground and sitting back happily. Robyn tackles her in a tight hug, smiling.

Robyn (Encouragingly): Good job, girl! You made fire.

These words seem to make her burst into tears, something that initially surprises him, but he hugs her tighter, patting her back.

Robyn (Comfortingly): You're amazing, Leah. You never give up. That's what I love about you, y’know?

This puts a slight smile on her face as she cries, unable to explain her sudden burst of emotions to him.

Robyn: It's alright if you just need to cry for a little bit, girl. I'm here.

As the others, excited about the fire Leah just made, start to prepare rice for the tribe to eat, Robyn stays there for Leah, continuing to comfort her for a while as the camera focuses on his smiling face.

SazanRobyn That's my best friend right there! (Giggles) Sorry best friends at home, you guys have competition. When she made fire I was just so proud of her, I mean, she's been working on it since she got here, even when we didn't have flint. I know I definitely wouldn't have been able to stick to that task, and let's be honest, not a lot of people would, so for Leah to do that...I was like a proud little brother. That's not only my best friend, that's one of my sisters. (Smiles) I'm so, so proud right now, I can't even explain it.

'Here, eat my coconut,' Robyn offers, handing her the coconut he was about to start eating. 'It tastes like s*** anyway,' he jokes, but it's clear by his expression that he genuinely is trying to care for her. Grateful, Leah takes it.

Leah: Thanks. You're the best.

Robyn (Cheeky): I know.

The camera then focuses on Elaina as she begins to cook the rice. Irene immediately joins her, Robyn going to sit by their side as they watch the rice cook together.

Elaina: This reminds me of home a bit.

Irene gives her a blank look. 'What?'

Elaina: The rice. It kind of reminds me of home.

Irene: Oh, yeah. Well, not to brag...but personally I think I'm the best at cooking rice. Never too dry, never too soggy.

Elaina laughs. 'Lucky you,' she says.

Elaina: I never knew how you cooked rice for the longest time, I mean, it was always my parents doing it. So when I left for college, it was a shock to not be able to eat rice with my meals.

Robyn: Imagine being smart and going to college. Can't relate.

Elaina and Irene look at each other awkwardly. 'Hey, you're smart too,' Irene says, patting his arm.

Irene: You're my son, after all.

Robyn giggles as Elaina keeps talking.

Elaina: Well, I brought a rice cooker because my parents told me to, but I had no clue how to use it. And my roommate didn't know how to cook rice, so I had to FaceTime with my mom to learn how. It was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, having to ask her a question every five seconds and seeing her disappointed face. (Laughs)

Robyn: Believe me, I'm used to seeing my parents' disappointed face.

'Same,' Irene says, laughing, prompting Elaina to join in.

Robyn: Why are we laughing about our parents being disappointed in us? That's kinda sad.

Irene: I don't know, but my mom puts a lot of pressure on me to do the smallest things. It's really kind of annoying, but I mean, she makes good kimchi, so we keep in contact. Robyn giggles.

Elaina: I've never actually had kimchi before.

Irene (Gasps): You're not a true Asian!

Elaina: Irene, kimchi is a Korean thing. I'm Chinese.

'Oh,' Irene says, seeming to have forgotten that detail.

Irene: I forgot. I guess I really started thinking of you as my daughter, huh?

Robyn: You know, speaking of not being a true Asian...okay, you guys might disown me for this, so don't freak out.

Trading a glance with Elaina, Irene turns back to him.

Irene: What? You can tell me. Elaina's not trustworthy--

Elaina: Hey! I'm perfectly trustworthy.

Irene (Dismissively): Let her believe that. But you can trust me, I won't disown you.

Taking a deep breath, he says, 'alright, here goes...'

Robyn: I can't use chopsticks for the life of me.

Gasping loudly, Irene stumbles away from him.

Irene: Get away from me! You're not my son.

Laughing, Robyn buries his head in his hands, embarrassed.

Robyn: Yeah, I know. I'm a disappointment. It's really awkward because when people would come over to my house and my mom made Chinese food, they'd be able to use chopsticks to eat. Meanwhile, I'd always have to ask for a spoon or fork because my parents love to humiliate me in front of other people. (Giggles) Yeah, that was never fun. It was the same in Chinese restaurants, and the Chinese waiters would always just look at my parents like, "how did you raise this child?"

Elaina: That's actually kind of horrible. But after living in your mom's household for eighteen years, how do you not know how to use chopsticks?

Robyn: Okay, shush, I don't need more people shaming me. (Laughs) Well, I can't cook rice either. I always just trust the rice cooker to make it correctly. But we don't exactly have a rice cooker out here.

Elaina: Shh, let the expert do her job.

Irene (Grinning): By expert you mean me, right?

Elaina: No, I mean the one who's currently cooking the rice right now.

'Who's that?' Robyn and Irene both ask, seeming confused. Elaina gives them a hurt look.

Elaina: Me, you doofuses.

'Ohhh,' they both respond simultaneously, seeming to have genuinely forgotten that she was the one cooking the rice.

Elaina: Wow, guys. I don't know whether to be hurt or disappointed in you guys. I think it's a mixture of both.

Robyn: Oh no, not the face of disappointment again!

Irene and Robyn both shield their eyes, not wanting to have to read the disappointment all over Elaina's face. She laughs, amused by their antics.

SazanElaina Thanks to Leah and the flint, we have fire now and I can cook rice. It's a little different doing it out in the wild and doing it with virtually no supplies, but it still brings back memories. (Smiles) I don't want to say that I'm aligned with Irene and Robyn simply because of our race, but I think we can connect with each other a little better because we've been through similar struggles and we can bond over things like our love for rice and our fear of our parents' disappointment. (Laughs) I really do think I have a really strong connection with them that I plan on using in the future, as long as they feel the same about me.

Following Elaina's confessional, they are shown splitting the rice into eight portions for each tribe member. The tribe gathers around, thanking Elaina for making their food before starting to eat. The camera zooms in on Gracie as she eats her rice, grimacing at first but continuing to eat.

SazanGracie Girl, I'm just thankful we have food now, but damn, the second I put my mouth around that rice I was like oh hell nah, I might stick with some coconut. (Laughs) Elaina's a good cook, I ain't blaming her, but I'm a picky eater and I'm not used to eating no rice, that's for sure. I guess I'ma have to stick with rice cause hey, that's some extra food, and we only gotta split between eight bitches instead of nine like the other tribe cause we kicked out Phoenix's dumbass.

Gracie continues to make faces as she eats her rice, which doesn't go unnoticed by the people around her. Raising an eyebrow, Jackson taps her shoulder.

Jackson: Bro, you good there?

Gracie: Yeah, I'm good. I'm just not used to eating rice.

She continues to finish up her rice, the others occasionally glancing at her as she makes a variety of faces, the camera making sure to highlight each one, ranging from disgust to surprise to contentment to something near...anger? The emotion seems to be unidentifiable to the tribe around her, although it causes Jackson to scoot away a little. Elaina and Irene trade a glance, looking confused. 'Is she good?' Irene asks, to which Elaina shrugs.

Elaina: I'm not exactly sure what's going on in her head right now, but the faces she's making are hilarious.

Overhearing this, Robyn scoots closer.

Robyn (Curious): What is she doing? Sis looks like...well, she's struggling.

The camera cuts once again to Gracie, who now looks like she is thinking of something, before her eyes widen and she eats faster, further perplexing those around her. A few shots of the different tribe members' confused stares are shown before the camera lands on Irene, who looks the most amused.

SazanIrene Eating the rice today was amazing not only because we finally had a source of food other than my beloved coconuts, but also because it was just so fun finally getting to cook rice now that we have fire. The mood had just improved so much from the day before because Phoenix got voted out. Leah had a little moment when starting the fire, I bonded with my children over how our parents hate us and how they wish we were never born, and we all got our entertainment from Gracie eating her rice. Maybe she's never had rice before? I dunno, (laughs) but she’s funny.

Goofy music plays as she speaks, and after her confessional is finished, the camera cuts to show a transitional shot of a dragonfly before we see Ian walking with Leah in the woods. Before we can hear what they are saying in their conversation, we hear Ian's confessional play.

SazanIan After Tribal Council I was really worried because it seemed like I had been left out of the loop for the vote until the very end. Leah helped ease my fears and explained what had happened, but dude, I still don't like the feeling of not knowing which way the vote is going to go until the very last second. I want to take control in this game, that's just the type of person and player I am. (Shrugs) Maybe that'll end up landing me in trouble, but bro, it's better than having no control at all. The more I spend time at camp the more I feel like everyone else is closer to each other than they are to me. I'm used to being at least relatively popular wherever I go (laughs) but in this tribe everything seems centered around other people, cough cough Robyn, so I want to make sure I have strong connections to keep me in the game.

Ian: So how are you feeling about your place in this tribe right now? Do you feel pretty well-connected?

Leah: Yeah, I feel pretty well-connected. I get along well with everyone left, and I like everyone still here.

Ian nods, absorbing this information before continuing.

Ian: I'm just a little paranoid about where I am in this tribe. I mean, everybody seems to be best friends with Robyn, who as you already know is the person I think is the biggest threat to my game. I mean, I'm sure he has control over who goes home next, and I'm sure he'll pick me.

Leah: Do you think he really has that much control, though?

Ian: Yes, I mean, everyone loves him. I still think that if we were to lose another challenge, he'd be the one who would have to go home for my game.

Leah (Honestly): I do understand that, but he's someone who I'm very close to and who I personally wouldn't want to betray, at least at this point in the game.

'I see,' Ian says, a frown taking hold of his face, which Leah notices.

Leah: What I'm trying to say is he doesn't have to be a big threat to your game if he's on our side. I mean, like you said about Phoenix, he's an easy number to pull in.

SazanLeah It makes absolutely zero sense for me to take out Robyn at this point of the game. Sure, he's close with everyone on the tribe, but he's also close with me. (Shakes head) I don't trust Ian or Jackson nearly as much as I trust him or most of the others. They're both aligned with me and they're both very strong physical players and providers for the tribe, but they're both alpha males who seem to get very jealous and very paranoid easily. At least Jackson's aiming for Ian, but Ian's going after Robyn, who is someone I clearly trust more than him. They both trust me, which makes them both really useful to me for now, but I'm keeping my eye on them, especially Ian.

As Leah mentions his name at the end of her confessional, the camera focuses on a paranoid Ian, who is still trying to keep the discussion going.

Ian: I do think he could be useful, yeah, but...I don't know, if Robyn's not going home next tribal, who would it be? Me, right?

Leah pauses, pursing her lips, before speaking.

Leah: Honestly, I think it'd be Gracie.

'What?' Ian asks incredulously as the camera shows a shot of the club promoter sitting at camp. 'You're saying Gracie would go home,' he says, looking shocked as the camera returns to him.

Ian: But she's close to Robyn! And he holds all the control in the game, and that means that he gets to choose who goes home. And he'd never choose her.

Leah (Slightly annoyed): Not everything is about Robyn, you know. Gracie may be well-connected with him, but that's about it. I mean, who besides him is she well connected with?

Pausing, then slowly,

Ian: Nobody, really.

Leah: She's a strong challenge competitor, yes, but our tribe has the both of us, Jackson, and Jake. Robyn's not that bad either, and I can tell from talking to Elaina that she'd be great at puzzles. Irene's not the strongest competitor but I think both of us can agree that we can trust her a lot more than we can trust Gracie.

Ian: So you're saying you want Gracie gone? But Robyn wouldn't vote for her, and if he doesn't, the others probably won't either, because he has all the power in the tribe!

Starting to get irritated, Leah has to suppress an eyeroll as she responds.

Leah: I'm not saying that she's necessarily who I want out, that's just who I predict people would go after. And once again, not everything is about Robyn. If you're that concerned, you don't have to tell him about the vote, honestly. That doesn't mean everyone else wouldn't vote for Gracie.

Ian (Starting to like the idea): And if we vote her out, that means less power and less connections for Robyn.

'Yep,' Leah says, not showing the irritation on her face as she continues speaking with him. 'It means that too.'

Ian: I know this is early, but I'm glad we have a plan for when we do go to Tribal Council ready. And it involves taking away some of Robyn's power.

'Mm-hm,' is the unenthusiastic response he gets, but seeming caught up in his own thoughts, he doesn't seem to notice. The camera shows her slightly annoyed expression before switching back to Ian.

SazanIan So now I have a plan set to weaken Robyn and take out Gracie, and I'm finally feeling like I can sit back for the next few days. Being out of the loop and out of control is a horrible feeling, so to finally have people I can trust and having a plan I can trust in is nice. I completely trust Leah, Jackson, and Jake because I know they'd never turn on me, and I do think Elaina and Irene are pretty trustworthy as well. Things are going great for my game now, and I have no reason to be paranoid. (Smiles confidently)

The screen shows Ian's confident expression one more time before switching to Leah's unenthusiastic, slightly irritated one, looking bothered by the bartender's obsession with taking Robyn out of the game. Pursing her lips, she shakes her head before the screen fades to black.

Day 5[]

Lumi Tribe[]

The scene fades back in to show the green Lumi tribe flag for a moment before cutting to the beach, where Rose, Kevin, and Teresa are currently chatting in the water. The camera then pans to where Brynn has arrived on the beach, spotting Rose and immediately rolling her eyes. She makes as much of a show as possible of lying down comfortably, then proceeding to lounge lazily as she sees the three of them glance her way. The camera pans back to the Rose, who rolls her eyes.

Rose: I swear, the bitch is just looking for trouble.

Kevin: Agreed, one hundred percent.

Teresa crosses her arms, not seeming to agree with this sentiment.

Teresa (Pointedly): I did tell you to ignore her on day one, didn't I?

'Yes, you did,' Rose agrees, looking confused as to where this is going.

Teresa: And you didn't, because you didn't think I was important enough to listen to, did you?

Rose, not seeming to know what to say this, simply stares at her for a moment before closing her mouth.

Teresa (Haughtily): That's what I thought.

Kevin and Rose share an uneasy glance before Kevin shrugs, putting a smile on his face. Rose doesn't seem eager to do the same, the camera focusing on her slightly irritated expression.

SazanRose It's no secret that I hate Brynn, I mean, who does like her? And I don't think anybody really likes Jerome or Linda either, but Teresa is really starting to piss me off lately. She just thinks that she's the queen bee and that everything is about her, it's seriously like she's an older version of Brynn. (Rolls eyes) Wouldn't have expected that from someone like her, I mean, initially I thought she'd be like a mother of the tribe, but I guess I was wrong. (Shrugs)

Rose: Well, anyway, I'm just going to try my best to ignore her right now, though being honest that's gonna be really difficult for me.

Teresa: So now you're going to ignore her, and not before when I told you to.

Rose nods. 'Yup,' she says, staring her right back in the eyes defiantly.

Teresa (Shadily): Okay then. Okay.

Kevin shifts around uncomfortably, not liking being caught in between the two tense, irritated women. Clearing his throat,

Kevin (Changing the topic): You know, life's a lot better now that we have fire, right?

Teresa (Unwilling to budge): Yeah, well, the fire's nice, but life would be a lot better if we get rid of the fakes hanging around the tribe.

She gives a pointed look to Rose, who rolls her eyes.

Rose: Listen lady, you need to calm your ass down for a sec. I don't know exactly who you think you are,

She says, flipping her hair,

Rose: But you really need to back up because I'm not fake and I don't play that type of game.

Kevin clears his throat again, still looking uncomfortable and now a bit irritated.

Kevin: Well--

Teresa (Interrupting him): I don't know who you think you are, speaking to me like that, when I haven't done anything wrong. I never said that you were a fake.

Rose (Dismissively): I can't deal with you.

Before Teresa can respond, Rose stands up and leaves, not looking back as she walks over to where Brynn is lounging, fuming.

Rose: And you need to stop trying to go around and start s***. I'm f***ing tired of you.

Confused, Brynn sits up, about to say something, then shrugs and sits down upon seeing that Rose is now storming off towards the center of camp. The camera pans back down to Teresa and Kevin, the latter looking very awkward while Teresa rolls her eyes.

Teresa: Immature, confrontational, fake. That's what she is.

SazanTeresa It's a shame that I'm on a tribe with such high levels of immaturity. (Sighs) Ugh, and of course, as the oldest member of our tribe I have a target on my back, but with people like this on our tribe, maybe there's hope. Rose is so problematic, I mean, she's such a troublemaker. She can't take any bit of conflict without making it into a dramatic, full-blown confrontation. Whatever, I don't have time for her antics. (Shrugs) I'm just saying that come Tribal, I'd like to see her go home, because at least with her gone Brynn will be slightly less annoying.

Kevin nods, not wanting to disagree with Teresa as they sit together in an uncomfortable silence. The camera focuses on Kevin as he awkwardly gets up and out of the water, telling Teresa that he is going to go calm her down. Teresa rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, telling him that he can do whatever he wants, but warns him not to associate himself with her. Kevin nods, a little put off by the threat, but goes off to find Rose.

The scene transitions to where Rose is at the water well, filling up her empty water bottle. 'Man, I need a drink right now,' she says, taking a breath to calm herself. The camera then pans to where Kevin is approaching from the distance, having followed her here. Upon seeing her at the water well, he smiles.

Kevin: There you are, Rose.

Rose gives him a rather unhappy smile, which is more like a tightening of the face muscles than an actual smile.

Kevin: Now, now. What type of smile is that? Give me a real smile.

Rose: I have literally no reason to smile right now.

Kevin shrugs. 'Fair enough,' he says.

Kevin: Well, earlier, Teresa got a little...

Rose: Petty? Shady? Annoying as hell?

Kevin: ...Upset, you could say.

Rose: So basically what I said.

Kevin: Yeah, but in nicer terms.

Rose laughs, which causes Kevin to smile.

Kevin: See, now you have something to smile about.

'I guess I do,' Rose says. The camera focuses on her now-happy expression as she takes a swig out of her newly refilled water bottle.

SazanRose The people on this tribe drive me to a point where I act out and I become a bitch, but honestly at this point I'm not sure I care, because they all deserve it. (Rolls eyes) I mean, Brynn and Teresa are both so annoying, and Jerome and Linda are always trying to tell me what to do all the damn time, so it's nice to talk to other people to calm my nerves down. I really like Kevin, he's really nice and he brightens up my day when I'm feeling a little upset, so even if I'm not really aligned with anyone, I do feel comfortable around him. I just hope that he thinks I'm worth keeping around.

Rose: I just hope that all these arguments I'm getting into don't put a target on my back. Do you think people are gunning for me?

Kevin (Choosing his words carefully): I'm not sure. Other people might consider it, but I don't think you should be worried. I mean, I know I don't want to vote you out, and Brynn is a lot more problematic than you in my opinion. And you're decent at challenges, I mean, Teresa is horrible, Brynn's also pretty horrible, and you're better than Meagan, so I don't think you're in big danger.

Relieved, Rose lets out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. 'Okay, good,' she says.

Rose: Thanks, I was just a little paranoid.

'No worries,' Kevin says, smiling.

Kevin: We should probably head back to camp though.

'Fine by me,' Rose replies, and the two of them begin to walk back, Kevin in front. Now that Rose can't see his face, the camera shows his slightly nervous expression before he changes it to an unreadable emotion.

SazanKevin Well, I don't really know about Rose. I mean, I do think she's a nice girl and she has a good heart, and she's pleasant to talk with. But the other older members of the tribe aren't the biggest fans of her, and I do see why. I mean, she's nowhere as bad as Brynn, but she is a little lazy and she can be a bit annoying sometimes. Mostly it's just the fact that she's overly confrontational at times, which isn't a good thing to have in an ally. Ugh, but I really do like her, so I'm trying to be a friend for her, but I also have to keep in mind that the rest of the tribe might not want to keep her, so I have to keep my distance just a little. It's hard for me to do that though.

The camera cuts back to Teresa, who is now sitting by the fireside with Meagan, talking with her...or rather, to her, as Meagan doesn't seem to care about a word she is saying. We get to listen to what she is saying as the camera moves nearer to them.

Teresa: These ladies are so immature! All they do is cause drama and gossip, gossip, gossip, and I'm sick of it.

'I'm very well aware,' Meagan says, annoyed, clearly having heard this statement from her multiple times before.

Teresa: Don't get me started on Rose.

Meagan (Uninterested): I'm not starting you on anything.

Teresa (Ignoring her): She is so immature, she thinks she's all that. All she does is complain and gossip, gossip, gossip. Gossip, gossip, gossip, I tell you. She's so fake, she completely ignores me and then tries to come back and act like we're friends. I would never do that to someone, yet Rose has already done that in the first couple of days!

Meagan (Still not interested): Wow.

Teresa: Yeah, she is so immature. So immature.

Meagan (Deciding to pretend to be interested): Sure sounds like a pain.

Teresa: Ugh, whatever, I don't even want to talk about her.

Meagan (Muttering): Why'd you bring the topic up then?

Not hearing her, Teresa continues to blabber on.

Teresa: When are you going to make more rice? I'm getting hungry.

The camera pans over to Joslyn, who is lying in the shelter, as she begins to speak.

Joslyn (Snarkily): She'll make it when you shut the hell up and let me sleep. Which probably means that she'll cook it tomorrow.

Teresa: Pardon me?

Biting her tongue, she pauses before answering.

Joslyn: I said, 'she'll make it when it's about noon. Which probably means that she'll cook it in an hour or two.'

'Oh,' Teresa says, smiling, as Meagan smirks, amused.

Teresa: Well, I'm hungry.

Meagan (To herself): I know, bitch, you've told me about ten times already.

'What?' Teresa asks, to which she responds, 'nothing!' As Teresa nods, standing up and leaving her alone, Meagan rolls her eyes, sitting back. She makes eye contact with Joslyn, who mouths, 'she's also on crack,' to which Meagan replies out loud, 'all of them bitches are!' Confused, Zachary gives them a puzzled look, which causes them to giggle, further confusing him.

SazanMeagan I think it's pretty safe to say that I was right about Teresa being annoying. She has officially joined the ranks of Captain Porter, Lieutenant Lapdog Linda, and Brynn the Bitch. I'm gonna name her Teresa the Terror. I almost feel bad putting Jerome and even Linda on the same level as Brynn and Teresa, since they have to deal with them even more than I have to...and I can tell it's taking a toll on them. (Cackles) Okay, I really did not think I was going to be the person to come out here and be a total bitch in her confessionals, but honestly at this point, I'm relishing the opportunity to release my anger and frustrations about my tribe. They're f***ing crazy, but hey, at least that means there's less of a target on my back, all works out for me!

Speaking to both Joslyn and Zachary, she announces:

Meagan: Teresa is now officially Teresa the Terror.

'Fine by me,' Zachary says, snorting, as Joslyn immediately rolls her eyes at the mention of Teresa's name.

Joslyn: Sorry, that was an automatic response to her name coming up.

Zachary: That's going to be a problem if we ever vote her off. (Imitating Jeff) First vote...Teresa. (Rolls eyes) Teresa. (Rolls eyes again) Teres--

Joslyn laughs, shushing him, before Brynn returns to camp, having gone on a trip to use the restroom. The laughter immediately dies as they all look at her as if to say, 'oh'.

Brynn (Grumpy): What are you even looking at?

'A spoiled bitch,' Joslyn whispers. 'Acne,' Meagan suggests, causing Zachary to snort in laughter. Unable to hear them,

Brynn: Excuse me? Are you going to answer me?

Seeing that not answering her annoys her, they simply turn the other direction and continue talking. Offended by this, she whines in a squeaky tone,

Brynn: Oh my God! Pay attention to me!

Meagan (To Zachary and Joslyn): Wow, she finally admitted she loves attention. Honestly, I don't mind people who love attention, as long as they admit to it and are within reason.

Joslyn: That bitch is definitely not within reason.

Brynn: Did you say something? (Attempting to be sassy) Oh right, I couldn't hear you because you weren't talking to me! Why don't you just talk to ME?!

Hearing her loud, obnoxious voice from a while away, we hear Rose yell from a distance:

Rose (Shouting): CAN YOU SHUT THE F*** UP?! YOU'RE SO F***ING LOUD!

An aerial view of the Lumi camp is shown before it zooms in on where Rose is, quite a long distance away, but still able to hear her.

Rose: God, I can hear this bitch from a damn mile away.

The camera cuts back to Brynn, who seems upset at this response, stomping her feet and plopping down in the shelter. We hear her confessional start to play in the background as she does so, crossing her arms and pouting.

SazanBrynn I'm like, so sick of being wrongly treated in this game. Everybody here is just so jealous of me and it's so f***ing obvious. They all need to just, like, give it a rest, I mean, I know I'm a star and all but if you really want me to follow you, you could totally just like, ask. Like, my 500 followers would probably immediately follow anyone that I followed. But they just have to keep on being jealous and go up against me because they, like, just want clout. It's so, like, stupid, they wish they could be me so bad. But whatever, I don't even have time for them. (Shrugs)

Linda enters camp, having heard the commotion with a stern look on her face. The camp goes silent as she comes in, scanning the area with apparent disgust.

Linda: And who gave you permission to lie around?

Zachary stands up, sarcastically muttering 'sorry ma'am,' before going to 'use the restroom'. Rolling her eyes, Linda goes to force Brynn out of the shelter. Brynn remains unmoving, rolling her eyes right back, which causes Linda to groan. 'So stubborn,' she mutters underneath her breath, before the screen fades to black.

Magji Tribe[]

The screen re-opens to show an aerial shot of the Magji tribe beach. A few figures can be seen in the water, and before we can identify who they are, the camera cuts to show the pink Magji tribe flag, confirming that we are indeed at the Magji tribe beach. The camera returns to the beach, this time showing close-ups of Robyn, Jackson, and Elaina, the three figures we saw earlier in the water.

Elaina: You know, I love cats too, but I really love dogs. Dogs are literally better than humans most of the time, and that's a fact. (Sighs) Jake is the cutest, most adorable thing in the world. I really miss him, you know.

Robyn (Confused): Uh...Elaina, I don't want to break your heart or anything, but...isn't he married?

Jackson (Laughing): Robbiecakes, I don't think that's what she's talking about. Robyn splashes him, not even looking at him. 'What did we say about that nickname?' he asks, ready to splash him again.

Jackson: That you love that name?

Robyn (Splashes him again): That I hate that name.

Watching this, Elaina laughs, before continuing.

Elaina: Robyn, Jake is the name of my dog.

Robyn: ...Oh. (Laughs) Okay, that makes a lot more sense.

Jackson: I tried to tell you, Robbieca--

Robyn (Splashing him): We're gonna have to kill that habit. (Turning back to Elaina) Anyway, that's a lot better of a name than the one I gave my dog.

Elaina: What did you name it?

Robyn: It's a little embarrassing, but I named my first dog...uh, well, I named it Dog.

Jackson: Bro, you named it Dog? As in...just...Dog? The species?

Robyn (Giggling): Shut up, I was like, seven when I got it.

Jackson: Aww, Robbiecakes, that's adorable.

Robyn (Blushing): Yeah, I know, I know. I still am pretty adorable.

Jackson (Cheeky): Who said that?

Gasping, Robyn splashes him, faking offense as Elaina laughs.

Robyn: Excuse you, Mr. Adorables, you're not all that more adorable than me. (Crosses arms) I personally think I'm pretty adorable.

Jackson (Raising an eyebrow): Mr. Adorables? That's the most cringe thing you've ever said.

Robyn (Sassily): Can't compete with you, you've said some pretty cringey s***.

Jackson splashes him, causing Elaina to join in. 'Hey!' he says, splashing them right back, bursting into a fit of giggles.

Robyn: You're not allowed to splash me!

Elaina: Who says? You splash us.

'Okay, but...' he pauses. Jackson high-fives Elaina.

Jackson: We got him there! You can't come back from that, Robbiecakes.

Robyn: Okay, well if you're going to keep on calling me that, I'm calling you Mr. Adorables from now on.

Before Jackson can respond, Robyn turns back to Elaina, continuing their dog conversation.

Robyn: Anyway, before someone interrupted my story, cough cough Mr. Adorables, Dog had babies because that's what dogs do. So I named one Dog 2.0, one Hot Dog, and the last one Doggy Style.

Elaina laughs, startled, while Jackson splashes him, turning red. Surprised by the sudden color change of his face, Robyn raises an eyebrow.

Robyn (Teasingly): Hey, what's your problem? You don't like the thought of me on all fours?

Jackson splashes him again, his face turning even more red. 'Bruh,' he says as Robyn resurfaces.

Robyn (Giggles): Sorry, looks like I've rendered you speechless. (Imitating him) You can't come back from that, Mr. Adorables.

Jackson (Shaking his head): It's not the same, it doesn't work that way.

Elaina: I'm the referee here, and I say it works perfectly fine that way.

'Ha,' Robyn says, sticking his tongue out at Jackson, who splashes him.

Robyn (Spitting out the water): Hey! That wasn't nice. (Groans) And you got my tongue all wet, ugh.

This does nothing to erase the red color of Jackson's face as he buries his face underwater. Elaina laughs upon seeing Jackson's embarrassed reaction, the camera staying on her before her confessional begins.

SazanElaina I find our tribe a lot more peaceful now that Phoenix is finally out of the picture. Obviously, I have connections with Irene and Robyn, but I think that outside of that I'm still playing a pretty good social game. I get along well with Jackson and Leah, as well as Ian and Jake too, and the only one I'm not connected with right now is Gracie. Honestly, if we were to go to tribal council I wouldn't want anyone gone, but if I had to choose it'd be Gracie simply because I don't think I can use her as a number and she doesn't serve any type of purpose in my plans. (Shrugs) I think it's most important for me to pick and choose people I can use in the future, because if I keep the right people close to me, I know I'll have an advantage.

Sitting relaxedly, Elaina sighs.

Elaina: I'm so glad Phoenix is gone though. Like, I didn't realize what a horrible effect he had on our tribe morale until we voted him out.

Robyn: Yeah, I feel kind of bad about being kind of mean to him at times. It made me feel like a horrible person, but he was really f***ing annoying.

Jackson chuckles, shaking his head.

Jackson: Well, don't worry, he was pretty mean to you behind your back and was definitely a horrible person, so you had the right to be mean to him. (Laughs)

Looking confused and a bit surprised, Robyn raises an eyebrow as Jackson realizes what he said, making a face as if to say 'oh s***'.

Robyn (Confused): What do you mean?

Jackson (Hurriedly): Nevermind, forget I said anything.

He and Elaina both observe his face, looking even more confused now, as Elaina shrugs. 'Whatever,' she says.

Elaina: He's in the past now.

Robyn nods, but it's clear by the expression on his face that he's concerned about whatever Phoenix could've said about him.

Robyn: Well, anyway. Jackson, I never got to ask, why was everybody whispering at Tribal? I thought everyone was voting for Phoenix.

Jackson opens his mouth, then lets it hang awkwardly while he thinks of how to answer. Elaina, not sure of whether to tell him or not, keeps quiet.

Jackson (Unable to keep it in): see, there was another plan going around.

Robyn (Looking hurt): That I wasn't a part of?

Eyes widening, Jackson tries to explain, impulsively starting to tell everything.

Jackson (Spilling): Wait, wait. Let me explain. I wanted Ian out, so I told people my plan, but it turned out Leah and Jake weren't on board when I thought they were. They wanted to stick with the plan to vote Phoenix, so we had to switch the plan at the last second.

Both Elaina and Robyn seem shocked at this news for different reasons, as both look at him incredulously.

Elaina: That's why we switched? You said everyone was on board!

Robyn (Still confused, hurt): Elaina, you were in on it too?

Elaina (Explaining): He said that he was going to tell you himself, but he never did, and at Tribal he told me that since we were switching back to the Phoenix plan, there was no reason to tell you the Ian plan. (Turning to Jackson) You didn't tell him and you didn't tell Leah and Jake?

Jackson: I told Leah beforehand and I thought she agreed, but she wasn't really on board.

Robyn: Wait, hold up, I'm still really confused. Explain to me why you even wanted Ian out. Elaina--

Elaina (Putting her hands in the air): I literally have no clue why he wanted Ian out. Irene and I just went along with the numbers because we thought Jackson had them.

Jackson (Guilty): Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I really thought we had the numbers.

Robyn (Frustrated): I don't give a s*** whether you had the numbers or who was on board and who wasn't, that's not important right now. Can you please just explain to me what happened?

Jackson takes a deep breath and pauses for a moment before saying, 'okay, okay.'

Jackson: Ian and I are both people who like control, we're alpha males. And he was trying to control the vote to go a different way that I didn't like, so I targeted him.

Elaina (Also getting frustrated): Can you just stop being vague? This all could've been resolved easily if you'd just explained this to us.

Jackson (Blurting it out): Okay, so Ian was trying to keep Phoenix around. He wanted to use him as a goat, and I targeted Ian because he was trying to make the vote go his way.

Robyn: Jackson, you're still being vague. Why did he want to keep Phoenix and who was he targeting?

Jackson: Well, as I said, Phoenix was a goat that he wanted to use since he had no connections.

Elaina: Okay, that part makes sense. Who was he targeting?

Jackson (Awkwardly): Uh...well...

Seeming to realize the predicament he landed himself in, he stutters a bit before Elaina begins guessing.

Elaina: Me? Irene? Gracie?

Jackson shakes his head and blurts,

Jackson: He wanted Robyn out.

A shocked silence.

Robyn (Bewildered): What? Why?

Jackson (Impulsively): He thought you were the biggest social threat around and he was paranoid that you'd, you know, take control of the whole tribe.

Elaina: So that's why Phoenix voted for Robyn. I would've thought he would vote Gracie, I mean, that's who he hated the most.

Jackson: Well...

He trails off, not wanting to reveal the things Phoenix had said about him, but his facial expression is enough to tell the others something's off.

Elaina (Exasperated): What? What now?

Jackson (Tentatively): Well...uh, Robyn, Phoenix said some...not nice, I mean, pretty horrible stuff about you. Like, downright nasty.

He chuckles awkwardly, not sure of what to do, which only serves to make Robyn even more confused. 'Why are you laughing about that?' he asks, looking hurt, which causes Jackson to shut his mouth immediately, gulping.

Jackson: Uh...well, yeah, it was some offensive stuff, so that's why Leah and Jake were so against voting Ian over him. Which ruined the whole plan, which was irritating because I told them that I had the numbers already. (Shrugs nonchalantly) So yeah, that s*** kinda sucked, man.

Once again unsure of what to do, he laughs, which seems to be one of the worst possible options as the camera turns to Robyn, who looks like he was just shot at.

Robyn (Looking like he might fall apart): So you're saying you were okay with voting for Ian over Phoenix? E-even though he said offensive things about me?

Jackson hesitates, saying 'well...' which is enough to make Robyn stand up, taking a deep breath. 'I'm gonna go speak to Leah,' he announces. Jackson stands up as well, wanting to explain further, but Robyn puts a hand on his shoulder, keeping his distance.

Robyn (Trying to keep himself together): I'm glad you told me, but I...I need some space.

Pausing, Jackson nods, looking sad as he watches Robyn walk away, unable to see each other's crestfallen expressions. The camera focuses on Robyn's as he seems to be struggling to hold back tears.

SazanRobyn I'm just so confused right now. Apparently I was left out of some other plan to vote out Ian, who wanted me out. And nobody told me anything about it, which obviously stings, but what hurts the most is the fact that even though Phoenix was saying nasty, offensive s*** about me, Jackson talked about it like it was nothing and seemed more irritated that this plan to vote Ian didn't work. (Takes a deep breath) I might be overreacting, but...Jackson's supposed to be one of my best friends out here. I really care about him and I thought he cared about me...(shakes head) I honestly don't know what to think.

We see Robyn sit down in the shelter, where Leah is sitting. She offers him a friendly smile, which fades as she sees his facial expression. 'What's wrong?' Leah asks, pulling him into a hug. Still struggling to keep his composure, he begins to explain everything that he heard from Jackson.

Robyn: ...I don't know, maybe I'm being immature, I mean, I only recently turned 18. I guess I'm not old enough to be here.

Leah: You're not being immature, Robyn. I was there with Ian and Jackson when Phoenix said those things, and it really hurt my heart to hear.

Robyn: Okay...but the way Jackson handled all this just doesn't sit right with me. From what he told me, he wanted Ian out because he wanted me out and didn't tell me anything about it. That I can understand, I mean, I would've loved for him to tell me but he didn't have to, and at least he was defending me. And then he had this whole plan to take him out and still didn't tell me, which is an issue as like, allies, but that's not what hurt me personally.

Leah (Listening): What hurt you personally then?

Robyn: Well, he said that Phoenix said "horrible and offensive things" about me, and then he just acted kind of nonchalant about it, like, he was more focused on explaining the vote against Ian. And the fact that he was really so focused on taking out Ian that he didn’t even seem to consider me.

Leah (Nodding): I felt that way too. He and Ian were really focused on the strategic game that I felt like they didn't seem to care as much as they should've about, you know, the remarks that Phoenix had made.

Robyn (Curious): What did Phoenix say about me, exactly? Was it really that horrible, or was it just like, "ew, Robyn’s annoying"?

'Are you sure you want to know?' Leah asks, to which Robyn nods.

Leah (Cautiously): Well, he said some homophobic and racist stuff.

'The usual,' Robyn says. 'Go on,'

Leah: Okay, well, number one, he used the F word.

Robyn (Confused): F***? I say that all the time.

Leah: No, the other one.

Robyn: ...Oh.

Leah (Hesitantly): He basically called you a woman because you're gay and also because you like pink. And then he said that it didn't make sense how you could be both Asian and Dominican, and that either way you weren't American, and that it'd be better to kick you out of the island and the country.

When she finishes, the expression on his face is unreadable.

Leah (Concerned): Are you alright, Robyn?

Robyn (Honestly): Yeah...I mean, I've heard it all before. It sucks, obviously, but it's not like I've never heard that. Nobody's ever been able to threaten me, though, because I've always stood my ground. I'm just surprised he even got on the show.

Leah: Me too. But seriously, how are you feeling?

Robyn: I'm not really hurt by what he said because I frankly don't give a s*** what he thinks. It angers me, yeah, but he's not gonna end up anywhere in life, and he was first boot, so I don't have to see him for the rest of the game and he has to live with the fact that he was voted out. So I don't really care about that. But...

'But?' Leah prompts.

Robyn: But I'm still hurt that Jackson didn't take that seriously. I mean, that's some pretty s***ty stuff to say about someone, and we're supposed to be besties. It just sounded like he cared only about his plan to vote out Ian. (Sighs) I guess he doesn't really care for me.

Leah: Well...I do think Jackson cares for you, I mean, anytime the two of you are together, you guys just light each other up.

Robyn can't help but smile upon hearing this. Seeing this, Leah returns the smile, before continuing.

Leah: I think he cares for you a lot more than you realize, you know that, right? I just don't think he really realized how hurtful things like that are. I mean, he's never had to deal with the stuff you've had to deal with. That doesn't give him an excuse, he really shouldn't have brushed it off and he should have been able to recognize that stuff like that isn't okay. But I really don't think he has any type of awareness when it comes to this stuff.

Robyn: Yeah, no kidding. Have you heard the guy talk? (Laughs, then pauses for a moment) Thanks, Leah. You really make everything better.

Leah (Giggling): Well, I don't know about that. But I'm always here for you, you know that, right? Even if we end up voting differently, you can always talk to me.

Grinning, Robyn nods. 'Yep,' he says, flashing him his usual bright smile, signifying that he is indeed happy again.

Robyn: Thanks for listening to me, Leah.

Leah (Smiling): No problem.

Robyn stands up, going back down to the beach to have a talk with Jackson, as Leah watches him with a proud smile.

SazanLeah Robyn is like a little brother to me. He's so pure and innocent but for someone who just turned 18, he has maturity that I wish I had at his age. (Laughs) I know I'm only three years older than him, but it really feels like a brother-sister relationship. I'm glad he came and talked to me about the whole issue with Phoenix, and I'm really proud of the way he's handling it, I mean, I know I wouldn't have went back to talk it out with Jackson if I was in that situation, but I think it really goes to show that he really cares about the relationships he makes in the game. This might be too early in the game to tell, but I think that even if we don't always vote together, we're going to be inseparable. (Smiles)

Following this scene, the camera follows Robyn as he walks towards Jackson, who is now alone in the water, staring off into the distance. Not noticing him nearby, Jackson sighs, looking upset.

SazanJackson (Frustrated with himself) I feel like a total f***ing idiot. I mean, I don't even know where to start. I guess I never realized how s***ty it was that I kind of pushed what Phoenix said to the side and went on with my plans for the game, I mean, I was so caught up in the game that I kind of shoved my friends' feelings to the side like a total ass****. Now Elaina's upset, especially after I told her what exactly Phoenix said, and I hurt Robyn...Bro, I feel horrible right now. (Buries head in hands)

Approaching him tentatively, Robyn sits next to him in the water, giving his shoulder a friendly nudge. Startled by this gesture, Jackson starts.

Jackson (Starting to get up): Sorry, I can leave if you want.

Robyn (Giggles): Why would I sit right next to you if I wanted you to leave?

Jackson: You sure?

Robyn: Yep. I'm sure.

Jackson (Uneasily): Alright.

He sits in uncomfortable silence, not daring to look at him.

Robyn: Jackson.

Jackson: Huh? Hmm? What? What's up?

Robyn: So, I talked to Leah earlier, and she told me everything that Phoenix said.

Jackson (Gulps): Mm-hm.

Robyn: I'm not upset at what he said, because I mean, that's stuff I have to hear all the time--

Jackson (Rushed): I'm sorry about that. I really shouldn't have been focused so much on getting Ian out.

Robyn: Jackson, calm down for a second. I'm not mad at you.

Jackson lets out a breath. 'You sure?'

Robyn (Smiling): I'm sure.

Jackson (Guiltily): Because you have every right to. I mean, I kind of pushed your feelings aside and that made me feel like a total f***ing ass****.

Robyn (Sighing): It hurt, yeah. I mean, I don't think you've ever been told to leave America and go back to Ireland simply because you're of Irish descent. And I don't think anyone's questioned your gender. So of course I was upset that you talked about it like it wasn't a big deal. Regardless of how horrible you thought that was or how bad you felt afterwards, the way you talked about it wasn't right.

Jackson nods, listening to everything he is saying with a guilty look.

Jackson (Curious): How exactly did I talk about it?

Robyn (Exasperated): You laughed about it, for God's sake. And you made it all about how it affected your plan to vote out Ian.

Jackson (Horrified): I did?

'Yep,' Robyn says, letting Jackson process it for a second.

Jackson: God, I'm so sorry. I say s*** without thinking and it's really f***ed up.

Robyn (Smiling, without hesitation): It's okay. I forgive you!

'Really?' Jackson asks, receiving a playful eyeroll in return.

Robyn (Sarcastic): No, I just said that for fun. Yes, I forgive you, get that through your skull.

He pulls Jackson into a hug, which he accepts, surprised. 'I feel horrible,' Jackson says.

Robyn: Don't. I just said I forgave you, didn't I? So stop blaming yourself. You didn't say that stuff about me, anyway. Just don't let anything like this happen again, alright?

'Alright,' Jackson says, looking relieved. 'I promise,' he says, putting a smile on Robyn's face as the two of them sit in the water together, once again comfortable in each others' presence.

SazanRobyn I really do love Jackson, I mean, he's like a straight boyfriend. (Laughs) He really does care for me as a person and that's something I really appreciate, even if sometimes it doesn't show. I think the biggest thing for him is he has a big, loud mouth and he says s*** he doesn't mean or in a way he doesn't mean it. I don't think I should have to deal with that and babysit him into being a good person (giggles) but he's my friend, so of course I will! As long as it doesn't happen again, we'll be good. (Smiles)

Tranquil music plays as the two of them watch the sunset together, the camera staying on them for a moment longer before the screen fades to black.

Day 6[]

Immunity Challenge[]

The screen re-opens to show an overhead shot of Sazan Island, zooming into the beach to show the obstacles and challenge setup for the tribes' second joint reward and immunity challenge of the season. The camera then cuts to where Jeff Probst, the host, is standing, ready to call in the two tribes.

Jeff: Come on in, guys!

The Lumi tribe enters first, with Linda leading the tribe while holding the green tribe flag. The camera then shows the Magji tribe as they enter, Jackson leading with their tribe flag as they chant 'Magji', the other tribe turning around to see who from the tribe is missing after their first Tribal Council.

Jeff: Lumi, get your first look at the new Magji tribe...Phoenix voted out at the first Tribal Council.

Having seen his not-so-stellar challenge performance and heard him speak before, none of the Lumi tribe member seem remotely surprised, before the camera cuts to show close-ups of Leah and Irene as they smile, all seeming happy to have gotten rid of the 33 year-old cashier.

Jeff: Are you guys ready to get to today's immunity challenge?

Castaways: Yes!

Jeff: Alright, first things first, Lumi, I need to take back immunity.

Kissing it goodbye for a bit longer than necessary and using a bit more tongue than what was necessary, Brynn tosses it to Jeff, who catches it and sets it on the table next to him. On the Magji tribe, Robyn whispers, 'gross, she put her whole tongue on that,' earning a giggle from Irene. The camera cuts to show the Lumi tribe, where Meagan asks Zachary, 'who let her have the immunity statue?' 'Like she was eating a damn bagel!' Robyn continues, the camera continuing to toggle between their disgusted reactions. 'She acted like it was Jerome,' Meagan snickers. Not noticing the whispers, Jeff continues,

Jeff: Once again, immunity is back up for grabs.

He goes on, explaining their second immunity challenge, Serpent Turf, which will work the same way that it did in Survivor: Game Changers, and reveals that they will be playing for reward as well. The camera shows shots of some of the Magji and Lumi tribe members, anticipating their reward, before Jeff reveals that their reward will be a choice between fishing gear or comfort items (pillows, blankets, a hammock), and that the reward they don't choose will be the reward for the next challenge. 'Fishing gear,' Jerome immediately whispers to his tribe, while the other tribe seems to dismiss that option. 'I hate fish more than rice, anyway,' Gracie whispers. The camera returns to Jeff, who warns that the losing tribe will go to Tribal council,

Jeff (Continuing): ...Where one of you will be the second person voted out of the game. I know it's worth playing for. Lumi, you have one extra member and will need to sit someone out.

The tribe briefly discusses who will sit out, before Teresa raises her hand, volunteering to sit out of the challenge.

Jeff: Alright, Teresa, take a spot on the sit-out bench. I'll give the rest of you a minute to strategize, and then we'll get started.

There is a timeskip, and the tribe members going to retrieve the snake are shown in position, ready to go.

Reward/Immunity Challenge: Serpent Turf
Tribe Snake Retrievers Ring Tossers Sit-Out
Lumi SazanBrynnSazanJeromeSazanLindaSazanRoseSazanZachary
Brynn, Jerome, Linda, Rose, Zachary
Joslyn, Kevin, Meagan
Magji SazanGracieSazanIanSazanJacksonSazanJakeSazanLeah
Gracie, Ian, Jackson, Jake, Leah
Elaina, Irene, Robyn
  • Both tribes get off to a fairly strong start, with Brynn slowing down the Lumi tribe a bit in the water, allowing Magji to get to their cage and try to scale it first.
  • The Magji tribe gets over quickly and they start trying to untie their snake. Brynn arrives, allowing them to climb over, but she has trouble climbing the cage, asking Jerome to help her up. He does so, causing her to blush. 'Focus on the damn task,' he yells.
  • Gracie struggles to untie her knot, calling for help, and the others untie it, allowing them to pick up the snake and try to get over the cage. Having chosen the five strongest members to do this task, they are able to do this in a timely manner, despite the snake being extremely heavy.
  • Having spotted the other tribe getting their snake up and out of the cage, the Lumi tribe rushes to pick up their snake and get it over. However, Brynn in particular is unable to handle the weight and simply gives up, which causes Linda to yell at her to climb out of the cage. Not wanting to, Brynn stays, and Rose yells expletives at her, trying to get her to do something.
  • While Brynn and Rose erupt into an explosive argument, the Magji tribe is working together harmoniously. They are able to easily balance on the balance beam, with Leah in particular being helpful on this segment of the challenge, giving them tips on how to balance. Within no time, they are across and back to shore.
  • Seeing this, Linda scolds Brynn and Rose, telling them both to shut up. Both unwilling to lose their argument, they continue, and the other three, fed up, get the snake over themselves, although this considerably tires them.
  • Magji starts to untie their snake and search for their numbered tiles, and they are able to do this quickly, working together as an efficient team.
  • Meanwhile, Brynn continues to slow down the tribe, falling off the beam twice before Rose starts another argument with her. Having enough of their antics, Linda decides that they can just touch the snake on the back while the other three carry it. This seems to work better, although Jerome, Zachary, and Linda become exhausted quickly and immediately drop it after they cross the beam, needing to rest.
  • Elaina takes the numbered tiles and solves the combination in a matter of seconds, further extending the lead.
  • None of the three Magji ring tossers having experience, they take turns throwing but all miss, allowing the Lumi tribe to finally get their snake to shore. Their ring tossers begin searching for their numbered tiles, taking a bit longer than the Magji tribe did.
  • Elaina finally scores their first one, and Robyn scores their second. To her own surprise, Irene lands the third one, starting a cycle in which Elaina manages to land her fourth.
  • Meagan goes to work on the number combination, and it takes her a while before she figures it out, allowing Robyn to score the fifth and Irene to once again surprise herself by landing a sixth. 'Whoa, we're in sync!' Irene observes brightly.
  • Joslyn and Kevin toss the rings for Lumi, with Joslyn landing the first three very quickly but beginning to miss the rest. Kevin then tosses, missing as well but managing to land a fourth as Elaina lands a seventh.
  • As Robyn prepares to throw, Kevin throws another, landing a fifth.
  • Robyn then throws, managing to land the tribe's eighth in a row and winning immunity for his tribe.


The Magji tribe immediately bursts into celebration, joy written on all eight of the castaways' faces as they do so. The camera shows close-ups of Robyn, Elaina, and Irene, all seeming very surprised to have even landed one ring. It then pans to show the disappointed Lumi tribe, all seeming dejected and angry at their loss. There is a timeskip and Jeff is shown facing the two tribes with the immunity statue.

Jeff: Magji, congratulations, come on over.

Irene happily retrieves the immunity statue from Jeff, then remembers to keep a safe distance away from where Brynn had put her tongue. 'Gross,' she says, wrinkling her nose, handing it to the others. 'What the f*** is that smell?' Jackson asks, bewildered, to which Gracie replies, confused, 'it smells like a damn fish.' This doesn't seem to deflate them as they triumphantly hold up their fish-smelling, Brynn tongue-touched immunity statue. The music pauses momentarily as Robyn can be heard saying, 'yeah, we're definitely washing this.'

Jeff: You have earned immunity, no Tribal Council for you tonight, and none of you are going home. You've earned a reward which will be waiting for you back at camp, now which one is it gonna be? Fishing gear or comfort items?

'Comfort items,' Jackson announces without hesitation, which causes Linda to smile.

Jeff: Alright, your comfort items will be waiting back at camp. Enjoy the night off.

Cheering 'Magji' once again on their way out, the pink tribe, satisfied with their win, grab their stuff and leave the challenge area in high spirits. The camera returns to Jeff and the disappointed green tribe.

Jeff: Lumi, although you had a rather dysfunctional snake retrieving team, your ring tossers almost made a comeback, but the other tribe was just too fast. Unfortunately, that means that you will be going to Tribal Council tonight, where one of you will be the first person voted out of Survivor: Sazan. You have the afternoon to figure out who that's gonna be. Grab your stuff, head back to camp. I'll see you tonight at Tribal.

We see Zachary give a solemn nod before Linda leads the losing tribe out, all nine of them seeming very upset by their loss. The screen shows close-ups of Jerome, Rose, Brynn, Joslyn, and finally Linda herself before the 49 year-old retail manager gives her confessional.

SazanLinda There's no doubt in my mind that either Brynn or Rose is going home tonight. Both are utterly useless everywhere, and while Brynn is probably the bigger nuisance, I have no use for a confrontational, rebellious girl like Rose. Brynn is irritating, yes, but apparently she can be used as a number. I, frankly, couldn't care less whether either of them could be a number, but I'll go with any plan that involves taking one of them out. (Crosses arms, scowling)


PRE-TRIBAL The scene fades in to show the green Lumi tribe flag. The nine tribe members can be seen passing by the flag and entering their campsite, all looking upset. None speaking a word, they gather in the middle of camp. Exhausted from carrying the snake, Zachary lies down in the shelter. Despite being tired as well, Jerome and Linda simply stare at different spots, looking almost bored. The silence is broken by Brynn:

Brynn (Stomping her foot): Ugh! This sucks.

Rose (Rolling her eyes): Yeah, we all know.

Brynn: Oh my God, will you just like, shut up? You know, you don't have to have a reaction like, literally everything I say.

'True,' Kevin says to Teresa as the argument continues, causing Joslyn to roll her eyes and leave, taking a walk on the beach.

Joslyn (Muttering): I'm done with this s***.

SazanJoslyn Although I'm glad to finally lose a tribe member, which by the way is not something I thought I'd ever say, the process before tribal is already painful. I mean, tensions are high, everyone's pissed and everyone's nervous, so of course people are going to argue. I don't have time for any of that, and at the end of the day, keeping Brynn will do absolutely nothing to help any of us, and especially not me, in this game. I hate the girl with a passion, she doesn't like me too much either, and we all know she's going to follow Jerome. And on top of that, she sucks at challenges. So when Rose finally shuts up and stops arguing with her, I'm going to talk with her.

The camera pans over to Rose, still arguing with Brynn.

Rose: You're the one who started this s*** in the first place. You made fun of me being a stripper.

'Also true,' Kevin muses, seeming more intrigued by this argument than annoyed.

Brynn: Okay, like, you know what? I don't even, like, have time for your energy. You're like, so annoying.

Brynn turns to Jerome, giving him the best smile that she can muster.

Brynn: Mr. Blue-Haired Babe, let's talk.

A look of dread comes across Jerome's face as he nods, groaning as he follows her into the forest. Watching this with a smirk, Meagan taps Zachary's shoulder and tells him to go with her to follow Joslyn. This leaves Linda, Rose, Teresa, and Kevin at camp, neither seeming to want to speak. Sitting down in the shelter, Teresa shrugs.

Teresa: I told you to ignore her, but of course you won't listen to me.

Rose (Sassily): Hey, Teresa? Do us all a favor and shut the f*** up.

Teresa (Clicking her tongue): My, my, the disrespect.

Standing up, Teresa tells Linda and Kevin that she would like to talk to them and shoos Rose away. Not budging, Rose simply crosses her arms, but shrugging, Teresa begins to talk anyway.

Teresa (Looking directly at her): Personally, I was fine with voting Brynn, but the way Rose is acting now makes me want to vote for her instead.

Rolling her eyes, Rose leaves without a word, going the same direction Joslyn did. Behind her, Teresa chuckles, shaking her head. Hearing this chuckle, Rose rolls her eyes but keeps going, the camera focusing on her increasingly irritated expression.

SazanRose I have to try my best to, you know, not be a bitch to everyone here, but when they're like that to me, I just can't help it. As much as I would love to get rid of Teresa or Linda or Jerome, Brynn is the top priority right now. The only sensible people in this tribe are Meagan, who I get along with okay, Kevin, who I get along with, and then Joslyn and Zachary. I don't know what they think of me but I really f***ing hope they hate Brynn as much as I do, because I want to promise to them that I'd be a reliable ally.

The scene now transitions to show Brynn and Jerome walking in the forest. Jerome watches her in silence, waiting for him to say something. Seeing him watching her, Brynn blushes and twirls her hair with her finger.

Brynn: You know, Mr. Porter...

Jerome raises an eyebrow. 'What?'

Brynn: You're like, kinda hot.

A silence as Jerome stares her down.

Jerome: Yes. My wife would know.

Brynn laughs, flipping her hair. 'You're so funny,' she says.

Jerome: Not joking.

Brynn (Looking confused): ...What?

Jerome: If you had actually gotten to know me before you threw yourself all over me, you'd know that I have a wife already.

Brynn (Laughing): Oh my God, Jerome, you're like, so funny. That's like, hilarious, babe. You're my boyfriend, remember?

Jerome shoots her a very, very confused look.

Jerome: What the hell? I do not remember that.

Brynn: Oh my God, Jerome, you're, like, such a jokester.

Jerome (Not caring): I don't joke, but alright. Who would you like to see go home tonight?

Brynn: Uh...duh. Rose.

Jerome: If we voted out Rose would you stick with me for the rest of the game?

Brynn: Yeah, obviously. Duh, babe. If you'd, like, finally kiss me.

Jerome once again pantomimes throwing up, and Brynn once again does not seem to understand what this gesture means.

Brynn: Oh my God, you're so hot when you do that.

Jerome (Lying): I can kiss you after we make the final three. (Pauses) And after I win the game.

Brynn squeals, 'oh my God, yes, that'd be so perfect!'

SazanBrynn Oh my God, life is like, amazing now. I have the best boyfriend ever, like, he's gonna get me through the game. It's gonna be totes easy and Rose is gonna be going home. I know I'm like, not supposed to get, like, cocky or whatever in this game, but when have I not gotten cocky from boys? Boys always give me their cockies. OMG, what does that even mean, don't get cocky, I mean, are they trying to make me stay a virgin? (Pauses awkwardly) Uh, I mean, become a virgin?

Following this conversation, a transitional shot of the ocean waves is shown for a few seconds before the camera cuts to show Joslyn, Meagan, and Zachary sitting together at a spot on the beach, in the middle of a conversation.

Meagan: Personally, I want Brynn gone first, I mean, she makes life Hell for everyone. And I feel like Rose would be a lot less, you know...

Joslyn (Bluntly): Annoying. Problematic. A lot more friendly and enjoyable to be around. We'd all probably be a little more friendly and enjoyable to be around if we got rid of Brynn.

Meagan: Yep. If we took Brynn out I think Rose could be a reliable ally, at least short-term. Whereas Brynn is going to do nothing but suck up to Jerome.

Zachary: The only problem that I can see with that is I'm pretty sure Jerome isn't a dumbass, annoying as he is, you gotta give the dude credit. He's smart enough to see that he can manipulate Brynn into doing whatever he wants, and of course Linda will agree with anything he says.

Meagan: So if they decide to vote Rose that means that's already three votes.

Zachary: We could just join them and not rock the boat, but that'd probably just leave us on the bottom afterwards.

'No s*** Sherlock,' Meagan says, causing Zachary to laugh.

Zachary: Hey, I never said that was the plan I wanted to go with.

SazanZachary Me, Joslyn, and Meagan are in a slightly awkward position right now. I mean, getting rid of Brynn is pretty much a must for our sanity, but strategically speaking that might be a bit of a dangerous move. It's safe to say Jerome and Linda aren't splitting, and if they have Brynn that makes three. I think Teresa would be an easy fourth for them just like Rose could be an easy fourth for us, so that means that if they voted Rose and we voted Brynn, the vote comes down to Kevin. I'm not sure if he'd be solid on voting with us, since he and Teresa are very close, but my idea is that if we convince Jerome that Brynn is more of a liability to his game than Rose would be, we wouldn't have to worry about rocking the boat and we'd get rid of Brynn. Might not work, but it's better than counting on a swing vote, and I do think Rose could potentially be a very useful ally.

As Zachary's confessional plays, he explains to Meagan and Joslyn his idea of convincing Jerome, and while they don't seem particularly enthusiastic about having to work with him, they don't seem against it either. 'Might as well give it a try,' Joslyn says, standing up just as Rose arrives.

Rose: Can I talk with you guys?

'Sure,' Meagan says, shrugging, as Joslyn sits back down. 'Take a seat.'

Rose (Taking a breath): Okay, so, I didn't know what you guys were thinking for Tribal tonight, but I just wanted to say that if you kept me around I'd be loyal to you guys through and through. I don't know what it'll take for you guys to keep me but I'm a loyal girl, and if you keep me I'll do whatever y'all want me to.

Joslyn: Yeah, and you'd be a lot more reliable than Brynn would ever be.

Rose (Laughing): Yeah, that's also true.

Meagan: We were actually just talking about a plan when you came here.

Looking intrigued, Rose says, 'I'm all ears,' prompting her to continue.

Meagan: Well, Brynn is clearly going to do whatever s*** she does and won't ever be useful to us, but she'll be useful to Jerome because she's a dumbass and doesn't realize he's manipulating her. Jerome pretty much has Linda down and probably has Kevin and Teresa, so that's already four plus Brynn, which makes five.

Rose: Then that means they have the majority.

Meagan: Yep, but if we get rid of one of their numbers that levels the playing field a bit so they're not mowing our asses.

Rose: So...does that mean we're not going for Brynn?

Meagan (Passionately): Oh hell yes we're going for Brynn if I have anything to say about it. And I have a lot to say about it.

Laughing, Rose sits back, relaxed.

Rose: Great. As long as she's going home, I'm fine with the plan. Just tell me what to do.

Zachary: Nothing, actually. Just sit back and don't cause any trouble at all, because we're gonna go and try and save your ass.

Rose shrugs, saying, 'cool' as nonchalantly as she can, but as the camera continues to linger on her we can see that she's a bit nervous about this plan.

SazanRose I'm not exactly sure what the other three are planning to do and I don't really know if I can trust them, but I know sure as hell I can trust them more than I can trust the others on the tribe. So I'm going to let the others do their job and just, y'know, work their magic, because I'm not tryna land my ass in any more trouble. If I were to go home before Brynn...(shakes head) that would be f***ing depressing, so I'ma do whatever the hell they want me to do.

As Rose mentions her name, the camera shows Brynn returning from her walk with Jerome and immediately plopping down in the shelter, visibly irritating Linda, who rolls her eyes and groans, 'I can't deal with this anymore.' Once the confessional is finished, the camera returns to Rose for a short moment before returning to the scene in the middle of camp, where Linda still looks frustrated. Standing up, she says,

Linda: Hate to bother you again after you just went on a walk, Jerome, but I need to speak with you, Teresa, and Kevin for a moment.

Without a word, she walks off into the forest, grumbling and prompting the names she called to follow her. Unsuspecting and not caring, Brynn simply continues lying in the shelter, playing with her hair, and it's obvious from her expression that she's still busy fangirling over her new "boyfriend". The camera then follows Linda and the others into the forest as she walks briskly, the others struggling to keep pace.

Kevin (Playfully): Linda, you chose the four oldest tribe members to go on a run. Bad idea.

Linda chuckles, the first the viewers have ever seen, before getting to the point.

Linda: Who are we sending home tonight? I would prefer if it were Brynn, but I'm open to hearing other ideas.

Jerome: Brynn's dead weight in challenges and she pisses me off to the point where I want to kill her.

Linda (Satisfied): So I assume Brynn is our target?

Jerome: That's what I'd prefer, but as we can all easily see, Brynn is delusional as f*** and thinks that we are now dating, so that means she'd be a useful number for us if we kept her.

Linda (Rolls eyes): Don't you have a wife, Jerome?

Jerome: Yes, and I let the bitchy princess know that, but she seems to think I'm joking no matter how hard I try to knock it into her idiot brain.

Linda (Crossing her arms): Well, if I have my way, which you know I usually do, Brynn will be the one sent packing tonight.

Kevin nods, eager to send Brynn home, while Teresa rolls her eyes.

Teresa (To Kevin): Of course you want to keep Rose.

Kevin (Confused): What?

Teresa: Honestly, I think you're too close to Rose. She's a fake, lying bitch who treats people like s***, then expects them to not fight back.

Kevin looks at her as if to say, 'the f***?' before speaking.

Kevin: Teresa...what in hell are you even talking about?

Teresa: Of course you're gonna choose her over me, I see how it is. Everyone's always like that with me.

Kevin (Annoyed): Regardless of how people always are like with you, we need to come up with a decision. Linda and I want Brynn out. Teresa, I assume you're gunning for Rose?

Teresa: Of course I am. She's unreliable, she's fake, and she causes drama around camp. I'll be glad to have her gone.

Linda: Brynn is the same, except ten times worse. I'd love to get rid of Rose, but Brynn should go first!

Teresa (Raising her voice): Well, I don't agree.

Linda opens her mouth, as if to object, when Jerome cuts in to the argument.

Jerome (Emotionless): Arguing about this is pointless and frankly idiotic. Brynn and Rose are carbon copies of each other, except Rose is slightly more tolerable and Brynn will always be a loyal number for us. Usually I'd say that playing emotionally is for braindead idiots, but when it comes to these bitchy princesses...I'm perfectly fine with playing emotionally, to be honest. We just have to weigh the pros and cons and send one of them home.

There's a short silence, before Teresa mutters,

Teresa: Well, I want Rose gone.

SazanTeresa I see no reason to keep Rose. I hate the girl, she's manipulative, fake, and catty. From the get-go she was looking for confrontation and completely ignored me like the absolute bitch she is when I told her not to engage with Brynn. Now look where she is, at the bottom, where everyone ends up after they betray me. (Sighs) And if we do take out Brynn, I'm confident the other four not in our older alliance will band together, and I don't think they'd flip on each other. Meanwhile, I'm sure Kevin would flip for his best friend Rose, and he'd leave me alone. (Shakes head bitterly) There are so many reasons why I want Rose gone, they can't all be named.

Teresa: I mean, since Kevin seems to want to talk to Rose so much, I'm just scared the other four will convince him to flip and the three of us would be on the bottom.

Jerking back, Kevin looks absolutely shocked at her accusation that he would flip on them.

Kevin: Teresa, you know I wouldn't. I thought you trusted me!

Teresa (Ignoring him): And if they were to choose out of us three, I know they'd choose me first, because I've been the only one to rightfully call out Rose for being a fake, manipulative liar. And I'm the oldest and the weakest in challenges.

Kevin (Bewildered): Teresa, what has gotten into you? You're being so paranoid!

Teresa (Offended): Don't call me paranoid, Kevin. You know it's true.

Kevin: Actually, I know that it's not true. What type of alliance is this, I mean, you can't even trust me when I haven't even done anything wrong?

Teresa simply shrugs, not wanting to answer, as Kevin stares at her with a blend of confusion and anger on his face.

SazanKevin Teresa has to be one of the most random, paranoid people to ever play Survivor, and it's day six! (Shakes head) I'd never betray her, and yet she's hurling all these accusations at me. We're supposed to be an alliance, but she's saying the most random s*** ever and it's really throwing me off. I'm a loyal person and I committed to this alliance first, I had no intentions to flip on them. (Sighs) I don't know why she thinks otherwise, but I'm going to prove her wrong and be the most loyal ally she's ever seen. (Crosses arms)

Kevin: Anyway, I don't think Rose is half as bad as any of you make her out to be. It's Brynn that's the real problem, I mean, she brings negative energy wherever she goes.

Teresa: So does Rose.

Jerome raises an eyebrow as Kevin heaves out a frustrated sigh, watching Teresa intently as she goes on.

Teresa: I'll go with whatever vote you guys decide on, of course. But I still stand by my point that she's untrustworthy. Not to mention she's loads smarter than Brynn.

Linda: I don't see why there's any debate about this. Rose may be smarter but anyone is smarter than Brynn, who does no work and doesn't even put effort into challenges.

Teresa: Jerome, I still think it only makes sense to keep Brynn as a number. Don't you?

The camera follows her gaze to where Jerome is standing silently, observing the argument with a thoughtful expression.

SazanJerome The more time I spend around the group of idiots that is my tribe, the more I realize each of their flaws. Bitchy princess one needs to work on...well, not being a dumbass, bitchy princess two needs to work on her anger, and now Teresa. She's an interesting lady, and that says something, given that I find everyone on this tribe the opposite of interesting. She has some kind of strong-ass vendetta against bitchy princess two and she's paranoid as hell about getting sent home that she threw her own ally under the bus. (Chuckles, shakes head) I know Brynn is an easy, manipulatable number, but I also know that with her comes a damn s***load of chaos that might get me booted, but with Teresa I think I can manipulate her into creating chaos that benefits me. (Laughs) At the same time, that potential chaos holds the same danger that Brynn does, except possibly worse because she's so damn paranoid. (Shrugs) I don't know about that lady, honestly. She could be a gift or Pandora's box.

As they continue debating, the camera pans to the right of their conversation, where Meagan is approaching with a (fake) smile on her face, Zachary following behind her.

Meagan: Hey, guys!

The conversation immediately goes silent as the four of them stare at the two of them. 'Stealthy,' Meagan mutters sarcastically, then clears her throat to cover it up as she continues.

Meagan: So what are we thinking for tonight's vote?

Before anyone else can respond, Kevin answers,

Kevin: We haven't decided yet, honestly. What are you guys thinking for tonight?

Teresa rolls her eyes, clearly taking this as a sign that he is ready to jump ship, and noticing this action, Kevin's smile tightens, but he says nothing.

Meagan: Well, we're thinking Brynn, I mean, the girl's clearly unstable. (Laughs, looks at Linda) And we all know she does no work around camp. Zilch, it pisses everyone here off.

Linda (Nodding): Absolutely nothing. That's what she does for us, absolutely nothing.

Meagan: And I mean, nobody can trust her. She's crazy, that's what she is, I mean, even if she were to be loyal to you, she'd cause more trouble for you than good. Not to mention you'd have to deal with her being a total bitch for even longer.

Now talking directly to Jerome,

Meagan (Sharply, not trying to hide her point): Personally, I think it'd be a catastrophic move to keep her and try to use her to your advantage when there are so many other options. Just think of all the things she would do or say that would f*** up your entire game, and if I were you, I certainly wouldn't want Brynn of all people to be the one to wreck my game.

The camera now focuses on Jerome, who seems surprised at her direct message and almost-threat. Behind Meagan, Zachary, who has been silent the entire conversation, has the same expression, not having expected her to be so blunt. Even Meagan herself seems a little surprised as the camera cuts to her.

SazanMeagan Usually I’m a shyer, nicer, friendlier, and a lot less bold of a person, (giggles) I mean, if you talked to me any day in real life I'd be like a whole different person than I am on this island, I'm usually like a mouse. But after having to deal with all this bulls*** I'm just so ready for Brynn to go home, I mean, I have no use for her strategically or actually any other way. At least the other absolute messes on this tribe provide something, whether it's to me or to the tribe as a whole. So for the sake of my game and in this case my sanity, I'll cut and threaten anyone if that's what I gotta do. (Pauses dramatically) Wow, that's so weird to say, I feel like a murderer or something. (Laughs)

After Meagan's confessional, the sun is shown starting to set as two groups are seen forming: Jerome, Linda, Teresa and Kevin in the woods, and Joslyn, Meagan, and Zachary at the beach, while Rose and Brynn sit around at camp, the tension between them obvious as they refuse to look at each other. The camera cuts to the group in the woods, where they are finalizing their vote.

Teresa: So are we voting Rose or not?

Jerome (Frustrated): For God's sake, Teresa, we just went over the plan.

Teresa: Okay, but I want to make sure.

Jerome rolls his eyes and answers, but his answer is muted as his confessional plays.

SazanJerome Tribal tonight is simple: send either Rose or Brynn home and see what the hell happens next. If I had a choice to just kick them both off the island, I'd gladly do so, but Brynn seems to be of more use to me. She'll do whatever the f*** I say, no question, while Rose has no reason to vote with me. At the same time though, Meagan proved a point earlier, she's just too g**damn crazy and she could potentially ruin my game in the future by attaching her pimply self to me. (Sighs) I really wish we could just get rid of both, but we had to come to a decision.

We see Jerome leave the group, approaching the group at the beach, who are in the middle of discussing their votes.

Zachary: I don't know, would it be better just not to rock the boat?

Joslyn: Are you f***ing crazy? Brynn has to go.

Zachary: That'll only work if Jerome and his group is voting with us.

At the mention of his name, Jerome jumps into the conversation, immediately telling them the plan without wasting time or words.

Jerome: Don't freak out like idiots, don't f*** anything up, and don't f***ing tell her, it should be a blindside. This is what you're gonna do tonight.

The three of them listen as he tells them what their decision was, and after he is finished, they go to pack their stuff, preparing to go to Tribal. Rose watches them anxiously as they do so, waiting a moment before approaching them, asking them what their decision was.

Zachary: Of course, we're voting for Brynn. You don't have to worry, we have everyone on board.

'Really?' Rose says, seeming unsure whether to be relieved or suspicious. She settles on relief, smiling and picking up her bags.

Rose: Well, if that's the case, let’s go to Tribal and get this s*** over with.

SazanRose Hopefully, if everyone's telling the truth, Brynn will finally be out of our lives and we won't have to be terrorized every second of the day. (Laughs nervously) I hope everyone's telling me the truth, because if I go home tonight over Brynn of all people, I'm gonna lose my s***. (Takes a deep breath) I'm so f***ing nervous, I really hope they're voting Brynn.

The relief on her face begins to fade as she looks around nervously again, before she takes a breath and joins the single-file line, all nine members now ready to go to Tribal. Linda leads with a stoic expression as always, holding the green Tribe flag as they begin their walk. The camera shows each of the members passing by one-by-one before it lands on a smiling Joslyn at the end of the line. The camera lingers on her for a while longer before the screen fades.

Tribal Council[]

As the screen fades back in, we see the Tribal Council area from a distance, before the camera cuts to the entrance, where the nine members of the Lumi tribe are now entering the area. Once all nine of them have arrived, Jeff begins to speak.

Jeff: Behind each of you is a torch, grab it, approach the flame, dip it in and get fire.

As the tribe does so, we get a close-up shot of Zachary as he smiles excitedly, ready to get to his first Tribal, while others, like Linda and Teresa, look less than enthused.

Jeff: This is part of the ritual of tribal council. In this game, fire represents your life, and once it's gone, so are you. This will be the case for one of you tonight.

Now having finished lighting their torches, the tribe is shown placing them in the slots behind them before they each take a seat, waiting for the host to begin.

Jeff: Lumi, welcome to Tribal Council. Let's start back at the beginning. Joslyn, beginning of the game, you guys get to camp and start your adventure together as a nine-member tribe. What's the dynamic like from the get-go?

Joslyn laughs awkwardly, not knowing how to answer without starting some arguments. After thinking for a bit, she shrugs it off, deciding to tell the truth.

Joslyn: Wrong first question, Jeff. (Laughs) From the get-go, our dynamic was absolute s***.

Jeff seems surprised by this statement, but the members of the Magji tribe all seem to be in agreement with her statement.

Joslyn: I mean, Brynn starts the game off by starting s*** with Rose, pushing her buttons until she snaps.

Brynn rolls her eyes, seeming offended by this.

Brynn: Um, ex-cuse me--

Joslyn (Stone cold): No. Zip it, bitch.

This catches the tribe off guard, not having expected her of all people to be so blunt about her dislike for Brynn, but Meagan and Rose both snicker, clearly enjoying Joslyn's lack of patience for her.

Joslyn (Passionately): Anyway, so she starts s*** with Rose, there's a whole bunch of chaos, we get started on the shelter. Brynn with her crackhead energy spends the night out in the woods, and then the next day she comes back and what do you know? There's more arguments. Every. Single. Damn. Day. And also what do you know, she lies in the shelter she had no hand in building all day long. I've been called lazy, which by the way is absolute bulls*** because I work my ass off just as much as Linda and Jerome do, yet she lies around all day doing nothing except for pissing people off and flirting with a married man who clearly has no interest in her.

By the end of this, Zachary and Kevin have both joined Meagan and Rose's snickering, none of them having expected her to be so brutally honest about their tribe. Linda and Jerome shake their heads after being called out by her, and Brynn flips her hair smugly as if to dismiss her words, although nobody is paying attention. Jeff sits there for a moment, both shocked and very, very entertained, before uttering,

Jeff: Wow. That was...a lot at once.

Joslyn (Giggling awkwardly): Yep. As I said, wrong first question.

Jeff opens his mouth to say more when Brynn raises her hand to speak, not waiting to be called on as she launches into her own tirade.

Brynn: Okay, Joslyn, you are like, so trying to ruin my image right now, and it's not working. I don't let the haters get to me, like, oh my God, I really have no time for it. You know? I'm just, like, too good for this tribe. (Whining, high-pitched) Everyone here acts like their s*** doesn’t stink, but like, it really f***ing does. They all gang up on me for, like, no reason, but that's just cause they're jealous haters and bullies.

Rose (Fed up, interrupting): Bitch, nobody is jealous of you. Get that inside your damn head.

Brynn: Don't even, like, interrupt me.

Rose: I'm not f***ing finished, bitch, you don't interrupt me.

Brynn: You totally interrupted me first.

Rose (Ignoring her): Don't say that we're acting like our s*** doesn't stink when you're the stinkiest thing out here.

Meagan can't help but cackle, before containing herself, not wanting to add herself into the drama, as Jeff watches on, amazed.

Rose: You can't talk about bullies or haters when you tried to be a total bitch to me simply because I'm a stripper, that's being a bully and a hater as far as I'm concerned. (Rolls eyes) And I don't know what the f*** you're talking about with your damn "image", you know damn well that's a lie because every image of you has probably gotten deleted. Face it, nobody wants to look at you, no matter how much you think so. You're self-absorbed, fake, and delusional.

Teresa rolls her eyes as soon as she utters the word "fake", cutting in to give her own input.

Teresa: You're one to talk about being fake, Rose!

Brynn: See? She knows what she's talking about!

Rose: No, she f***ing doesn't, because she's also delusional as hell. (Turning to face Teresa) Teresa, I don't even know why you don't like me but I don't really care because you're f***ing crazy, so be quiet.

Joslyn and Meagan both struggle to hold in their laughter as they listen, agreeing with everything that Rose is saying. Jeff tries to break apart the argument, saying, 'ladies, let's calm down and talk this out,' but Brynn talks right over him, her high-pitched voice drowning out everything else in the room.

Brynn: Rose, you're, like, such a fake. Teresa is so right. Like, seriously. Fake, fake, fake.

Rose: Brynn, you've been acting like you're some damn "celebrity" ever since you got on the damn island, get off your high horse and sit the f*** down on the ground.

Brynn (Indignantly): I am a celebrity!

Joslyn (Unable to contain herself): Honey, you have 500 followers. You ain't s***.

Rose laughs, as Brynn rolls her eyes and flips her hair once again, hitting a disgusted Jerome. 'Sorry, babe,' she says, her tone changing all of a sudden. Turning back to Rose and Joslyn,

Brynn: See? Joslyn, you're just jealous cause I have a boyfriend.

Joslyn: Oh, please. My niece has had more boyfriends than you! And she's in first grade!

Jerome laughs, leading Brynn to shoot him a betrayed look. 'Babe,' she whines, 'you're not supposed to laugh at that.'

Jerome (Insincerely): Sorry.

'Hey, let's stop,' Kevin says. Nobody hears him as more chaos ensues, Brynn, Teresa, and Rose jumping into another argument as the tribe watches on. He raises his voice,

Kevin: GUYS!

The tribe, as well as Jeff, all pause and stare at him.

Kevin: As entertaining as this is to watch, I'll admit...(chuckles) okay, this is really fun to watch. But seriously, we need to stop with the personal attacks on each other.

Rose (Sassily): Putting Brynn in the game was already a personal attack on me.

Kevin (Struggling to contain his laughter): Okay, but seriously. If we're going to work together as a tribe, we...(laughs) oh my God, I can't stop laughing. Anyway, we can't be divided like this.

Linda nods in agreement, although she herself was also shown enjoying the argument. 'Immature,' she says, wiping her smile off her face as she shakes her head at the others condescendingly. Joslyn rolls her eyes at this, clearly pissed off, but keeps quiet, knowing that she already had said enough. The camera now returns to Jeff, who watches this tribe awkwardly fall into silence with nothing but surprise on his face.

Jeff (At a loss for words): ...Wow.

As he regains his composure, there's an awkward, yet fiery tension between the nine members of the Magji tribe, disunity written everywhere.

Jeff: That was...explosive. Let's get back on track. Jerome, clearly there is lots of animosity and tension in this tribe. Is it easy for you to just go, "hey, this person is causing trouble, let's just vote them out"? Or does the vote come down to something more than that?

Jerome: Jeff, if I had a choice, I'd vote damn near everybody off the island this second just to get these people further away from me. But I'm also trying to win, and I have to think about who's gonna benefit my game and who I can use to get further. If that person annoys the s*** out of me, then hell, that's nothing new. (Shrugs)

The camera focuses on a variety of different faces as he says this, before landing on Meagan, who nods.

Jeff: Meagan, you nodded.

Meagan: Yeah, I think that strategy makes sense. If I can use you, I'll save you, if not, I'll vote you off. The problem is that some people just cause so much trouble that they're not even worth keeping around, you can't actually use them to your advantage. Sure, they may help you get further in the game, but in the end it's really likely they'll screw you over. I mean, a lot of people are going to annoy you and a lot of people are gonna cause trouble, but there are some...extreme cases.

Brynn rolls her eyes, knowing that she is referring to her, but for once in the game keeps quiet. Sensing the leftover tension, Kevin stands up impatiently.

Kevin: Alright, Jeff, I don't know if I'm allowed to do this, but is everyone ready to vote? Sitting here's gonna do nothing but make things worse for the tribe, let's just vote someone off already.

The tribe murmurs in agreement, all seeming completely ready to go and vote. Jeff watches with wide-eyes as everyone agrees that they are now ready to vote before nodding.

Jeff: Well, this has been an...unusual Tribal Council, but if everyone's ready to vote, then I guess we can. Zachary, you're up.

Suspenseful music plays as Zachary gets up from his seat and approaches the voting booth. 'That was crazy,' he whispers as he picks up the pen. His vote is not revealed. Joslyn votes next, taking a breath before beginning to write. Meagan is shown approaching the booth, her vote not revealed, and Rose, who arrives at the booth next, is shown voting for Brynn.

SazanRose Bye bitch. It's about damn time you leave. You've caused drama from day f***ing one and I guarantee no one on this tribe, no one on the other tribe, and nobody watching at home will miss you. I almost feel bad for saying all that to you because clearly you have a lot of that out at home, baby girl. Bye-bye.

The next to vote is Linda, whose vote is not revealed, and neither is Kevin’s or Teresa’s. Brynn votes next, and her vote for Rose is shown.

SazanBrynn Ugh, you're just, like, so jealous and it shows. Must suck to be an ugly loser who doesn't have a boyfriend or 500 followers. And actually, I have five hundred and six followers, you can't even ruin my reputation.

The final person to vote is Jerome, who starts to write the letter "P", either trying to write "B" for Brynn or "R" for Rose. Before we can see what exactly he is writing, the camera cuts to show a close-up of both the girls before Jerome is shown sitting down, having cast his vote already.

Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.

Jeff leaves the Lumi tribe to themselves, all nine of them sitting in a tense silence. Kevin is shown gulping nervously as he waits for Jeff to return. When he does, he says:

Jeff: If anybody has a Hidden Immunity Idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

A close-up of Rose is shown, followed by Brynn, Jerome, Zachary, and finally Meagan before Jeff continues.

Jeff: Alright. Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

Jeff opens the urn and pulls out the first vote.

First vote...


Brynn simply rolls her eyes, glaring at Rose, who rolls her eyes right back.

ROSE. That's one vote Rose, one vote Brynn.

There is no reaction at all from Rose, who simply stares forward at Jeff as he begins to pull out the next vote. Seeing this, Brynn pouts, wanting to rile her up, but eventually gives up as she sees Jeff reveal the vote. Right before the vote is revealed, the camera shows a shot of Joslyn's nervous face as she looks on.


Sneering, Brynn rolls her eyes, knowing the vote probably came from Joslyn. Rose lets out a breath, knowing that at least one person voted with her.

BRYNN. Three votes Brynn. Crossing her arms, Brynn dramatically rolls her eyes again. 'Is that the only thing she knows how to do?' Rose mutters to herself.

BRYNN. That's four votes Brynn, one vote Rose.

Rose lets out a breath of relief, knowing that Meagan, Joslyn, and Zachary probably voted with her. She glances over at Jerome, silently hoping that they also voted for Brynn. The camera shows close-up shots of Kevin, Teresa, Linda, and finally Jerome, none of them showing any emotion whatsoever as they stare at Jeff.

Second person voted out of Survivor: Sazan...

BRYNN. That's five, that's enough. You need to bring me your torch.

Rose instantly breathes out a sigh of relief, smiling as she watches Brynn realize that she has been voted out. It takes a few seconds to sink in before her face contorts with anger. Standing up, she stomps her foot suddenly, making Kevin jump in his seat.

Brynn (Throwing a temper tantrum): Oh my GOD! You guys all, like, suck!

Turning to Rose, she flips her off, getting the same reaction right back.

Brynn (Furious): I f***ing hate you!

She gets no reaction, which only fuels her anger more as she spins towards Jerome, opening her mouth to say something. Jerome puts his hand up, not wanting to hear it.

Jerome: Go away.

Brynn simply stares at him, mouth open, before shutting it and rolling her eyes. She flips her hair a little too violently, causing her dirt-filled strands of hair to land in her mouth. Spitting it out,

Brynn: We're breaking up!

Without another word, she spins on her heel, going to get her torch. Refusing to look at the tribe that just voted her out, she stomps over to Probst and shoves her torch in the slot in front of him.

Jeff: Brynn, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff snuffs Brynn's torch, signaling the end of her short-lived and chaotic time in the game.

Jeff: It's time for you to go.

Simply rolling her eyes, she leaves without saying anything, instead throwing up the middle finger again behind her. Rose simply laughs, 'bye', seeming more relieved at having her gone than angry at her rude exit, as do the other members of the tribe. The camera follows Brynn as she leaves, now complaining about the dirt in her hair.

Brynn: It's still EVERYWHERE!

Following this line from Brynn, the camera cuts back to the Lumi tribe, all looking a bit less tense after voting her out. Once she is gone, Jeff begins speaking.

Jeff: After a crazy and tense Tribal Council with emotions running high, you now get to go back to camp and work all of this tension out. (Chuckles) I wish you good luck with that. Grab your torches, head back to camp. Goodnight.

Linda stands up, grabbing her stuff and going to get her torch as the others follow her. Leading her tribe out, she lets out a sigh before beginning the walk back. The camera shows a close-up of Joslyn as she follows, the emotion on her face unreadable, before the camera zooms out and the screen fades to black.

Tribal Council 1:
Brynn (8 votes)
Jerome, Joslyn, Linda, Kevin, Meagan, Rose, Teresa, Zachary
Rose (1 vote)
Brynn Kristensen

Final Words[]

SazanBrynn I can't believe they voted off a celebrity! Like, oh my God, I really can't right now. I just can't. There's dirt everywhere in my hair and Rose is still in the game and...ugh! I'm so gonna gain followers after this, though, cause everyone's gonna know that I was robbed and obviously are gonna want me back on another season. @brynnthepartygirl is my Instagram, I'm aiming for 507 followers!

Still in the Running[]


Polls (During Episode)[]

Polls (After Episode)[]

Next Time on Survivor...[]

Teresa starts more drama...

Jerome: Teresa, calm the f*** down and don't be a damn idiot.

SazanTeresa Nobody tells me what to do and nobody gets to act fake to me.

While Ian's paranoia starts to rub off on the others on the Magji tribe...

Ian: He already has so many dangerous connections in this tribe.

SazanElaina Ian was really paranoid.
SazanLeah (Facepalms) He wasn't subtle whatsoever.

And some castaways start to have doubts about staying in the game...

???: I don't know, man, I don’t think this game is for me.

???: I feel so weak out here, can I just quit?

???: Why don't you just quit then? Nobody even wants you here, anyway.

Author's Notes[]

  • The title was said by Joslyn Davis, speaking about how she believes Linda is secretly a malfunctioning robot and not human.